Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Fortino Tafoya Essays (991 words) - Learning, Education,
Fortino Tafoya CURR 119 Prof. Won-Jones 7/8/18 5 Ways to Use Music, Movement and Manipulatives In My High School ELA Class 1.) My favorite way to mix up the normal routine of direct instruction and avoid the long lecture is to use music in the classroom. Either as something to soothe students minds in the background while I talk or as a focal point of a lesson, music is a passion of mine that I hope to transfer over to my classroom. My first example of using music in my ELA class is to create a rhyming debate lesson plan where students are given a simple rap beat and a rhyme structure to create lines of verse that represent information about a topic that they have researched. This would allow grouping of students skill sets to finish the project with a rap battle taking place instead of a typical debate. Students will rhyme over music and present their sources for the information that built their opinions. 2.) In my experience, one of the most awkward challenges for many English teachers is finding ways to inject movement into their classroom. Simply having a moment to stand up and stretch is fine, but I want to incorporate movement into games that help students review material and get to know each other better. This is a two-birds-with-one-stone approach to using games and movement in your classroom. My first example is called "Name 6," where we pass an object around the room and a person in the center claps to stop the passing. The person holding the object is given the topic before the round starts and must name 6 (or 4 or 5) things or examples of that topic. That person passes the object again and has until the object is passed back to them to give the examples or answers. Afterwards they go in the middle for the next round/topic. I loved how this game uses teamwork, review, speaking, and kinetics to get students up and learning. 3.) As students grow older the use of manipulatives seems to greatly diminish, however, the effectiveness of them doesn't seem to lose its strength, even as a student grows into high school. Obviously, manipulatives can be too elementary for older students but if the teacher can be resourseful or creative they can create new ones that reflect the students learning interests, or be more real-world applicable. One example of a high school level manipulative is a game I recently found at a thrift store called Word Teasers.' This game comes in several skill levels and with different topics. The idea of the game is to start a discussion based around a language arts topic. The game I bought was "Funny Sayings" and it taught students about common idioms in English with a definition of the idiom as well as a suggestion or question to ask the rest of the group. I like this game because it is not just for review, it can actually introduce new concepts or make new connections of ideas for stude nts. The game also doesn't keep score or have a winner, it is simply about creating a discussion amongst students based on a topic. I would love to find the other versions of this game for more language arts topics. 4.) Another way that I plan to use music in my classrooms is to create songs that help students review complex concepts and vocabulary words. I would love to use my classroom as an outlet for my music, even if that means making ELA raps or songs. I really like the idea of Language Arts based raps because rap is a lyrical style of music and lends itself to lots of words and memorable phrases. I think this medium would be best to use music to get ideas to stick in student's heads. Rap is the most popular genre of music in America and I don't believe it would be hard to get students who are aspiring rappers to assist or contribute to the music as well. These songs will be available online for students to listen to at study time or for other teachers to use as a resource. Just don't ask me about my MC name quite yet,
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Professionalization of Journalism Essays
Professionalization of Journalism Essays Professionalization of Journalism Essay Professionalization of Journalism Essay John Merrill’s article entitled Professionalization of Journalism discussed the different aspects and issues of journalism as a profession. In the beginning of the text, Merill explained the true meaning and essence of Journalism as it shows the context of individual and public responsibility of Journalists towards its society. As he unravels the meaning of journalism, he also discussed and explained the meaning of professionalism. According to him along with his evidences from different studies on Journalism and Professionalism, professionalism is a sensitive issue at work. Once a person is known as a professional, he or she must obtain the quality of professionalism. In spite of the fact that the idea of professionalism is growing in American journalism, individual journalists do not really know what journalistic professionalism entails, what being a â€Å"professional†really means. (Merrill 40). Merrill showed through his evidences that journalists act as professionals even if they do not even know the true essence and quality of being a professional that made these individuals unreliable and irrational. Based on Merrill’s studies on Journalism as a profession, he perceived that Journalism is not a profession. â€Å"Obviously it is not, although it has some of a profession’s characteristics. There is no direct relationship between the journalist and hid client. There is, in journalism, no minimum entrance requirement; anybody can be a journalist who can get himself hired – experience or no experience, degree or no degree,†(40). Merrill illustrates the facts and arguments towards the issue of being a professional journalist. According to him, a person or an individual can be called professional, once he or she is a graduate in a certain course for his or her future career. In journalism, he perceived that many journalists have no degree because in reality, journalism has no restrictions. Everyone can be a journalist. To be able to solve the issues of â€Å"unprofessional in journalism,†Merrill described and discussed some of the aspects that a potential journalist needs to obtain. There are different academic institutions that give knowledge on journalism as a course. They teach students to become prepared in their tasks as journalists not as a personal responsibility but as a professional responsibility whom they need to meet certain standards and requirements. Although it is changing rather rapidly, training or education for journalism in the United States has been very much a piecemeal spotty, uneven and diversifies system (42). Because this society is a free country as it liberates its people, many of the journalists became unaware of the essence of being a journalist as it embodies professionalism. That is why many educational sectors pursue their agenda of educating the future journalists as well as journalists today to become competent individuals as they bring their thoughts, ideas, and data to people. At the end of the text, the author perceived new hope and light towards this issue. He justified that sooner or later, journalism will become a great profession that many of us will respect and authorize. However, students, educators, and today’s journalists need to join their path to a better idea and elevate their status into a sophisticated responsibility towards their society. They are committed ones; those who are certain that, with rational and skillful thought and action, they can succeed in institutionalized education and journalism without sacrificing themselves (44). Ruthlessness in Public Life Thomas Nagel’s article entitled Ruthlessness in Public Life defines and describes how public officials need to do their tasks and responsibilities towards their people. Most often than not, public officials always tend to incorporate personal agendas as they perform their duties. Because of this, personal aspects are first obtained rather than the needs of the public. Public figures are not supposed to use their power openly to enrich themselves and their families, or to obtain sexual favors (Nagel 77). The public official’s power should be done within the context of nation’s capability to uplift but it was not done in real world. Everybody knows that in reality, most public officials used their power as their way of proclaiming their personal interests rather than the people’s needs. The pleasure of power is not easily acknowledged, but it is one of the most primitive human feelings – probably one with infantile roots (77). Through this statement, Nagel illustrated the fact that power is a privilege that once used in certain aspects of humanity; it is unredeemable for it was acted upon certain limitations and restrictions. Because this issue lies on the aspect of human power while being a public official, there are some probable solution to the argument that we continue to discuss in different parts of the world. According to Nigel (79), every obligation or commitment reserves some portion of general pool of motivated action for a special purpose. It was shown that if these public officials will think of the reality as whole in terms of ways of living, the society and its justification, they would probably restrict themselves from acting for their own luxuries and agendas while there are in power. There must also be no favoritism and indulgence while they are in office to avoid indirect transactions from the public that cause anomalous business and communications. It is also important to consider the importance of morality and respect to higher authority or the law. As they were elected as public officials, they must do their responsibilities according to the law of the morality. Through this, overpowering will be lessened or soon will diminish within officials’ sense of leadership. Even if public morality is not derivable from private, however, it does not mean that they are independent to one another (78). It shows that though public morality is a private concept of sociological aspect, it should be considered in this issue because somehow, it is connected to power and authority. Aside from this, in whatever outcome that may happen is a certain procedure, there must be a willingness to respect and to listen to the result and verification as part of the law or authority and morality. At the end of the text, the author suggested that public life is an open book that people can see and hear. It is a commitment not only to the position but also to the nation. He stated in the last part of his article towards public officials that if one of them take on a public role, he accepts certain obligations, certain restrictions, and certain limitations on what he may do (83). Through this, public officials can work on their position with dignity and pride without any act of malicious thinking and dissemination whether private or public institutions that they hold while they are in office. References Merrill, J. (date). Professionalization of Journalism. p. 39-44 Nagel, T. (date). Ruthlessness in Public Life. p. 76-83
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Smoking is good for health persuasive speech Essay
Smoking is good for health persuasive speech - Essay Example Many have argued against smoking bringing forward its impacts and I believe many here are of the same feat; but few have focused on the benefits it has. After a careful assessment of viable sources, I have come to concur with experts that smoking is good for the health. i. Through smoking, an obese person can loose weight as many studies have shown that smokers are often slimmer. According to Recer (1998), nicotine is believed to be an appetite suppressant thus reducing food consumption of obese people which ultimately helps to lower their weight. ii. Experts have established that smoking can help to prevent the commencement of several dementias. Recer (1998) reveals that nicotine helps to stimulate chemical receptors in the human brain. The absence of these receptors causes dementia; hence their stimulation will stop the onset of dementia. iii. Experts argue that smoking can help to sharpen the memory and concentration; thus can be used as a remedy to help those suffering from Alzheimer live longer. It was suggested by the Victorian doctors that smoking be used as a concentration booster and for sharpening the brain. iv. Smoking reduces the risk of knee-replacement surgeries. Smokers usually go broke while trying to buy a packet of cigarettes but most have no idea that it saves a lot of money by avoiding knee-replacement operations. According to an Australian study, non-joggers primarily made of smokers reported no incidences needing such operations while the obese joggers were popular in surgical units for knee-replacement surgeries. v. The risk of Parkinson’s disease is reduced by smoking. A research by a group of Harvard researchers established that smoking is inversely related to Parkinson’s disease. It was found that the more the smoking the more the protection, and that this protective effect weakens when a smoker quits smoking. vi. Smoking enhances the functioning of the heart drug clopidogrel. This is a drug used to reduce
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 19
Finance - Essay Example The profit after corporate tax rate of 30% comes to $ 7245000. The Net Present Values of the project has been calculated by taking into account the initial investment and the cash flow streams at the end of every year and it comes to $ -28566432.13 (Kirkpatrick and Weiss, 1996, p. 15). This means that the company would not be able to break even at the end of 4 years and thus the new technology should be implemented for avoiding the expenditure burden for the company. In the scenario of adoption of the new technology, the company would be able to reduce the per unit production cost and as a result of which the profit for the company will increase at the same selling price of the product (Peterson and Fabozzi, 2004, p. 71). The company has to incur an initial investment of $55000000. The advantage for this project is that the company will get back a salvage value of the new machine at the end of four years and also some value from the resale of the old machine. The cash flows at the end of each year would also be more compared to the old machine. Thus after calculation of the NPV it is found that it is still negative but the figure is much better as compared to the old machine. The financing for the new Machine can be done by selling the old machine @ $ 1,20,00,000 and the remaining amount of $ 5,50,00,000 has to be taken as a loan from a bank with a rate of interest @ 9 % pa. Thus the interest has to be deducted from the Profit before calculating the NPV of the new project (Chapman and Ward, 2007, p. 47). Decision Tree Analysis: It is one of the commonly used techniques for evaluating the permeability of a project. In case of a decision tree, the projects various possible situations are calculated and their associated probabilities of occurrences are taken into consideration. Accordingly a diagram is plotted and that gives an idea of the situations that might happen due to the occurrence of a particular project and how much return it
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Metaphor of war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Metaphor of war - Essay Example In the wake of Sept. 11, football players promised to hold their tongues. This stuck around for about three days. Then they once again embarked upon the entire buzz once again about wars, trenches, bombs, warriors, field generals and so on. The vernacular of sport and war have cross-fertilized to the peak of looking ineluctably matted. There is much shared language between sport and politics, too - elections as horse races and Heisman drives - but comparisons drawn between sport and war seem much more out of place. On the same line, in his column published in New York Times, on May 13, 2001 Kristin Hohenadel discusses the increasing terminology of war in movies and then says that movies are like war, quoting Dustin Hoffman on the Oscar night ''It's like a war". Everything, such as conceptualizing, producing, directing a movie is like a war. As Spielberg once said, ''In war, as in movies, every decision is about saving the wrong decision from being made.'' In addition, these movies don't lessen the real war that is going on. It is an ongoing process and even a happy ending of a war movie does not imply it will be the same in real.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Significance Of Site Layout Planning Construction Essay
Significance Of Site Layout Planning Construction Essay Site layout planning can affect productivity and is crucial to project success. However, as construction is heterogeneous in the nature of its organizations, project designs, time constraints, environmental effects, etc., site layout planning for each project becomes unique. Affected by many uncertainties variables! And variations, site layout planning is a typical multi objective problem. Introduction Problem solving requires representing the problem in a language that problem solvers can understand. However, solutions of most construction problems rely on empirical Knowledge about the site layout that can be as a site space allocation for material storage, working areas, units of accommodation, plant positions, general circulation areas, and also access and egress for deliveries and emergency services. Furthermore, conflicting objectives and the uniqueness of construction projects like bad site layout make the problems difficult to conceptualize and define. In this report presenting, a routine task for many site staff in both precontract and postcontract stages of site layout planning of the typical multi criteria and multi objective construction problems. It is very much influenced by types of construction, density of development, and whether the site is bad or in a good layout. Significance of Site Layout Planning Site layout shows the relationship of the proposed site with its surroundings with respect to communication, approaches, and existing facilities. Good site layout planning assists in minimizing the traveling time and movement costs of plant, labor, and materials, activity interference during construction work, and site accidents, and ensures that work on buildings and other construction positions is not impeded by the thoughtless storage of materials on these locations. So site layout can thus either enhance or adversely affect construction productivity and progress. It is important to acquire the knowledge of the project site before setting out the site layout. The knowledge about the project site can be obtained from: Site Investigation Site investigation is a process of site exploration consisting of boring, sampling and testing so as to obtain geotechnical information for a safe, practical and economical geotechnical evaluation and design. Generally it is an exploration or discovery of the ground conditions especially on untouched site. In other words the main purpose of site investigation is to determine within practical limits, the depth, thickness, extent and compositions of each subsoil stratum, the depth and type of rock, the depth and composition of groundwater, the strength, compressibility and hydraulic characteristics of soil strata required by geotechnical engineers. Sometimes it is also known as geotechnical investigation. Wok Procedure for SI Steps of work involved in site investigation: 1.Desk study to collect all the relevant data and information, 2.Reconnaissance of site works, 3.Planning program after reviewing the above, 4.Ground or soil exploration includes boring, sampling and testing, 5.Laboratory testing (also field if necessary), 6.Preparation and documentation of SI report, 7.Engineering design stages, 8.Review during construction and monitoring. Steps of Soil Exploration Soil exploration consists of: Boring: Refers to drilling or advancing a hole in the ground. The test would include hand auger, motorized hand boring (wash boring), deep boring (rotary drilling), and/or trial pits. Sampling: Refers to removing soil from the hole. The samples can be classified as disturbed or undisturbed sampling. Disturbed samples are usually used for soil grain-size analysis, determination of liquid limit, specific gravity of soil as well as compaction test and California bearing ratio (CBR). The undisturbed samples are collected at least every 1.5 m and if changes occur within 1.5 m intervals, an additional sample should be taken. Testing: Refers to determining the properties from the soil. The test can be performing either at laboratory or at field. Laboratory testing would normally be moisture content, sieve analysis, liquid limit, compaction test, CBR and so forth. Field test would include Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and Vane test. Record of Soil Exploration It is important to keep complete and accurate records of all data collected. Boring, sampling and testing are often costly. A good map giving specific locations of all boring should be available. All boring should be identified and its location documented by measurement to permanent features. And all pertinent data should be recorded in the field on a boring log sheet. Soil data obtained from a series of test boring can best be presented by preparing a geologic profile: Arrangement of various layers of soil, Ground water table, Existing / proposed structures, Soil properties data (e.g., Standard Penetration Test values). The profile was prepared with data obtained from the boring, sampling and testing of each borehole from selected points. Summarizing Scope of site investigation works when planned by different engineers tend to be varied because there are an infinite number of conditions to be met and the process of planning also leaves many areas where individual judgment and experiences must be applied. It is also impossible to attempt to provide an exhaustive step by step guideline applicable to all possible cases. It should be realized that there is a possibility that any site investigation may leave some area unexplored or overlooked. The main risk in foundation design is the uncertainty involving in predicting soil conditions which may change with environment. The more site investigation the more it will reduce the margin of uncertainty but the time and cost requirement will be exorbitant. Therefore the extent and the cost of Site Investigation should be such that risk is at an established acceptable level to the designer and also comply to the accepted code of practice. Decision Criteria and Site Facilities Adopted in Site Layout Planning Although each site layout is unique, site layout planning can be resolved into a repetitive selection-evaluation process. Several analysis techniques can be used for the selection process for example, the dominant factor analysis and Parker s judgment technique, which can be used to screen out available decisions in choosing facilities, and identify key decision factors and locations for each particular facility. All space-planning problems consist of a set of activities to be located and a space in which to locate them. Site layout planning consists of identifying the facilities needed to support construction operations, determining their size and shape, and positioning them within the boundaries of the site. So, the most temporary facilities are classified into six important categories, which are tabulated in Table 1. Table1. General Classification of Temporary Facilities Temporary facilities Description Access road and exit Needs vary with the type of project and the stage of the job. It will normally be linked with the plan of construction and in some cases may actually control the progress of construction. Ideally, short direct routes and one-way traffic are encouraged. Location of plant and equipment Choice of the major items of the plant is of real consequence on most sites. Correctly chosen and well operated and maintained equipment enables a construction project to be completed efficiently and economically. Material storage and handling area Areas must be set aside for the storage and handling of material. The objective here is to minimize waste and losses arising from careless handling, bad storage, or theft, and to reduce costs by obviating double handling or unnecessary movement. Site accommodations and welfare facilities Consideration should always be given to the possibility of ensuring that the site accommodations are kept at a suitable distance from the construction work and are in such a position to enable the site staff to conduct their duties (welfare facilities also) Temporary services This includes water supply, electricity supply, gas, telephones, and drainage the requirements of which may vary between different projects. Workshop position Position should be indicated to enable the site supervisor to arrange for the erection of the following types of workshops: 1) fitter s shops and work area; 2) joinery shop and machinery area; 3) Reinforcement and bar bending areas; and 4) Concrete mixing. Bad site layout planning Bad site layout is usually a multi criteria problem involving in construction site without any or less temporary facilities regarding to the type of project. Fig1.Bad site layout Figure1 shows one of the bad site layouts occurs daily in construction site that the Decision makers made mistake. As you can see there are some missing temporary facilities like: 1. There is no enough access road to use. Only have two main entries that all type of vehicles can access. 2. No female toilet for any side of the site layout. 3. They don t provide any temporary office place 4. There is no storage for steel, timber and other facilities. 5. No temporary services including water supply pipes and waste storage like septic tank. According to all that things, we can say the site layout planning is bad layout. Cause for the lake of or missing of some important facilities that leads the hall project to be fulfilled. Conclusion Site investigation product plane such as space allocations and material transportations need a lot of experience and knowledge. The planning of a site layout in practice will depend upon a number of factors such as the time and money. The need for careful site layout and site organization planning becomes more relevant as the size and complexity of the construction operation increases, and especially where spare site space is very limited.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Importance of The Bill of Rights in Society Today Essay -- The Bill
When the Second Constitutional Convention wrote the Constitution in 1787, there was a controversy between the federalists and the anti-federalists surrounding whether or not to have a Bill of Rights. The anti-federalists claimed that a bill of rights was needed that listed the guaranteed rights that the government could never take away from a person i.e. â€Å"inalienable rights.†A Bill of Rights was eventually deemed necessary, and has worked for over 210 years. There are many reasons why the ten amendments are still valid to this day, and the best examples are the First Amendment, concerning the freedom of religion, the Fifth Amendment, and the Sixth Amendment. The Amendment I of the Bill of Rights is often called â€Å"the freedom of speech.†It provides a multitude of freedoms: of religion, of speech, of the press, to peacefully assemble, to petition the government. Religious freedom is vitally important to this day because it eliminates the problem of religious conflicts. Historically, many people died for their beliefs because their government only allowed and permitted one religion. T...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Art and Function in a T-Shirt Essay
Defining and evaluating artistic and aesthetic value has often been a problematic task. This is because aesthetic judgements are subjective and are influenced by prevailing cultural, economic, political, and social norms. Hence, the definition of art remains a contested domain between those who believe in â€Å"high art†and the advocates of artistic and cultural relativism. (Danto 35) The difficulty in ascribing aesthetic value to objects is evident in the fact that relativism, with its focus on the individual subjective experience, would render anything and everything as artforms since humans ultimately attach meanings to objects they possess. Changes in culture and socio-economic conditions also alter and influence the very standards by which the aesthetic value of art forms and other objects are judged. For instance, in judging a t-shirt with Bob Marley’s face printed on it on the front through the use of the silkscreen method, one easily dismisses it as a non-art when judged according to the traditional notions of fine art. This is because the t-shirt and the print on it do not express artistic creativity, which is a prerequisite for objects to be considered art forms. The t-shirt and the print, which can be replicated many times over by any one with knowledge on silk screen printing, do not possess relevant canonic properties of art such as unity, complexity, and intensity which could evoke intense human experiences and therefore, aesthetic appreciation (Goldman 185). The sight of the t-shirt does not stir up feelings of beauty nor does its fabric hold anything extraordinary for the senses. The print on the t-shirt does not convey a particular style to capture attention or cause pain or pleasure, at least not in the way that beholding Picasso’s paintings evoke wonder, mystery, and other psychological sentiments arising purely from the painter’s use of style, colors, and the imagination. Likewise, the t-shirt with the print on it was created not for the purpose of being admired as an art. As such, the t-shirt is not valuable in itself but gains value for its function to humans, contrary to traditional visual and other forms of art. Art forms are valued for their artistic worth or for their ability to command a definite blending of particular perceptual and sensory elements from the audience (Goldman 188). On the other hand, subjecting the t-shirt to evaluation based on the principles of aesthetic value leads to interesting results. The t-shirt with Bob Marley’s face printed on it clearly fulfills two aesthetic principles. First, the t-shirt becomes a medium for the image of Bob Marley, a cultural icon in reggae music and in the historical struggle of Jamaicans. In this case, the t-shirt with Bob Marley’s image transcends its status as an object worn by humans to cover themselves and becomes an expression of the values of reggae and Jamaican culture in a manner similar to cultural artifacts. Second, the t-shirt itself may be valued by an individual for the sentiments attached to the shirt. It could have been given as a gift for an occasion or has been worn to events associated with feelings of happiness which make the t-shirt valuable to the individual because of the memories of joyous times spent while wearing it. Thus, other people might consider the same t-shirt aesthetically valuable. Fenner observes that objects do not have intrinsic aesthetic value; rather it is the subjective experience of humans that create aesthetic value for objects, particularly the expectation of pleasure from an object (122). Those who appreciate and know Bob Marley may value his image on the t-shirt and subsequently feel pleasure or the elevation of other feelings associated with Bob Marley’s musical contribution and historical roots. As such, the t-shirt may be appreciated by people who share a cultural affinity with Jamaica or of the counterculture that Bob Marley represents. The value of Bob Marley’s silkscreened image extends to the t-shirt which carries it and reinforces the value of the shirt for its owner. The t-shirt, donned by the owner, can therefore be considered the medium for the expression of individuality and creativity of the wearer. Wearing Bob Marley may be a political or cultural statement for a particular culture, particularly as a representation of the struggle against apartheid or against conventional popular music and the culture it represents. Hence, the appreciation of Jamaican culture or reggae music becomes another definitive aspect of the aesthetic experience that may be separate from the experiences attached to the t-shirt as an object. Likewise, neither the fact that the t-shirt was not created for the sake of art nor its low economic worth prevents it from being categorized as an art form. Fenner notes that the presence of traditional aesthetic properties do not necessarily lead to an aesthetic experience or to the creation of an aesthetic value (121). Hence, the audience can view a pricey painting without feeling any connection with it which would make the painting worthless in terms of evoking a subjective experience of appreciation for creativity or imagination. On the other hand, the same audience may behold the image on a shirt and feel an instant connection, a feeling of intense emotions from memories or meanings attached to the object of attention. It is clear that the traditional definitions of art and the accompanying distinction and stratification between â€Å"high art†and â€Å"lowbrow art†has slowly been eroded with the rise of cultural relativism and postmodern theory. Doubtless, the rigid formality of art has come under attack even within various artists’ circles itself that ascribe to the fluidity and less structured styles of postmodern culture. Thus, even an ordinary t-shirt can now be considered an art form when, after critical analysis, it is able to fulfill the principles of aesthetic value. Works Cited: Fenner, David E.W. The Aesthetic Attitude. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1996. Goldman, Alan. â€Å"Beardsley’s Legacy: The Theory of Aesthetic Value.†The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63.2 (2005): 185-190.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essays - Dilemmas, Philosophy, Philosophy Of Life
Ethical Dilemma Essays - Dilemmas, Philosophy, Philosophy Of Life Ethical Dilemma In this paper I will provide information about an ethical dilemma that I have experienced or witnessed. Included in this paper will be the essential points of the dilemma, how it intersects with my personal values and how would I solve this dilemma and why. Ethics as a philosophy is concerned with being a good person, living a good life and doing what a person feels as right. This includes reasoning about general principles and using thought processes to develop appropriate actions to any given situation. Ethics go beyond the formulating of ideas to justify actions; it attempts to show that some ideas, thoughts, and actions are sounder than others (Freeman, 2000). The "Merriam-Webster Dictionary" (2013) website states that ethics in the workplace are the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group. I work as an advocate for a domestic violence agency. Through the last seven years, I have seen people come and go; clients and coworkers alike. I have heard so many stories; good and bad and have dealt with several ethical dilemmas though my time here. The most current and ongoing dilemma in the workplace is with a coworker. The agency I work for has an advocate position at the local Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), which is called the CSO (customer service office) advocate. This position is good for people receiving state benefits in abusive relationships so that the person can talk to an advocate without fear of being found. The advocate in this position is the one causing the dilemma. With any job, there are rules to live by. These are usually stated in workplace policies and procedures, but some are just common sense. My workplace, like many others has policies and procedures. In many places of employment, it is mandatory to call in when running late or when sick. This particular coworker usually does not call in when running late and usually does not call in sick until half-way through the work day. This has been an ethical and moral dilemma for the past few years. She has been asked repeatedly by our director to follow these guidelines but to limited responses. The biggest issue is that calling in is not written in the policies. Common sense says that when a person is running late or sick is that a person calls in before the work day starts. My personal beliefs say that when I am sick or late, it is a common courtesy to let the employer know what is going on. Most employers would fire a person for not calling in. I believe that there need to be a certain amount of accountability for people and if a person cannot participate in the job function, which there are plenty of people qualified who are unemployed and would jump at a chance for a decent paying job. For my other coworkers and I, this has been a major issue. For one, there is no reliability. If we have someone in our office that may need help at the CSO office, we never know if she is there or not. The clients are being hurt by the CSO advocate not showing up for scheduled appointments as well as the possibility of the agency losing a grant because the hours are not being filled. But yet there has been few repercussions associated with the behavior. These behaviors have also had negative effects on the morale of the other employees. The Executive Director of the agency has been documenting these activities and has also stated that she is making sure everything is done legally. The staff does not think that things are being done about the behavior, but we continue to document activity and pass the information to our Director. This seems to be the only thing the staff can do at this point and to have faith that our director will handle the issue in her own time. As Lead Advocate, I continue to pass on information to the Director as well as listen to the director state her ideas and fears about this coworker. The director feels that this person is the type of person who would try to sue the agency
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Berth and Birth Commonly Confused Words
Berth and Birth Commonly Confused Words The noun berth refers to a place to sleep (usually on a train or ship), a place for a boat to moor, or a persons place or position on a team. As a verb, berth means to bring something (usually a ship) into a place where it can stay. The noun birth refers to the arrival of a baby (that is, the emergence of an infant from its mothers body) or to the beginning of something. As a verb, birth means to be born or to give rise to something. Examples At night, the seats pulled together to form the lower berth. The upper swung down on hinges from the wall. The upper berth contained the blankets, linens, mattresses, and pillows for both beds.(Rudolph L. Daniels, Trains Across the Continent: North American Railroad History. Indiana University Press, 2000)When a ship arrives at the port, the planners must decide where to berth the ship for the unloading and loading of containers.[Curt Siodmak] found an assignment at Paramount Pictures rewriting the script for a Dorothy Lamour sarong saga. He then found a berth at Universal Pictures, which specialized in horror movies.(Lee Server, Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers. Facts on File, 2002)An outdooring is the first African rite of passage. It always begins at dawn, eight days after the childs birth, and gives family and friends a chance to see and welcome the newest soul.(Maya Angelou, All Gods Children Need Traveling Shoes. Random House, 1986)The fact is that women can grow and birth a child independently of the father. Sadly, an increasing number of women in our modern societies are compelled to do exactly that.(Aviva Jill Romm, The Natural Pregnancy Book. Celestial Arts, 2011) Idiom Alert: "Give (Someone or Something) a Wide Berth" [This idiom means] to keep well away from or avoid (someone or something): I always give the park a wide berth when Im out at night. [A nautical idiom―a berth is the amount of space necessary for a sailing ship to maneuver safely.](Elizabeth McLaren Kirkpatrick and C.M. Schwarz, The Wordsworth Dictionary of Idioms. Wordsworth Editions, 1993)If Vito was impressed by his new schools academics, he gave a wide berth to its extracurricular activities and is notably absent from his sophomore and junior yearbooks.(Michael Schiavi, Celluloid Activist: The Life and Times of Vito Russo. University of Wisconsin Press, 2011) Practice Exercises (a) In the history of invention a long time almost invariably elapses between the ____ of an idea and its realization in practice.(H. W. Dickinson and Arthur Titley, Richard Trevithick: The Engineer and the Man, 1934)(b) Give a wide _____ to nesting birds, animals with young, and wildlife that is using a water source. Feel free to watch these wild inhabitants of the desert, but do so at a respectful distance so that your presence does not disturb them.(Erik Molvar and Tamara Martin, Hiking Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, 2nd ed. Globe Pequot, 2005)(c) McDowell helped me walk back to the ships sick bay, a small _____ walled in with panels of strong canvas.(Paul Dowswell, Powder Monkey: Adventures of a Young Sailor. Bloomsbury, 2005) Answers to Practice Exercises (a) In the history of invention a long time almost invariably elapses between the birth of an idea and its realization in practice.(H. W. Dickinson and Arthur Titley, Richard Trevithick: The Engineer and the Man, 1934)(b) Give a wide berth to nesting birds, animals with young, and wildlife that is using a water source. Feel free to watch these wild inhabitants of the desert, but do so at a respectful distance so that your presence does not disturb them.(Erik Molvar and Tamara Martin, Hiking Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, 2nd ed. Globe Pequot, 2005)(c) McDowell helped me walk back to the ships sick bay, a small berth walled in with panels of strong canvas.(Paul Dowswell, Powder Monkey: Adventures of a Young Sailor. Bloomsbury, 2005)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Birth Order and Its Effect on Personality Research Paper
Birth Order and Its Effect on Personality - Research Paper Example Birth order can be defined as the position one has in a family in relation to the other siblings. For instance a person can be a first born, second or even a last born. There are some people who are normally only children to their parents. All these are termed as birth orders. According to research, birth order has various effects on an individual's personality. (Adler, 1956)It is very important to study this issue because it helps to in understanding the different personalities in relation to birth order. This study is very important to educators or teachers because it helps them to understand the behavioral differences among the students. It will also help them to know how to relate to different personalities of students and also fellow teachers. (Adler, 1956) This study is very fundamental to counselors. This is because it helps them to understand the behavioral differences in their clients. This makes it easier for them to give more pragmatic solutions basing on having such prior knowledge. This study is very essential to parents as it helps them to understand the different personality traits among their children. It is also important to study this issue as it helps us understand ourselves more as individuals. This helps us to understand why we behave the way we do. This also helps people to understand each other in various dimensions of relationships. This includes relationships between siblings and marriage etc. Our ordinal positioning in the family highly affects how we develop. According to research the ordinal positioning of a child affects his or her personality traits. There are various researchers that have studied this issue concerning birth order and personality traits. Alderian theory Alfred Adler is one of the psychologists who carried out research on this issue. This was carried out in the early 1920's. According to Adler, there are various variables that contribute to the birth order theory. He explains that there are chances that a child can take his or her sibling's position if the environment allows it. Adler explains that in case a child has a physical disability for instance, then his or her sibling will automatically take part of the sibling's birth order traits. (Adler, 1956) Adler concurs that there can be other influences that can affect a child's personality. These include gender roles, social and economic position and parental attitudes. Adler's findings show that the spacing of the children has a big impact on their personality traits. There is high impact on the positioning of children if they are separated by more than three years. (Adler, 1956) According to Adler an only child will in most cases have adult like speech because he or she receives two hundred of the parent's attention. Such a child he says always prefers to be in the midst of adults than his or her peers. In most cases parents who have an only child over protect and end up spoiling the child. (Birth Order Dynamics 2007) According to Adler, the first child always feels dethroned when the second born comes along. This makes him or her to feel a bit insecure and conservative. The first born will in this case exhibit authoritarian characters and become strict. (Adler, 1956) Second born in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Technology Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Technology Management - Essay Example These devices have had very huge impacts on the manner and scale production of goods, the improvement in efficiency, the availability of information and the reduction in the cost of operation (Bryan & Alexander, 2004). In this paper, we are going to discuss the history of these technologies and the way in which they changed the global economy. The discovery of boilers with cylinders and pistons was done by two metal workers; Thomas Newcomen who was a blacksmith and John Calley who was his assistant and a plumber in the town of Devon. The process of raising water from copper and tin mines at Devon and Cornwall was very costly when horse driven pumps were used and therefore they started experimenting on a steam pump to replace the horses (Bryan & Alexander, 2004). However, they were not aware of the concepts they were about to use and therefore during their experiments they used pistons separation for the boilers and a cylinder in their device. In this device, the piston that emerged at the top of the cylinder was connected to the beam by an iron chain on end while the other end lead down to the water pumping mechanism. The steam that was released from the boiler into the cylinder was able to push the piston and the steam power could be used to pump water from mines (Bryan & Alexander, 2004). This work was done between 1704 and 1712. The first engine was installed at a colliery and it operated for thirty years. It was then adopted in many of the existing mines in Britain. The discovery of the boiler, piston and cylinder changed the way in which mining activities were carried out in Europe and minimized the cost of operation, increasing efficiency at the same time (Adas, 1989). Steam boilers, cylinders and pistons were later adopted for steam engines and industrial boilers thus revolutionizing the transport sector, the industrial sector and the
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