Saturday, December 28, 2019
Identity Theft Who is at Fault, Consumers, or Credit Card...
Identity theft is the stealing and use of someone’s personal information and is one of the fastest growing crimes in the nation (Dole, 2005). According to Federal Trade Commission estimates, identity thieves victimize approximately 10 million Americans every year at a cost of an astonishing $50 billion (2005). Identity theft has been going on for years now and is easily done with the help of today’s technology. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there are six common ways that identity thieves get a hold of personal information. The varieties of methods that are used are dumpster diving, skimming, phishing, changing the victim’s address, stealing, and pretexting (Federal Trade Commission). Once someone’s identity is stolen,†¦show more content†¦Credit card companies are not aware and do not make credit cards that can detect skimming devices. While using the internet, becoming a victim of phishing is very common. Between January 2005 and January 2006, more than 190,000 different phishing scams were reported (Privacy Matters). Phishing works on consumers because of poor consumer education and awareness. According to a study done by Harvard University and UC Berkeley called â€Å"Why Phishing Works,†90% of subjects in the study were unable to pick out a highly effective phishing e-mail when simply judging whether it was genuine (Privacy Matters). Even though all of these things are somewhat out of the credit card companies control there still should be actions from the credit card companies to prevent the use of the information stolen from being used. Being a victim of identity theft myself, I know the struggles of dealing with this topic. The credit card companies are at fault because of their lack of security when it comes to credit card usage and existing information. Credit card fraud is the easiest to commit and the most common. The Bureau of Justice did a study in 2007 with 7.9 billion people surveyed on how many households with at least one member of the household has been a victim of identity theft. The statistics showed that existing credit card theft increased from 2005 to 2007 by 31% and with 6.6% of people, beingShow MoreRelatedProtecting Yourself from Identity Theft Essay1745 Words  | 7 Pagesdown. You pick up the mail and notice a letter from a credit card company you don’t have a contract with. Slowly, you open the envelope, not knowing what to expect. Suddenly, pure terror fills you as you stare at a bill for over five thousand dollars. You reassure yourself and say this obviously must be some mistak e. You never opened this credit card account, but yet it’s in your name and it is your address. You may not believe it, but your identity has been stolen and now someone is out there posingRead MoreIdentity Theft Essay1749 Words  | 7 Pagesdown. You pick up the mail and notice a letter from a credit card company you don’t have a contract with. Slowly, you open the envelope, not knowing what to expect. Suddenly, pure terror fills you as you stare at a bill for over five thousand dollars. You reassure yourself and say this obviously must be some mistake. You never opened this credit card account, but yet it’s in your name and it is your address. You may not believe it, but your identity has been stolen and now someone is out there posingRead MoreEssay about Identity Theft in America1215 Words  | 5 Pagesillustrates how in our world, a person’s identity can be easily changed. Many Americans are effected by this problem today. Citizens, criminals, and the government all play a role in this process. However, many disagree as to whether identity theft should be allowed in our country. Based on the history of identity theft and relationships between American citizens, the government, and this issue, identity theft should be abolished in America. The history of identity theft began around the 1950’s, priorRead MoreTarget Corporation and Hackers909 Words  | 4 PagesTarget Corporation acknowledged a breach in their systems just as the 2013 holiday season was in full swing. The hacker have taken the information of nearly 40 million credit and debit cards from shoppers who shopped in its stores over the initial three weeks of the holiday season. This is the second biggest penetration of its kind announced by a United States retailer, of which Target is the third largest retailer. Apparently, the hackers worked quite speedily with the operation lasting from theRead MoreTheories and Trends in Identity Theft2054 Words  | 8 PagesThis essay strives explains certain aspects of identity theft. The work has first defined identity theft as basically the act of impersonating people so as to gain access to their financial statements. On the other hand, some theories and concepts explain the origin of certain behaviours an d acts like identity theft. These theories include social systems theory and theft identity theory. There are trends in this type crime that are worth noting and UK is a good reference to this trend. The crimeRead MoreSecurity Breach Of Banking Industry And Retail Business1621 Words  | 7 Pagesbanking. These technologies allow us to access our accounts, transfer funds, pay for our purchases, and even apply for a loan without leaving a house or an office. In addition, most of us prefer to pay for our purchases with a quick swipe of a credit or a debit card. No doubt, it is more convenient than caring and counting cash every time we go to a store. But, unfortunately all these technologies come at a cost. 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As in the past, your information could be found on an old credit card statement inside your garbage can at the end of your driveway; just waiting to be plucked by the next crafty criminal who can get his hands on it. Now your sensitive personal information is inside not only in your garbage can but as a result of the lastRead MoreThe Internet Is A Huge Impact On Our Daily Lives1701 Words  | 7 Pagesinternet activities because according to them, it is beneficial for â€Å"anti-terrorism†purposes. Countless number of websites or corporations secretly store individual s personal information into their database and then sell that information to certain companies such as advertising agencies. Lastly, there are hackers and predators out there on the internet whose purpose is to get a hold of people’s persona l information for strictly malicious purposes. The one entity whom we rely on the most for protectionRead MoreThe Internet: How Private is Your Privacy?1146 Words  | 5 PagesThe Internet: How Private is Your Privacy? Would you go up to a random stranger and hand them all of your personal information: home address, social security number, credit card number, etc†¦? This is exactly what people do every single day when they are on the internet signing up for online banking, social networks, and even online shopping. According to Internet World Stats, approximately 239,893,600 people in the United States alone account as internet users by 2010 (United States). Consequently
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Physics Of The Everest Simulation - 2271 Words
Introduction: The Everest Simulation is a five-member activity in which a group is supposed to ascend Mount Everest in six days. Each member is given a different role and objective list, but everyone must work together to achieve each goal. This simulation is meant to generate discussion between team members and create strong analytical thinking. In the simulation, I was the environmental scientist, who had climbed Mount Everest prior but was aging so my abilities were meager. My objective was to clean the campsites throughout the climb. At the end of the simulation, each member was given a personal score as well as a total team score. These were based off of whether or not we achieved our individual goals, but also as team goals. My individual score was 57%, meaning I achieved four out of the seven objectives while the team score was just 54%. I thought that this simulation created good discussions and enabled our team to join together to make strategic and tough decisions. Corporate Culture: The problems that arose during the Everest Simulation relating to corporate culture stemmed from the clash of personal objectives and goals. While every team member was climbing Everest together, members had their own independent motives. For example, my goal to clean each camp did not include going to the summit of Everest, which was contradictory to the leaders goals. A belief that relates to corporate culture is that each member on our ascending group had a role, bothShow MoreRelatedThe Physics Of Mount Everest Simulation1729 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION Mount Everest Simulation; where we explore the leadership and the group dynamics in the context of climbing the Mount Everest. We have to decide what step is to be taken in each round of the Mount Everest Simulation, like how the supplies are going to be distributed amongst the team members, taking care of the health of everyone (if you’re a physician) information needed for the ascent and the proper way of implementing the decision as a leader. Read MoreAn Article On Earth Essay10094 Words  | 41 Pagesinitially expected to escape envelopment by the expanded Sun s sparse outer atmosphere, though most, if not all, remaining life would have been destroyed by the Sun s increased luminosity (peaking at about 5,000 times its present level).[78] A 2008 simulation indicates that Earth s orbit will decay due to tidal effects and drag, causing it to enter the red giant Sun s atmosphere and be vaporized.[82] Name and etymology The modern English word Earth developed from a wide variety of Middle English formsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesThe Advantages of Teams 494 An Example of an Effective Team 497 Team Development 498 The Forming Stage 498 The Norming Stage 499 The Storming Stage 501 The Performing Stage 503 Leading Teams 506 Developing Credibility 507 Establish SMART Goals and Everest Goals 509 International Caveats 511 Team Membership 512 Advantageous Roles 512 Providing Feedback 516 International Caveats 517 SKILL ANALYSIS 519 Cases Involving Building Effective Teams 519 The Tallahassee Democrat’s ELITE Team 519 The Cash RegisterRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagesand Samson, Technology Management, First Edition Hayen, SAP R/3 Enterprise Software: An Introduction, First Edition Hill, Manufacturing Strategy: Text Cases, Third Edition Hopp, Supply Chain Science, First Edition Hopp and Spearman, Factory Physics, Third Edition Jacobs, Berry, Whybark, and Vollmann Manufacturing Planning Control for Supply Chain Management, Sixth Edition Jacobs and Chase, Operations and Supply Management: The Core, Second Edition Jacobs and Chase Operations and Supply Management
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Taking It Easy in Newton free essay sample
Ive lived in Newton all my life. Three of my grandparents lived here, as did six of my great- grandparents. I fear I will be stuck in this place for the rest of my life, as if there is some force insisting I belong here. Here in Newton we dont call ourselves Townies, we call ourselves Newtonites. Newton is a city of eccentric people. There is a therapist on every corner, and for good reason. Newtonites keep the therapists very busy. The only criteria for being a Newtonite is one has to be a certifiable nutcase. Let me give you some examples of a typical day. You walk into Dunkin Donuts at 8 a.m. You are tired. Newtonites are just waking up, but the screaming and bickering has started. A woman is irate because her donut has not been evenly glazed. She is insisting on speaking to the manager. We will write a custom essay sample on Taking It Easy in Newton or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She demands a dozen free donuts to smooth things over. The clerks rush around madly trying to appease her before all hell breaks loose. A little unnerved, you go next door to pick up a shirt at the dry cleaners. A mans face is quickly changing colors with rage he goes from hot red to choking blue in a matter of seconds. Apparently, the dry cleaners left a speck of a spot on his Ralph Lauren sweater. I cant see it, the manager timidly says. Just take a look with this magnifying glass, the angry man insists. The manager apologizes profusely. He fires his staff and offers the enraged man a year of free dry cleaning for him, his family and all of his neighbors. Then you begin to walk to school. You are almost run off the sidewalk by the pushy mother of one of your classmates. She is excitedly screaming at you. Something must be incredibly important. She wants to know how your spelling test score compared to her daughters. You are in kindergarten. You misspelled fit, but her daughter misspelled ill and nut. She will never make it to the Ivys, the mother laments, dramatically throwing her hands in the air. Oh, this poor woman. Im sure no one elses life could compare to her misery. As you cross the street in the crosswalk, you are almost struck by a racing car. There is a No U-Turn sign. The driver makes a U-turn in front of the sign. The police look the other way. Rules are for 99 percent of the world not for those in Newton. You walk into school. One frantic group of mothers is in a heated argument with another intense group. What is this all about, you wonder. Then you overhear what is at the root of the trauma: The frantic group wants the bulletin boards to be pink, the intense group wants them to be purple. You are only six-years-old but, being a Newtonite, you get the picture. Life is not supposed to be fun. Life is to be taken seriously very seriously. Life is an emergency. When our out-of-town friends come over for dinner, the adults all laugh and make sure their children dont drink our water. Could it be that the stories of our neighbors have scared them? Are our neighbors affected by our environment, or do nuts just find each another? One of my neighbors, for example, is a true screwball. She hates people (especially children), cats, dogs and rabbits, but nothing compares to her hatred of squirrels. One spring was really creepy. It was raining dead squirrels for weeks. Id be riding my bike, minding my own business, when suddenly a squirrel would plummet from Crazy Ladys tree, narrowly missing my head but causing me to swerve. Id be raking my lawn, and dead squirrels would fall off the roof onto my rake. We finally had the police come and look at all the white powder she was sprinkling on the branches of her trees. They didnt want to get involved, but their presence did stop the War on Squirrels for awhile. In any event, squirrels dont dare live on our street; even dumb animals like that have learned their lesson. Im just thankful that shes too freaked out by us to come to our homes because God knows shed get the rest of us if she could. Well, you asked that this be fiction, not nonfiction. My fictitious twist to Taking It Easy in Newton is that a group of world-renowned psycho-pharmacologists took out a globe and questioned which community would have the most to gain and the least to lose by their biochemical experiment. Needless to say, they chose Newton. Their plan was to seep mood stabilizers throughout the community for a period of time, and study the changes. They flooded Newtons water supply with mood stabilizers and sat back to watch the results. Lo and behold, within a month, the tone of Newton had begun to change. Newtonites were smiling! Many looked less worried. Perfection was no longer the goal. People were courteous. People seemed at peace. Getting to work remained important, but running a child over in the process began to feel excessive. Gasp! Squirrels again frolicked in the trees. Cheers! People even began to notice the flowers growing in their own gardens, planted and cared for by a steady stream of paid gardeners. Hoorah! Even the homeless dared return to sleep on the park benches with no fear! Some might question whether Newton lost its colorful character during this experiment. To anyone sane, the answer would be a resounding No! What is so attractive about enraged, busy perfectionists? The goal for all of us should be a peaceful existence and living in harmony. We sometimes need to remind ourselves that we actually know people who didnt get into the Ivys, and not only are they happy but they even have jobs. Big wow. We need to remember that others are not looking at us through a magnifying glass, so we need to stop looking at ourselves through one. We need to remember that life is really nothing but a game, and if you burn yourself out, you lose. The winners are those who dont let all the stages and steps of the game we call life kill their spirit. We all get one shot at this game. We are the directors of our existence. Only we can live the life we have imagined for ourselves. So, stop and smell the roses and the clean air and the green grass. Enjoy the beautiful sights surrounding us, listen to the laughter and the stimulating conversation of others as well as the introspective voice from within and as you work on keeping yourself centered, feel the self-acceptance, the self-confidence and the peace that eventually will come to you on your journey of self-discovery because of, and not in spite of, being a member of a community such as Newton. A successful college essay! Ashleigh now attends Albertus Magnus College.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Alarm Would Wake My Weary Head At A Quarter Past Ten Oclock
The alarm would wake my weary head at a quarter past ten oclock in the morning allowing me just enough time to don a baseball cap and pull on a pair of dirty jeans and make my first class of the day. My exhaustion, originating from a late evening before and during which I drank several mixed drinks made with cheap liquor at a fraternity party and a couple of shots of tequila that I took with a friend, was nothing new. Oh, yeah. Did I fail to mention my drunken participation, much to the pleasure of my buddies, in the infamous keg stand, a lucrative act that guarantees a drunken state after the tap of the keg is placed in your mouth, fellow observers hold your legs above your head, and the seconds that pass are loudly counted aloud?! The result from the evening was exhaustion and failure to remain awake during lecture classes. In fact, alcohol-induced fatigue was a common occurrence for both fellow classmates and myself throughout semesters on end. Often times, I would fail to even at tend class after consuming a large quantity of alcohol because I fell asleep praying to the porcelain God that so many of us have come to realize is the one, single most hated symbol of being obliterated by alcohol. Fortunately for me, my grades and my liver, I experienced an epiphany the morning after one of the many fraternity partiesI realized that like other students, my grades were well in need of attention, my liver was well in need of rest, and I was ready for school to reach summer vacation. I was exhausted. I was worn-out. I was tired of partying. Whoahow many college students will you hear say that last sentence in your lifetime? The answer is probably not that many, and thats the problem with alcohol consumption of college campuses across the United States today. Binge drinking, or the consumption of more than five alcoholic drinks in one sitting, has become the way of life for many college students and members of the fraternity world. And unfortunately, there is a myriad of unwanted risks and consequences lurking behind every bottle of tequila, every joy ride while intoxicated, and every member of the opposite sex looking pretty good after a six-pack of beer. Statistics have demonstrated that drunken driving, unsafe sex and the spread of sexually-transmitted disease has continued to risein fact, the HIV virus and the terminally and fatal disease of AIDS has seen increasing numbers in people ages 19-24, making it the number two killer behind car accidents. Ding, ding, dingdoesnt that make an impact upon you?! Car accidents is the first killer of people ages 19-24hello, college students, could this be we ofte n drive home from fraternity parties intoxicated as there are no sober drivers to confiscate our keys? Furthermore, doesnt the thought of contracting the dreaded HIV virus and the terminally and fatal disease of AIDS because of your intoxicated sexual activity scare the crap out of you?! I once scoffed and said to myself, bahit will never happen to me or anyone I know. But it could, and it could happen to you or any other college student participating in the activity of binge drinking. In efforts to tame this wild activity among college students, the state legislature, along with college students, needs to recognize the increasing statistics of drunken driving and illegal drug usecome on, we all know that have either smoked a joint or been tempted to. Recognition is the first step in solving any problem and is often the first to be ignored. We also need to make stricter laws governing the illegal consumption of alcohol by minors and tougher consequences for those driving while intoxicated. Texas just passed a new law lowering the intoxication level for drivers, but all this does is deter people from drinking one more beer before they cruise the streets. The legislature needs to establish a tougher rigor for those caught driving while intoxicated; disallowing the redistribution of their drivers license for a longer period of time, or even mark their license upon return restricting the convicted to purchase alcoholic beverages. These steps would surely lower the incident of those
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