
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Psychology in Julius Caesar Essay -- Psychology Analysis

The Psychological Approach analyzes characters based on Freuds conception of the human psyche-- id, self, superego-- as tumesce as races and conflicts in spite of appearance the story. In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare develops Marc Antony and Brutus using these two methods Marc Antony convinces the town community to beat back by controlling his id and ego, while Brutus is developed as honorable through his relationship with Cassius, his reputation, his progression from being manipulated to standing up for himself, and the choices he influences in thorny positions, such as whether or not to kill CaesarAfter Marc Antonys speech, he convinces the town people to revolt against the conspirators by controlling ego and not letting his id overrun him. The id is the primitive urge to seek pastime without concern for boundaries (Losh). The conspirators killed Caesar, who Antony loved very much. It is possible that his id compelled him to want revenge on the conspirators. The ego, which d eals with the part of the mind interacting with the environment and people, would make Antony rationalize and realize that he couldnt kill the conspirators, but he could get other people to, like the mob. Knowing this, Antony could have intentionally convinced the mob to revolt against the conspirators, but he couldnt just come out and reveal them to. He had to make them want to kill the conspirators, and think that it was their idea by addressing their ids. If Antony got the mob on his side about Caesar, they would feel betrayed by the conspirators and their ids would make them want immediate revenge. By convincing the townspeople that Caesar was a great man and leader, and that he didnt deserve being killed for the reasons that the conspirators gave, Antony got the mob... ...very noble Roman bears of you (II, i, LINEE). It is possible that he wants to maintain this reputation so that he is well liked, and can have some control over the people. Works CitedHeller, Agnes. Julius Caesar. The beat Is Out of Joint Shakespeare as Philosopher of History. Lanham, Md. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002. 311-335. Rpt. in Shakespearean Criticism. Vol. 115. Detroit Gale, 2009. Literature resourcefulness Center. Web. 16 Dec. 2010.Losh, Elizabeth. Sigmund Freud. Twentieth-Century European Cultural Theorists Second Series. Ed. Paul Hansom. Detroit Gale, 2004. Dictionary of literary Biography Vol. 296. Literature pick Center. Web. 3 Jan. 2011.ODair, Sharon. Social aim and the making of identity in Julius Caesar. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 33.2 (1993) 289+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 7 Dec 2010.

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