Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Comparison & Contrast Essay Example for Free
Comparison Contrast Essay In society it seems that everywhere we look we are surrounded by advertisements whether it is television commercials, billboards or advertisements. Obviously, the main purpose of advertisements is to get the consumer to purchase the product. Print advertisements are an extremely effective way to reach a mass audience because the advertisements are in print, the use of color, text and photography are all key factors in luring the consumers in to buying their product. Advertisements cannot simply attempt to sell the product in question; they must make it appeal to the consumer. It is important that advertisements not only attempt to make the product they are trying to sell clear but also to actually make the advertisement mean something to us, the consumer. The two advertisements that I will be comparing and contrasting are two make-up ads. I picked these two ads because I feel they do a great deal of drawing their consumers in. Mascara is a must have in the make-up world. Most women wear mascara to make their eye â€Å"pop. †Consumers will automatically look at these two ads because of the brand names and how people classify make-up. By knowing that a lot of consumers look at these ads they have to make the ads interesting. Not only will I be comparing and contrasting these two ads but by doing that I will also be telling how they draw consumers in to looking and buying their product. The first ad for mascara came from the magazine Lucky. Lucky is mostly targeted towards young teens and women. This mascara in the advertisement is made by Rimmel London. The use of color is very helpful in this ad because it uses bright vibrant colors that catch your attention. The color of the mascara is black and electric green. Also, the color of the models eyes is very blue which accentuates the true color of the mascara. By making the models eyes such a pretty color it might make people think that if they use this certain mascara it might make their eyes â€Å"pop†like the models does. In the article all the words are written in white and all caps in the background. I think the reasoning behind writing all the words in white is because it is a neutral color and it also stands out. Although the colors really help, keywords also have a great toll in selling a product. By putting â€Å"REV UP THE VOLUME†in big letter it draws your attention. It draws people in that want more volume for their eyelashes. All caps draws your attention and makes you want to read every word on the ad. By putting that if you use the product you will have denser more numerous lashes in 30 days it make consumers want to buy this product and actually see if the product will work. Last but not least is the layout of this ad. Layout really helps make an advertisement. By making the model take up most of the page, your attention goes directly to her. Even without knowing what the ad is about; if you just look at her you can automatically tell it is a mascara ad by her eyelashes. By putting the words around the model you can read them and after every word you read about it helping your eye lashes you can’t help but look back at her eye lashes. The brush of the mascara is out of the bottle so the consumer can see what the brush looks like and how it will form their lashes. The second ad is also found in the Lucky magazine, which means it also mostly targets young teens and women. The mascara in this particular ad is made by Revlon which is a very popular brand of make-up. This company took a very smart approach by getting a celebrity model to endorse this product which is a very beneficial thing. The colors in this ad are more laid back compared to the Rimmel London ad. The use of all black and then making just around the eyes a little lighter automatically draws your attention not just to the model but to her eyes. The words are in white and a very pretty aqua color. These colors stand out very well on the black background. By closing the eyes I believe it shows how long the lashes look. The words are on the top and on the bottom of the page. In my opinion, the reasoning behind this is so that if you start at the top of the page you will read down to the bottom of the page. The mascara top is out of the bottle and shows quality of the brush and just how thick it is and by doing this, Revlon is trying to visually convince the consumer that with this thicker brush, the more luscious your eyelashes can become. After looking at all of the aspects of these two ads, they have a lot of similarities. The first main similarity is that they both came from the magazine Lucky. By putting these ads in the same magazine, these two mascara providers are competing with each other for the teenage and young woman market. On both of the ads the mascaras are in very pretty colors. Although the colors are different they both stand out and make the mascara unique. Keywords of these ads are very alike. All of the very important words are in all caps, big, white, and very noticeable. The layouts of these two ads are almost just alike. Both of the ads have the model in the very middle of the page which is where usually all the main focus of the reader goes. Both of the mascaras are on the bottom right corner of the page which goes well because after the reader has seen this beautiful woman and what this mascara has done for her, the reader looks to the bottom to see just exactly what the mascaras name and appearance is. Even with many similarities, there are still some differences between these two ads. The brands of the mascaras are different, one is Rimmel and the other is Revlon. The use of color is very different in these two ads; Rimmel London used black and electric green where Revlon used black and aqua. In the Rimmel ad the colors are very bright and vibrant colors, while the Revlon ad is very dark and dull. Although the keywords are alike they are very different too. In the Rimmel ad the words are in all caps, no matter how big they are they are still in caps. Some words in the Revlon ad are all caps but then the words that are small are in regular font. After comparing and contrasting these two very marketable mascaras, it is very difficult to pick which one is the clear cut winner. Many people have different styles, so maybe the black and electric green appeals to half of the readers where the black and aqua mascara appeals to the other half. Both of these companies did a very good job in putting their advertisement out there and making their product very attractive and marketable. These companies have been around a long time and know what they’re doing. If that means coming up with competitive ads week in and week out, they’re willing to do whatever it takes to be the top mascara provider in the world.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Marginalization of Women During the Cold War Essay -- gender roles, Co
At the height of the Cold War in 1959, Vice President Richard M. Nixon visited the Soviet Union to discuss political ideology with Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. In what was labeled the â€Å"kitchen debate,†Nixon presented Khrushchev with an American â€Å"model home†that highlighted the merits of capitalism to a global audience. But as the politicians entered the Americanized kitchen, Nixon took a step further. Instead of keeping the focus on economic systems, the Vice President turned the discourse to the two nations’ construction of gender roles. While looking at an American dishwasher, Nixon said, â€Å"This is our newest model†¦In America, we like to make life easier for women†¦ I think that this attitude towards women is universal. What we want to do, is make life more easy for our housewives†( While the accessibility of consumer products that reduced labor for homemakers was an achievement of American capitalism, Nixon’s comments promoted a new American vision of the family. The traditional family in Cold War culture, which featured men as breadwinners and women as homemakers, was now an important component of the American Dream. By referring to women as â€Å"housewives,†Nixon effectively reinforced the pervasive sentiment that women could not only be homemakers in a financially prosperous capitalist society, but that it was also expected of them. As these expectations became fully engrained into the mainstream, gender roles became increasingly rigid, which discouraged many women from considering professional careers, let alone pursue them. As the Cold War era prompted Americans to find refuge in the traditional family, women were expected to operate within the framework of the home and in resul... ...represented an escape from the uncertainty of the future. But with the rise of a new traditional family in America, complete with strict and separate gender roles, women were denied opportunities in the workplace and forced to embrace the task of homemaker. While Nixon argued in the â€Å"kitchen debate†that American strength rested on each member’s ability to rise and fall, the marginalization of woman in Cold War culture masterfully highlights the distance between political idealism and reality. Works Cited Books May, Elaine Tyler. Homeward Bound. Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. Movies The Home Economics Story. Online Resources â€Å"The Kitchen Debate.†Articles Stevenson, Adlai E. â€Å"A Purpose for Modern Woman.†Chambers, Whittaker. â€Å"Witness.â€
Monday, January 13, 2020
Enlish Methods Of Writing For Junior Cert Essay
Junior Cert English â€Å"Functional Writing†Introduction and Overview The Functional Writing section of Paper I asks the student, in as close as possible, to write in the style of somebody who either uses language for a living, or is conducting business or important matters through writing or speech. This part of Paper I strays away from fiction, but is not entirely devoid of opportunities to use language in a creative or dramatic fashion. In some cases the student may have to use their imagination to provide detail to make their work seem realistic and give it the authentic feel. The marks in Functional Writing are given for the knowledge of the style and tone required for the task, and for the understanding of the format required. Awareness of Audience and Task In all cases in this section, your choice of language, and your use of tone and register will be dictated to you by  · The intended recipient and/or audience.  · Your means of delivery. In short, you can either use a formal or informal style of address. You should take into account the age, status, and size of the audience you are dealing with. Your language should always be trying to create the appropriate impression of both who you are and what you’re trying to do. For example, you would use a formal style of address if you were writing a letter to your bank manager asking for a loan to start your own business. Your language would be confident, but not aggressive: informative, but not laboriously so: enthusiastic but not overzealous. The impression created on the bank manager is that you are reliable, competent and trustworthy, and your business will be a huge success. For your own entertainment you might want to write the worst possible letter of application for the same loan- you would be over-familiar, disrespectful, vague, repetitive, and riddled with inaccuracies about yourself and what you want to do. You can then guess what response this would get from the same bank manager going through their morning mail. This then is the key to Functional writing; awareness of the tone you are to take, and the choice of language to use to reinforce that tone. An example of a task that you would be asked to complete with an informal style is to imagine that you have been asked by a club that you are involved with to make a presentation to a class of twelve year old primary school children to encourage them to join. You would be presenting this verbally, so when you would prepare your material beforehand, you would stress key information on several occasions, to avoid having the same basic question repeated infinitely. As your audience would be unlikely to have firsthand experience of what you are taking about, you would use the simplest language possible, and use short, sequential, informative language. You would also use an informal tone, as you would want your audience to think your group would be welcoming and fun, not preoccupied with taking everything too seriously. Here is an example of a completely made-up extract from my very busy diary. Consider the language and tone I would use for each of the following tasks in just one day: 10:00 – Book holiday tickets over phone from travel agency. 11:00 – Complete and edit report for Boss on efficiency of new sys. 12:00 – Address fundraising lunch for Kidney Dialysis unit for Children’s Hospital. 2:00 – Write congratulations card for birth of secretary’s daughter’s first child. 3:00 – Deliver presentation to investors on Company performance. 4:00 – Talk to business journalist about new product range. 6:00 – Attend parent-teacher meeting at son’s new school. 8:00 – Coach under 12 team – introduce new training drills. 10:00 Convince very unsympathetic wife that I’ve had a long day. At both 12:00 and 3:00 I will be addressing a group of businesspeople. However, there are differences. People will not want to be overly serious at lunch, so I will be able to use a respectful but informal tone. I may even be able to use language that will influence my audience emotionally. However, at 3:00 I will have to be very formal and very structured in my use of language and terminology for the business meeting. Look at the way my 11:00 task is written. Will I get away with that use of shorthand and slang in the report itself? Of course not; what is acceptable as a note for your own use is not acceptable for a report for someone else’s reading. Will it be easier to present information to my 3:00 or 8:00 appointment? In the afternoon everybody will be fresh. Will they be as sharp in the evening? Should my card for my secretary’s daughter be written with the same tone and language as my report for my employer? All of these questions are central to the idea of functional writing. Make sure what you are doing is appropriate to your task and your audience. Reports. A report can be written for a newspaper, radio programme, or television broadcast. No matter whether it’s to be read or spoken, start with the most important details first. You should deal with the following sequence of facts; 1) what has happened; 2) how it happened; 3) why it happened. The first section, what, will also include where, who and when. A report doesn’t only have to include the facts, it can also include opinions, in the form of quotations from the relevant experts and authorities, and also some degree of speculation as to what will happen next, and what consequences there will be. Unlike a review, the writer is there to convey the truth and facts of the matter. They are to be unbiased, non-judgemental, and let the facts speak for themselves. A good reporter will trust their audience to make up its mind in the right way once it has all the facts. The Tabloid Unlike the Broadsheet, the Tabloid newspaper makes no bones about choosing sides in a story, and actively tries to persuade its readers to share its opinion. They very much like to take a light hearted approach to news material if at all possible, and frequently use puns in headlines. They also avoid putting in too many views or opinions on any given subject. They like first-hand accounts from people involved in making the news, and will avoid analysis, as they prefer to be very direct in their focus on the story. The tabloid journalist likes to gain an emotional response from their reader, and will not shy away from showing where their sympathies lie in any given story. They will sometimes choose to present deliberately one-sided reports on what may sometimes be very complicated issues. They like stories that involve celebrities or famous people, and avoid serious treatment of political or economic issues as much as possible. They thrive on scandal, and what they believe is the public’s insatiable appetite to see what goes on behind closed doors. Tabloids pride themselves on their extremely in-depth sports coverage. The average reading age (age at which a reader would be expected to understand all contents without difficulty) for a Tabloid newspaper is just nine years. Tabloids like simple and short sentences. They use puns and wordplay to highlight and make memorable the key thrust of their story. They avoid using complicated terminology, and long sentences. They also highlight key-points by having several sub-captions to stories, and by using several illustrations to put across the message visually as well. Tabloids have always been traditionally strong on visual information and colour pictures. In recent years tabloids have abandoned over-reliance on the â€Å"page-three girl†feature as they are trying to encourage more women readers. The Broadsheet A broadsheet newspaper is characterised, not only by its large size, but by the attitude it takes towards journalism, and the presentation of news stories. Primarily, a broadsheet will focus on political, economic and lifestyle features. It will present its main stories in a very in-depth and detailed format. They will take a very serious tone with the reader, and will avoid anything that might seem to be trivialising an issue, for example, a pun in a headline. They prefer a serious, sombre, and often complex approach to news-stories. Broadsheet newspapers examine not only what happened, but how it happened, why it happened, if it happens frequently, what can be done about it, and they will also mention when similar events occurred. They like to find many individuals related to the event, and experts to give quotations and opinions on what has happened. The broadsheet journalist likes to appear impartial and unbiased, and avoids any sense that their emotions might be affecting what they write in any way. They like to convey the impression that they give you the whole truth. Some broadsheet newspapers are physically huge. The average reading age (level of difficulty) for reading a broadsheet and understanding everything in it would be fourteen years, which means you would be able to follow everything. Broadsheets are only now beginning to embrace the possibilities for the use of colour in their papers. Traditionally they have been very black and white affairs, but are increasing the amount of photographs they publish. Reviews. The art of the reviewer is to give the reader just enough a suggestion of what it is you’re talking about, just enough to whet their appetite. If you check a Sunday newspaper, you can find reviews of motorcars, concerts, films, restaurants, even hotels! Nothing is too small, or too large to avoid being reviewed. You could be required to write a review of a favourite film of yours, or to write a blurb for the back of a novel. Unlike a report, which is essentially factual, a review gives you far more scope to let your opinions and feelings known. You can say what you liked or disliked about what you’re reviewing, and that is almost important as a factual description of what you’re reviewing. You can create either a very positive or negative impression on your reader by the tone and language you use. You should assume that your reader has a general interest in the area, but may not be familiar with exactly what you’re going to tell them about. It is easy to criticise something, and often after saying how bad something is, you will find yourself repeating your verdict without informing the reader of why, how or what was bad about it. If you are still looking to fill space, try constructive criticism. Any reviewer can pronounce whether something is good or bad; only the inspired reviewer can point out what was done well, and conversely, what opportunities were lost. For example, if you are reviewing the sitcom Friends, then you should fill in the background first for the reader. It is advisable to go into some detail about the characters, and then finally to attempt some analysis of why it is you like or dislike it. Interviews. Q: What’s the difference between an interview and writing dialogue? A: Interviews are essentially pieces of dialogue, but without the qualifying â€Å"he saids / she saids†at the end of each piece of speech. The different parts of the conversation can be put as question and answer exchanges (â€Å"Q:†and â€Å"A:†), or if it is a more informal interview which is very similar to a conversation, then you can call yourself â€Å"Interviewer†, but refer to your subject by their Surname. Keep your questions short, and let your interviewee expand on them. Q: What are the things I should try to do, and what are the most common problems? A: A bad question to ask is anything that would encourage your interviewee to give a monosyllabic answer, of the â€Å"yes/no†variety. A good question is one which gives the interviewee a chance to illustrate with examples from their life, work, or to ponder on events important to their work, lives, and past or future. A good interviewer gets to the point quickly, and their questions will never be longer than the answers they receive. I once interviewed Seamus Heaney while in college, and committed all of the above mistakes. The Sample Answer below I have had to invent to cover my embarrassment! As well as bearing in mind your interviewee, bear in mind the audience who will be reading this interview. You want something that is informative, but not technical, and which allows the person or subject to come across well to the reader. There was a fashion recently in newspapers for interviews in which you discovered more about the interviewer than the interviewee, but thankfully, this has now passed. Q: So, I basically just make the entire thing up then? But how do I structure it? A: If you are stuck as to where to start, pick an example of an interviewee who would be appropriate, and write out the list of questions you would like to ask them. Then all you need to do is invent their answers, going by what you know of them. If you’re still stuck, then ask what they’re doing now, what they were doing previously, and what they hope to be doing in six months time. You can also ask if they have achieved all they want to do, or if they think other people’s impressions of them are important. Bear in mind though that your questions will ultimately depend on who the intended audience for the interview is. If they are your age, then ask questions you think your friends would like to know the answers to. Within reason, of course. Speech Writing The skill of speech writing could be relevant to Personal Writing or Functional Writing. How to write, deliver and appreciate a good speech. The key to writing and delivering a good speech is to remember at all times that the speaker is dealing with an audience. The writer/speaker must also bear in mind at what occasion the speech is to be delivered. A speech to be given at an EGM of a company faced with bankruptcy will be drastically different in its structure, tone, and technique than a speech to be given by the same speaker at a wedding later that week! How to write a speech. (For this section, we will consider a speech as that which a speaker would be called upon to prepare for a debate, or public speaking competition.) First, read your motion carefully. In the Junior Certificate, you will be invited to speak either for or against the topic. In deciding whether to speak for or against the motion, don’t necessarily choose the side of the motion which you support; choose instead the side of the argument that will give you the most arguments to use in your speech. A good idea is to brainstorm all the possible arguments both for and against, and when you see which side gives you more avenues of thought to pursue, choose it. Second, having chosen your side of the debate, decide that the motion is a good or bad idea because† ¦This then will become the argument of your speech. The argument is the central theme which you will introduce, build upon and then summarise. Often it is best to have to have three reasons; Example For Capital Punishment is a good idea because† ¦ 1. It deters other criminals from committing serious crimes 2. It is cheap, efficient, and labour saving 3. It eliminates the possibility of repeat offences Against Capital Punishment is a bad idea because† ¦ 1. Miscarriages of justice cannot be rectified 2. It makes killing right for some yet wrong for others, thus introducing a double standard when there should be a simple statement that â€Å"murder is a crime†3. Prisons should be for rehabilitating offenders, not for revenge All of the above statements should then be supported by example, but remember, in a debate, your argument is more important than your examples. A good speaker is always restating their argument; a bad speaker is always lost in a fog of example. This is how your argument becomes informative and clear. Third, decide on the structure and tone you want to use in your speech. Some speakers may like to start their speech with a story, anecdote or quotation that will then illustrate their arguments to follow. This gives the speaker a chance to make the speech unique, and make it more relevant than a theoretical discussion of some issue that has never had, or will never have any affect on the speaker. What tone are you going to use? Avoid making sweeping statements, such as â€Å"we all know what this is going to lead to.†Instead, pitch such ideas to the audience in the form of rhetorical questions: â€Å"Do we want our society to be like this?†Avoid the use of too much jargon, and if you are forced to, make sure to define the term immediately after you first mention it, so the audience will be informed for when they will next hear the term. Do not believe that your audience are already experts on this issue – you may need to fill them in on the basics first. Do not do this in a patronising way, but instead say that you want to focus their attention on the key issues. In this way you will be more persuasive, and less arrogant. Too much arrogance and you will end up alienating your audience from your point of view. Opening comments. Depending on the occasion that the speech is to be delivered, start with the most important dignitaries present, and proceed through your list to the end, which is usually your fellow speakers. A standard opening for a school debate would be Chairperson, Principal, Honoured Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Students, Fellow Speakers, I have come before you today to speak on the motion that† ¦(insert motion here)† ¦ Continue to refer directly to the audience at intervals throughout your speech, and conclude with a summary of all your arguments, and by thanking the audience for their time and attention. Ladies and Gentlemen, having put forward the facts, I beg you to support/oppose this motion, that† ¦(insert motion here)† ¦ How do you know if you have written a good speech? Imagine you are listening to that speech from the audience. To a member of an audience, no matter where, a good speech will always have the following qualities. 1. It will be suited to the tone of the occasion, whether solemn, or celebratory. 2. It will be informative, but not so technical that it either confuses or loses you. 3. You will be clear at the end of the speech as to why the speaker feels in the way they do about the topic they have spoken on. 4. The speech will emphasise why the issue is important to everyday life, rather that some abstract worry that may never affect you. 5. You will have been given a definition of the issue, and more importantly, a series of suggestions or steps as to how this issue should be dealt with. 6. You will have developed a sympathy for both the speaker and the issue that they spoke upon.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Three Branches Of Government - 1266 Words
The Three Branches of Government The government of the United States of America is a federal constitutional republic. In layman s terms, this means that the country s national, central government and the smaller, unitary governments of the fifty states are co-equal in their power, and that the citizens of America have a say in public policies by electing representatives who voice their respective opinions. More importantly, both the central government and the state governments are subject to the supreme law of the Constitution. Under this document, the central government is set up into three branches (the legislative, executive, and judicial) that are meant to check each other and balance out power. Their cooperation insures that the national government s control is appropriate, and does not infringe upon the rights of the average American citizen. Article I of the Constitution lays out the basic format of the legislative branch. The document states that the power to create laws or change existing laws lies with Congress, a government body made out of two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state, regardless of size or population, has two senators who are elected directly by the public according to the 17th Amendment. The House of Representatives, on the other hand, is dependent on population, and a state s number of representatives is determined by the U.S. census every ten years. For example, Alabama s stateShow MoreRelatedThree Branches of Government1117 Words  | 5 PagesThree Branches of the Federal Government In May 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states, Rhode Island declined, met in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. The purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation, but what occurred was the writing of the U.S. Constitution. George Washington was unanimously elected as President of the Convention. After four months of deliberations Gouveneur Morris submitted the final draft and 39 of the 55 delegate present signed the ConstitutionRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Government725 Words  | 3 PagesBranches of Government The United States Government has three branches, legislative power, executive power, and judicial power. The founders of a division of power did not want all the power to be centralized in a monarch or anyone else, so they divided the legal authority into the three branches. Legislative power creates new laws, the constitution gives this power to congress, which is made up of the senate and the house of representatives. Executive power gives the authority to enforce laws,Read MoreThe Three Branches of Government1260 Words  | 6 PagesThe Three Branches of U.S. Government The leaders at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 desired an unbiased, fair government. They believed they could keep a strong yet non-oppressive government form by creating three divided branches. The branches are the legislative, judicial and executive branches. The legislative branch is led by Congress which is split up into the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch is fronted by the Supreme Court. The executive branch is headedRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Government1139 Words  | 5 Pages When the founders were creating the Constitution for the new nation they wanted to keep the freedoms of the United States but wanted to have a strong government. They thought the best way to get a strong government but to keep the people’s rights were to create the three branches of government. The three branches of government are Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch. Legislative makes laws, Executive enforces the laws, and the Judicial branch e xplains the laws. Know we will key on the LegislativeRead MoreThree branches of government1113 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ ABSTRACT The components of the constitution are the framework for our country, and all function to give our government structure. The judicial, legislative, and executive branches are all key components that make up our government, acting independently from the others, and allowing for checks and balances in order to prevent misuse of power. Federalism affects how our government is run, and especially the criminal justice system. Within our criminal justice system the main components are lawRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Government1248 Words  | 5 PagesThe Three Branches of Government In the beginning the United States was based upon the Articles of Confederation where the national government consisted of only one legislative body. Under the Articles of Confederation the national government had very limited powers and because of that problems began to emerge. States were now conducting their own foreign trade negotiations, printing their own money, and organizing their own armed forces violating the national law. Because of this a groupRead MoreThe Three Branches Of The Government1298 Words  | 6 PagesThe Three Branches of the Government The Government has three branches for law making. When a law is being created, it starts at the Legislative, and then gets passed to the Executive branch, then to the Judicial branch. Each branch has their own area of the law that they look at. In the end, it is decided if the law will be issued to the people. When the law is being created, it starts at the Legislative branch. In the branch, Congress is made up of two houses, the Senate and the House of RepresentativesRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Government Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pages The Three Branches of Government In 1787 the leaders of the united states gathered to write the constitution which they also divided into three branches to ensure a central government in which no group or individual gains too much control. The three branches consists on the following Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Legislative branch rejects or confirms presidential appointments, and also has the authority to declareRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Federal Government1290 Words  | 6 Pagesordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.†The Constitution is the framework of our government, containing seven articles. The first three describe the three branches of Federal government which are legislative, judicial, and executive. The second three outline the rights and responsibilities of state governments and in relation to the Federal government. Lastly, the seventh article establishes the procedure used by the thir teen states to ratify it. These powerful wordsRead MoreEssay on Three Branches of Government725 Words  | 3 Pages Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1 Branches of Government Create a flowchart of the three branches of government and associate two (2) Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) clauses for each branch of government. Designate the relationships among the governmental branches. In an accompanying document, exemplify the types of powers of each branch of government and include these items: * Taxing and spending powers * Limits on both federal
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