Monday, September 30, 2019
My Studying Experience Essay
Whenever I set my mind to work on a variety of things, I place sufficient importance to each of them and adequately accomplish all of them with strict perseverance. My transcript shows that I have taken several courses in advance and achieved high scores in them. I selected many courses that though are not directly related to my major, are fine sources of knowledge where I was able to learn great lessons. My overall grades are not perfect, but it is worth noting that I earned outstanding 4.0s in all the major courses I had taken. It is also significant to see that I took these major courses in advance. I consider my accomplishment valuable because overcoming difficulties in the achievement of relevant knowledge is a foremost necessity in discovering outcomes when I become a researcher. I took a two semester junior course in both ‘Introduction to Electromagnetism’ and ‘Engineering Electromagnetics’ during my freshman and sophomore years and acquired â€Å"A†s on both courses. When I was a sophomore, I also obtained an ‘A’ taking ‘Introduction to Quantum and Optical Electronics’ which was actually a junior level course in the engineering department. Furthermore, my interest in lasers led me to take a senior course on lasers where I also gained an ‘A’. These accomplishments gave me not only high scores but also fulfillment with respect to my intellectual curiosity. I developed an ability of finding problems and solving them without adequate background knowledge. As a result, I was awarded scholarships almost every semester. However, my interest wasn’t solely on major course work. I took classes such as ‘History of Western Art’, ‘Nation and Art’, ‘Philosophical understanding of science and technology’ and the like. I especially enjoyed the art related classes. In ‘Nation and Art’, I presented about Paik Nam Jun who was the renowned founder of video art. I was encouraged because the professor, the first person in Korea who obtained a Ph.D. for Korean art philosophy, highly appreciated my work. She so impressed that she asked me for an additional term paper for her future lecture. She gave me the highest score even among the art majors in the class. In my studies, I was impressed with the fact that artists also considered deeply about the notions in physics. For example, Velasquez and Picasso dealt with both space and time together in their art pieces as Einstein did in his theory of Relativity. In conclusion, I feel proud of my accomplishments in both major and non-major activities. During the two and a half years that I spent in the university, I tried to achieve academically with diversity. Pursuing a variety of interests with great passion, I learned many significant things. I realized that by choosing my unusual curriculum, I occasionally understood concepts in physics differently from others. For example, the concept of ‘beauty’ which I learned in art somehow helped me understand the structure in physics. I believe I could widen my experience even further by studying in UC Berkeley.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Haiti Earthquake Essay
Haiti is situated in Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Hispaniola, which consists of two countries Dominican Republic and Haiti itself. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and it is the 145th poorest country the world. 80% of its 9.7 million people live below the poverty line. The Haitian earthquake occurred on the 12th January 2010; it left the country in devastation. The Social impacts of this earthquake left people homeless, the Haitian homes were not earthquake resistant as this was the biggest earthquake that Hispaniola has had so they did not prepare for it , the last earthquake occurred in Dominican Republic. The quake didn’t only leave the country either dead or injured it also brought back cholera a disease that the country hadn’t seen for a century this was because of the wrecked water treatment systems and crowded conditions it had spread quickly. Food shortage was also a side effect to the Haitian earthquake as staple crops like maize, plantains and bananas had been affected by the earthquakes mainly by the dust or being squashed, which means Haiti had to rely even more on increasingly expensive food imports that they couldn’t afford as country. Injuries and deaths was a big impact as the population went down .The death total tolls topped 200,000 a number of bodies were found under buildings and injuries were caused, fire fighters tried to retrieve many of these people, some survived but some sadly lost their lives. Another side effect after the devastation of Haiti was more crime as 3000 prisoners escaped. After the earthquake, orphans were also formed as parents of young children died and children were left homeless, parentless school less as the construction of the school wasn’t earthquake resistant each and every school in Haiti was destroyed. Life expectancy also went lower to 62 years and 7 months only. No residents couldn’t be aided without clean drinking water and dead bodies rotting in the hot sun the risk of life threatening diseases were expected. Economic Impacts was to do with government, the cost to rebuild and how Haiti was 145th poorest country in the world so they had no money to rebuild. Death tolls topped 200,000 and reliable industries and structures were destroyed, leaving the nation in a tough situation. Haiti had never been known as a wealthy country. The homes of people were destroyed and job places were destroyed, so nobody could work, so no money could be made in the country therefore there was no income for the residents to rely on to rebuild the nation. Haiti had no chance to rebuild the country with their income in 2010. It is been no different three years later in 2014. In 2009 Haiti’s GDP stood at $11.9 billion compared to $11.6 billion in 2008. The population in Haiti increases by 2% of the total population of 10 million every single year. This made the country less rich because they didn’t have enough income for such large number people for the government to rebuild homes, more schools etc. Shops and businesses were destroyed. Looting had to take place. Damage to transport and communication links made trade became very difficult. Environmental impacts were outcomes of the earthquake to the environment. Farmers areas had been destroyed no crops could be grown due the dust and the destruction of the country. Air was also a victim to this disaster as it was polluted by the dust of the buildings and that collapsed and water was affected as chemicals and spillages from collapsed buildings oil had leaked out of damaged storage facilities into water which made it poisoned. The Earthquake reduced Haiti’s forest cover from 60% per cent to less than 2 per cent today. Today the population in Haiti has increased to 10.32million people. To avoid any further destruction to the country in future they should consider making their homes earthquake resistant and the country less populated to avoid a poor country. The number of people living in camps decreased from 1.5 million to 145,403 today, allowing over one million people to return home. More than 11,000 families have now been relocated, allowing the closure of 50 temporary camps. UNDP has been a major help to Haiti to help rebuild their small nation.UNDP is a charity that helps affected countries like Haiti. Key words Definitions. Earthquakes: Sudden release of energy through the earth’s crust in the form of waves. Tension builds up within the crust as convectional forces in the mantle try to move the plates above but are prevented from doing so by friction between plates. When friction is overcome, an earthquake occurs. Social Impacts: Social impact is the effect of an activity on the social fabric of the community and well-being of individuals and families Convectional: Transfer of heat in a gas or liquid by upward movement of the hotter, less dense portion. Cholera: Cholera is an infection of the intestines. People get it from drinking water or eating food that’s contaminated with a type of bacteria called Vibrio cholera. Food Imports: Food imported from other countries Life expectancy: How long you are expected to live for Economic Impacts: Impacts that have affected the country’s money GDP: Gross Domestic Product. Population: All the inhabitants of a particular place Incomes: Money received. Looting: Stealing from unguarded homes or businesses Environmental Impacts: Impacts to do with Environment affecting the Landscape UNDP: United Nation Development Programme is a charity. Convectional: Final way that heat is transferred from one place to another is convection
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Self Regulation Theory In Relation To Motivation Education Essay
Learning and geting a 2nd or foreign linguistic communication can be hard for some people and at the same clip easy for others. Factors act uponing this observation may be explained in footings of single differences in Second Language Acquisition ( SLA ) . These person ‘s differences may include personality, intelligence, linguistic communication acquisition schemes, attitude, emotion and motive. Some research workers believe that motive may impact scholars ‘ whole procedure of larning a 2nd linguistic communication ( L2 ) ( Gardner & A ; Lambert, 1972 ) . One theory which has long been recognised in the field is called self-government theory ( e.g. Brown 1981, 1990 ) , and it examines intrinsic/extrinsic motive in L2 acquisition. However, there has besides been a development of a more process-oriented theoretical attack viz. the procedure theoretical account of L2 motive by Dornyei & A ; Otto ( 1998 ) . They have highlighted the importance of developing self-regulatory schemes to pull off, reinforce or prolong one ‘s motive during the class of larning. Consequently, L2 self-regulation theory was subsequently proposed by Dornyei ( 2005 ) , and the theory represents a major reformation of old motivational thought. This essay, hence, will discourse the extent in which motive plays a cardinal function in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. The focal point of this essay is specifically on the linkage between self-regulation theory and 2nd linguistic communication acquisition, utilizing the writer ‘s personal experience in Iranian linguistic communication acquisition as a instance survey. Research Objective The purpose of this essay is to analyze the writer ‘s experience in Iranian linguistic communication acquisition and analyse, based on self-regulation theory, to what extent motive contributes to the acquisition of a 2nd linguistic communication. Methodology The essay employs a qualitative analysis based on theories and the writer ‘s personal experience in Iranian linguistic communication acquisition. First, definitions of the term ‘motivation ‘ will be briefly demonstrated, and the most appropriate definition for this essay will be chosen. Second, theories and concepts of motive in relation to self-regulation will be explored. Third, the function of motive in the writer ‘s Iranian Learning Experience will be evaluated based on self-regulation theory. Finally, a decision will be presented with a farther treatment on future recommendations.Chapter TWODEFINITIONS OF MOTIVATION Motivation is a wide construct, and definitions of motive vary harmonizing to research and findings. The purpose of this subdivision is to research several definitions of the term ‘motivation ‘ and conclude on the most appropriate definition in 2nd linguistic communication ( L2 ) larning which will lend to this essay. To get down with, motive comes from the Latin verb ‘movere ‘ which means to travel. It can be described as the driver bring oning a individual to take a certain action, do a determination, or invest attempts toward transporting out certain behaviors ( Dornyei & A ; Ushioda, 2011: 3 ) . In a psychological position, motive is frequently defined as the psychological quality that leads people to accomplish a end. For linguistic communication scholars, command of a linguistic communication may be a end. For others, communicative competency or even basic communicating accomplishments could be a end. In a socio-educational model, motive to larn the 2nd linguistic communication is viewed as necessitating three elements: attempt, desire, and enjoyment. First, the motivated single must use an attempt to larn the linguistic communication. There must be a relentless and consistent strive to accomplish success in larning such as by making prep, practising the linguistic communication whenever there is an chance, etc. Second, the person must show the desire to accomplish the end. Such single will make all that is necessary to accomplish the end. Third, the motivated person will bask the undertaking of larning the linguistic communication. Such an person will state that it is fun, a challenge, and gratifying, even though at times enthusiasm may be less than at other times. All three elements-effort, desire, and enjoyment-are necessary in order to distinguish persons who are more motivated and those who are less motivated. However, each component, by itself, is seen as deficient to reflec t motive. Some pupils may expose attempt, even though they have no strong desire to win, and may non happen the experience peculiarly gratifying. Others may desire to larn the linguistic communication, but may hold other things that detract from their attempt, etc. Motivation in Second Language Acquisition In the field of Second Language Acquisition research, motive has been identified as one of the key factors which determines L2 accomplishment and attainment. Motivation ab initio serves as an drift to bring forth acquisition and subsequently as a prolonging force to guarantee that the scholar remains on-track with geting the mark linguistic communication ( Cheng & A ; Dornyei, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to Gardner ( 1985: 50 ) , he posits that motive in acquisition is based on four features: â€Å" a end, effortful behavior, a desire to achieve the end and favorable attitudes toward the activity in inquiry. †Dornyei and Otto ‘s definition of L2 motive ( 1998: 65 ) has a broader sense ; they defined motive as â€Å" the dynamically altering cumulative rousing in a individual that initiates, directs, co-ordinates, amplifies, terminates, and evaluates the cognitive and motor procedures whereby initial wants and desires are selected, prioritised, operationalised and ( successful ly or unsuccessfully ) acted out. †Harmonizing to Dornyei and Ushioda ( 2011: 4 ) , the by far definition that most SLA research, including this essay, would hold on concerns the ‘direction ‘ and ‘magnitude ‘ of human behavior, that is, motive histories for: why people decide to make something ( pick ) , how long they are willing to prolong the activity ( continuity ) , and how difficult they are traveling to prosecute it ( attempt ) . It is of import to observe that although pick, continuity, attempt are the three key issues leting scholars to modulate their ain motive, Ushioda ( 2003: 99-100 ) further demonstrates that in order for motive to turn in a positive manner, it can non be seen as a progressive efforts to modulate behavior from outside. There needs to be supportive interpersonal procedures which foster the development of liberty and the growing and ordinance of motive from interior. Thus, with this in head, this essay will see the issue of motive in relation to self-regulation in the undermentioned chapter.Chapter THREEREVIEW OF SELF-REGULATION THEORY IN RELATION TO MOTIVATION IN SLA It has been widely accepted that motive plays an of import function non merely in general academic acquisition, but besides in the procedure of accomplishing the end in a 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. Harmonizing to Dornyei ( 2002 ) , L2 motive has been seen as a dynamic concept that directs and enhances larning behaviors. There are many theories that devoted to motive in relation to autonomy and scheme usage, and two most-cited theories are self-determination theory and self-regulation theory. The self-government theory, which was developed from the instruction psychological science attack, examines about intrinsic and extrinsic motive in relation to the scholar ‘s behaviors and ordinance. It denotes a sense of pick, personal duty, and self-initiation of behaviors. While the self-regulation theory, a more recent development within the field of SLA research, refers to spontaneous ideas, feelings, and actions that are planned and cyclically adapted to the attainment of personal ends. Other well-known related theories are Language Learning Strategies ( LLS ) and L2 Motivational Self System. LLS is another attack which relates to strategic behaviors and keys property of good linguistic communication scholars. This theory has been seeking to set up a nexus between strategic behavior and existent acquisition additions, to show that schemes are non culturally biased, and to explicate why hapless schemes user differs from good scheme users merely in how they use schemes in context but non in the sorts or frequence of scheme they use ( Ortega, 2009:214 ) . Though self-regulation is a more recent alternate survey that replacing the traditional accent on sheer frequence of scheme usage. Its accent on the creativeness of attempts employed to command one ‘s acquisition processes is the chief issue I would wish to indicate out in this essay. L2 Motivational Self Systemis another of import recent theory of L2 motive proposed by Dornyei ( 2005 ) . It concerns motive particularly in footings of the theory of possible egos and the self-discrepancy theory ( Dornyei & A ; Ushioda, 2011 ) . Pulling on theoretical paradigms from both motivational psychological science and L2 motivational research, Dornyei ( 2005 ) ‘s L2 Motivational Self System theoretical account has three chief dimentions: the Ideal L2 ego, the Ought-to L2 ego, and the L2 Learning Experience. Rationale of this Essay: Self-regulation Theory in Relation to Motivation Despite the fact that there are many theories on motive in the context of SLA, self-regulation theory seems to outdo tantrum this essay. The self-regulatory attack allows for the combined survey of motive and strategic behavior, and of knowledge and affect, under a individual theoretical model. As supported by Ortege ( 2009: 211 ) who demonstrates a clear relevancy of self-regulation theory to SLA and single differences when â€Å" larning another linguistic communication poses a high-anxiety and complex challenge that demands cognitive every bit good as affectional self-regulation, and persons differ in their capacity to self-regulate. †There have been concerns about the clear-cut of LLS, as harmonizing to Dornyei ( 2005: 162 ) , there is a alteration of position that the LLS are â€Å" vastly equivocal phenomena and nil is distinct about them. †Furthermore, Dornyei ( 2005: 190 ) stated that research workers started to accept that analyzing the LLS was non of import every bit much as the fact that the ‘good ‘ scholars choose to set originative attempt in their ain acquisition and that they have the capacity to make so. Therefore, because of larning schemes examine the result of these forces, I decided to pull self-regulation theory which is looking at the initial drive forces. The L2 Motivational Self System besides does non suit in my context of depicting a short linguistic communication experience. It concerns more in footings of primary beginnings of the motive to larn another linguistic communication which are the Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self, and L2 larning Experience. Review of Self-regulation Theory in Second Language Acquisition The get downing point of self-regulation theory is that human enterprises are ever purposive, knowing, effortful and voluntary ( Boekaerts et al. , 2006 ) . In the face of multiple ends and resulting environmental challenges, worlds are capable of accomplishing the terminals they choose to prosecute because they are able to self-regulate their behavior ( Ortega, 2009: 211 ) . In the context of SLA, L2 self-regulation is a procedure by which persons direct their attempts, ideas, and feelings toward the attainment of their personal ends, and self-regulation is neither a distinct mental ability nor an academic accomplishment ( Zimmerman, 2000 ) . In other words, self-regulation involves procedures, responses, and schemes that pupils initiate and regulate ( Zimmerman, 1986 ) to trip and prolong both their behavioural behavior and their cognitive and affectional operation ( Boekaerts, Pintrich, & A ; Zeidner, 2000 ; Zimmerman, 2001 ) . Self-regulation theory became the recent developments in the field of L2 single differences as there has been a demand to reconceptualize the ‘strategic behavior ‘ into a theory over the past decennaries. The two chief advocates for this impulse are Dornyei and Skehan ( 2003 ) who have pointed out that the L2 larning strategic behaviour should non be limited to O'Malley and Chamot ( 1990 ) ‘s taxonomy of ascertained heuristic and reported mental procedure or Oxford ( 1990 ) ‘s stock list of self-reported frequences of scheme usage. Then, in 2005, Dornyei pushed frontward the solution to speculating larning schemes and claimed self-regulation theory as a model for SLA research about strategic behavior during L2 acquisition. Self-regulation Schemes Dornyei has created a theoretical account of motivational schemes based on the psycholinguistic construct of selfaˆ?regulation which is intended to reaˆ?theorize linguistic communication larning schemes by analyzing strategic acquisition in the paradigm of selfaˆ?regulation ( see Dornyei, 2005 ; Tseng et al. , 2006 ) . This taxonomy of strategic acquisition is based in the model of motive control schemes ( Dornyei, 2001 ) and consists of five classs. Dornyei ( 2006 ) notes that his system was based on Kuhl ‘s ( 1987 ) and Corno and Kanfer ‘s ( 1993 ) taxonomy of action control schemes. The classs are defined below: 1. Commitment control schemes Commitment control schemes examine the pupils ‘ ability to put and make ends in their acquisition. It helps to continue or increase the learners'original end committedness. For illustration, pupils may maintain in head favorable outlooks or positive inducements and wagess, or pupils may concentrate on what would go on if the original purpose failed. 2. Metacognitive control schemes Metacognitive control schemes involve the monitoring and controlling of concentration, and the curtailing of any unneeded cunctation e.g. placing repeating distractions and developing defensive modus operandis, and concentrating on the first stairss to take when acquiring down to an activity. 3. Satiation control schemes Satiation control refers to pupils ‘ capacity to command ennui and dissatisfaction in a acquisition undertaking, and the ability to get by with these negative feelings ( Dornyei, 2005 ) . For illustration, pupils may add a turn to the undertaking or utilizing one ‘s phantasy to invigorate up the undertaking. These schemes can assist to extinguish ennui and add excess attractive force or involvement to the undertaking. 4. Emotion control schemes Emotional control schemes examine how scholars cope with emotionally charged feeling such as emphasis, depression and letdown that may impede their linguistic communication development. For illustration, pupils may utilize self-encouragement or utilizing relaxation and speculation techniques. 5. Environment control schemes Environmental control schemes refer to how a pupil controls their acquisition environment in order to ease survey. Learners with good environmental control are more cognizant of how their environment affects their acquisition and hold schemes to control these negative effects. For illustration, pupils may seek to extinguish distractions or inquiring friends to assist. Such activities will assist in extinguishing negative environmental influences and working positive environmental influences by doing the environment an ally in the chase of a hard end.Chapter FOURPERSIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING EXPERIENCE Learning Context Iranian Language Experience is portion of the Second Language Teaching and Learning faculty. The purpose of this linguistic communication experience is non chiefly for future usage but to represent, and do more existent, some of the issues connected with the linguistic communication instruction and acquisition with which the faculties trade. The teacher gives the grounds for taking this linguistic communication as follows: It is improbable that any of the faculty pupils has learned it before. It is an Indo-Europeaen linguistic communication, and so its grammatical classs, and some of its vocabulary, will be comparatively familiar to pupils. The class runs eight hebdomads, covering the first six lessons of the text edition. The pupils will larn in romanised written text non the Arabic book version as the intent is to larn a limited sum of colloquial Persian ( Farsi ) , with associated grammar and vocabulary. There will be a reappraisal session at the terminal of each two-lesson subdivision. ( See Appendix 1 for more inside informations ) The category consists of about 30 pupils from assorted nationalities, assorted with females and males, aged about from 20 to 25, and all the lessons are taught in English. The teacher is the native talker of the mark linguistic communication. I am a complete beginner-level scholar as I have no old cognition in Iranian linguistic communication or civilization. Though, I still show a great involvement in larning a new linguistic communication. I see this as a challenging undertaking, and I am extremely motivated by the idea of utilizing the linguistic communication as a mean of researching Iranian civilization and people. Iranian Language Learning Experience in Relation to Self-regulation Theory Personally, I aware that larning a 2nd linguistic communication is considered as a challenging undertaking which requires clip and attempt. As I am extremely motivated to utilize the linguistic communication non merely merely for the intent of the faculty, I developed my ain end to larn the linguistic communication every bit much as I could within the clip bound. In order to accomplish the end, maintaining my acquisition on path is really of import and the undermentioned schemes are how I regulate my Iranian linguistic communication acquisition in conformity to self-regulation theory: Commitment control schemes During the first two hebdomads, I was really interested to larn the linguistic communication when the teacher began to present the lesson with an easy to retrieve greeting phrase. I became more motivated to larn Iranian when the teacher presented about the tourer topographic points and the civilization. Hence, I made up my head that I have to take this as an chance to larn the linguistic communication every bit much as I could in order to go to the country in the hereafter. With this in my head, I committed myself to purchasing a Iranian text edition, so I would hold to to the full use the book and survey exhaustively throughout the class. Metacognitive control schemes After the consequence of the first quiz, I became cognizant that keeping my motive through civilization geographic expedition was deficient, and I needed to reexamine more grammar and vocabularies sporadically. In other words, I needed to construction my Iranian acquisition by puting frequent ends. To exemplify clearly, I set mini-goals for myself to finish one or two exercisings in the text edition per twenty-four hours. I besides had a specific end for each hebdomad that I must complete analyzing one chapter in the text edition before every Monday category. In the instance that there were other deadlines from other classs and I could non complete one chapter by weekend, I told myself to give a Sunday eventide to finish the chapter. These mini ends provided me an chance to reflect and supervise my ain advancement each hebdomad and helped supplying the motive to concentrate on my undertakings. Satiation control schemes During the class, I was ever looking for a new inspiration or a new motive in larning the linguistic communication. I enhanced my involvement by seeking about tourer topographic points or Iranian civilization online. I besides recorded my ain voice to get the better of ennui while larning new vocabularies or practising pronunciation. Emotion control schemes It was obvious that I experienced negative feelings such as anxiousness, defeat, and disheartenment after the consequence of the quiz. I avoided interacting with the teacher in the undermentioned lesson. However, I understood that I could non maintain avoiding the interactions, and it would be better if I had prepared for the lesson in front. I tried to acquire rid of negative feelings and cheered myself up by reminding myself about the existent purpose of the class, which is to indicate out some issues in the instruction and acquisition of a 2nd linguistic communication, and that the quiz grade was merely a manner to reflect on my L2 acquisition advancement. Environment control schemes As the Persian lesson runs merely one hr per hebdomad, larning in category would be deficient to accomplish my personnal end. to finish the book. Therefore, I tried to hold excess lessons and/or sought out extra beginnings of input and interactions. I look for a good environment that have easy entree to clip and topographic point to avoid cunctation such as the cyberspace ; I pattern Iranian pronunciation through YouTube pictures and analyze more about Iranian grammar and vocabulary through free lessons online. Self-evaluation Due to the fact that I needed to reflect on my day-to-day advancement in order to integrate received feedback on the prospective assignment, it helped me to supervise my advancement and detect my schemes whether the manner I self-regulate has been bettering my acquisition or non. In footings of committedness control schemes, I had a high sum of motive in the beginning that I wanted to larn every bit much as I could. I had a really high outlook of myself and even bought the text edition in hope to analyze farther the demand. Although, this might non be strong plenty to maintain myself commit to my end, in fact it kept me engaged in the undertakings for a short period. Part of this failure was due to the fact that I did non hold a definite agenda of my Iranian acquisition and that I was distracted by other topics. Another portion might due to high intrinsic motive, I was excessively ambitious to larn and did non analyze my ability exhaustively. However, even though my motive was dropped after the quiz, when I subsequently set up the mini ends for each hebdomad, my procedure of learn became more construction and prolong my motive throughout the hebdomad. In other words, these schemes help me minimising cunctation or distraction and maximising concentration and maintaining ends in focal point. This can be said that metacognitive control schemes are indispensable to develop a scholar liberty. As Wenden ( 2001: 62 ) demonstrates that â€Å" a acknowledgment of the map of metacognitive cognition in the self-regulation of larning should lend to a clearer apprehension of scholar liberty, particularly how it can be developed and enhanced. †Wenden ‘s findings on the function of metacognitive cognition in self-regulatory procedure besides corroborate Chamot and O'Malley ‘s ( 1994: 382 ) observation that â€Å" expressed metacognitive cognition about undertaking features and appropriate schemes for undertaking sol ution is a major clincher of linguistic communication larning effectivity †. In add-on to my repletion control schemes, the manner that I ever look for inspiration from different beginnings for my ain acquisition can maintain my larning on procedure. In my sentiment, this scheme should be a manner to increase my motive when I feel procrastinated or bored. However, I found myself passing excessively much clip shoping on the cyberspace about Iranian civilization and had less clip to reexamine the undertaking. I should be careful that it would non take up excessively much clip of my day-to-day Persian acquisition otherwise it would non be effectual. So, it seems that this scheme might non be helpful to me sometimes because I can utilize it as an alibi to stall. My emotion control schemes, peculiarly to my positive self-talk is besides mentioned in a survey by Bown ( 2009 ) that this technique helped scholars maintain position on their linguistic communication acquisition. It alleviated feelings of defeat or anxiousness. Bown divided that scholars used self-talk for two primary intents: ( a ) to remind themselves of their ain motive for larning the linguistic communication and ( B ) to promote themselves when they felt that they were non doing adequate advancement. The usage of this self-talk besides served to assist scholars maintain their outlooks of themselves realistic, as informed by their beliefs about linguistic communication acquisition. Learners would state themselves that errors are portion of acquisition or that it takes longer to larn Russian than other linguistic communications they may hold studied antecedently ( Bown, 2009 ) . Though it is true that the usage of this scheme became effectual when I had a low quiz grade, in my i nstance it must be combined with other schemes ( such as metacognitive control schemes ) at the same clip in order to wholly encouraging myself. I must hold a definite program ( the mini ends ) to back up my positive self-talk. For my environment control schemes, Wolters ( 1998 ) , mentioning research from Corno ( 1989, 1993 ) , Corno and Kanfer ( 1993 ) , and Kuhl ( 1984, 1992 ) , pinpoints a self-regulation technique I employed: ( 1 ) environmental control, for illustration â€Å" a pupil who†¦ decides to travel to a quiet topographic point conducive to analyzing ( 225 ) . †In my sentiment, the manner that I ever try to turn my environing environment into a learning environment for me makes me sometimes bask larning by myself instead than analyzing in the schoolroom. It helps me finish the mini end I set for myself in each twenty-four hours. In add-on, this can be supported by the survey from Bown ( 2009 ) . The findings suggested that effectual self-regulation depended on the scholars ‘ sense of themselves as agents in the acquisition procedure. Learners who recognized their function as writers of their ain acquisition transformed the acquisition environment to run into their single de mands ( Bown, 2009 ) .Chapter FIVECONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION It is believed that motive is indispensable in larning a 2nd linguistic communication as it can be a goaded force for the scholars to get down their 2nd linguistic communication acquistion and it can be a force that sustain the acquisition throughout the acquisition. However, motive, harmonizing to Dornyei and Ushioda ( 2011 ) , is a dynamic and complicate factor which concerns about the pick, continuity, and attempt of the scholars in modulating thier ain motive. From this, motive can be seen as a factor that correlative to the scholar behavior which can lend to the scholar liberty. There are many theories which were developed to analyze about motive in relation to L2 learner behavior and scheme usage. Self-government theory ( SDT ) is one of the theories that has a wide model for the survey of human motive and personality. It is concerned chiefly with intrinsic motive and the manner to which the person is self-motivated and self-determined.Language Learning Strategies ( LLS ) is another attack which examines the schemes that the good linguistic communication scholar employ. The L2 Motivational Self System is another recent attack in relation to L2 motive and the ego model. It concerns three ‘self ‘ dimensions: Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self, L2 Learning Experience. Self-regulation refers to the grade to which persons are active participants in their ain acquisition. It is a more dynamic construct than larning scheme, foregrounding the scholars ‘ ain strategic attempts to pull off their ain accomplishment through specific beliefs and procedures ( Dornyei, 2005 ) . In the context in this essay, it is found that motive became a critical factors on how the scholar will take the schemes to modulate his/herself and maintain the acquisition procedure traveling in order to accomplish end of larning a 2nd linguistic communication. In other words, it can be argued that self-regulation of L2 acquisition is multidimensional, including cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and behavioural procedures that scholars can use to heighten accomplishment. The deliberative, adaptative procedure of self-regulation enables scholars to manage undertakings efficaciously and prepares them to take duty for their acquisition ( Wenden, 2001 ) . In chapter 4, based on the Self-regulation theory, my Iranian Learning Experience has been evaluated in relation to motive. Harmonizing to the four self-regulation schemes I employed, it is found that I depend much or less on motive to modulate or command the four schemes. For case, motive became a important factor on how I use the metacognitive control schemes to alter the manner I learn the linguistic communication. While motive has been seldom concerned on how I chose the topographic point to analyze as in the environment control schemes. Nevertheless, I could non hold more that both motive and the four self-regulation schemes are the two indispensable factors that can non be overlooked in scholar liberty and the development in the procedure to heighten single acquisition in order to accomplish the end. Though the purpose of the Iranian Language Learning category was simply to see the issues that can be raised in L2 acquisition and instruction, the fact that the category is conducted merely one hr per hebdomad might non be plenty to actuate some scholars to prosecute during the lesson. In order to hold a more effectual category, the teacher could raise an consciousness of utilizing self-regulation schemes which I believe will be fruitful for the pupils themselves to hold an chance to supervise their acquisition advancement and develop their larning liberty in L2 acquisition. As Hurd ( 2008 ) emphasises, awareness-raising of self-regulation in L2 acquisition is every bit if non more of import in independent larning scene ( e.g. on-line environments and distance acquisition ) , where pupils lack the sort of social-affective support provided by regular interactions with other scholars and the instructor, and typically may be prosecuting in linguistic communication acquisition on top of full-time survey and personal committednesss.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Gettier Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Gettier Problem - Essay Example Gettier’s argument says that it is possible that a person believes in something that is justified as well as wrong at the same time. One flaw is that Gettier’s argument can lead us to cynicism because it is evident from our everyday lives that it is hardly the case when something is justified by satisfactory evidence that fulfills all philosophical rules of relevant evidence. Gettier wrote his 1963 paper refuting the ‘Justified true Belief’ JTB. If Gettier’s paper is considered true than JTB nullifies but the following example exposes cracks in Gettier’s paper. S knows that P if and only if; ïÆ'Ëœ S believes P ïÆ'Ëœ P is true ïÆ'Ëœ S is justified in believing P ïÆ'Ëœ And P causes S to believe in P This example excludes the example of Gettier. And doesn’t believe in something as a given fact, for instance if there is a group of people and one person out of the group happens to be Brazilian, the above example cannot give me the position to state that I know that someone out of this group is a Brazilian since this fact will not be my cause for knowing. In his paper, is justified true belief knowledge of 1963, Edmund Gettier raised a problem which he argued and viewed in the traditional knowledge theory. Many attempts by a number of epistemologists have failed, for example, Thomas Paxson and Keith Lehrer put across a theory, which utilized the defeasibility argument to attempt solving the Gettier problem (Lehrer and Paxon 225- 237). In my opinion, Gettier’s problems possibly cannot be beaten of defeated on the basis of principles because in order to understand these problems one has to consider the premise of these problems as true, as it will explained later in this paper that Gettier only plays with the justification and the truth. And it is evident that there is a very fine line between the justification and the truth. Moreover, there is always a certain level of truth to be accepted by a prudent person. For instance, if we all agree to the fact that a billiard ball is round, the question is, is it really round in shape? Students of physics might know that when things are observed at molecular levels, the shapes and boundaries of objects are very different from what they were previously considered. So a billiard ball might not be exactly round at a very fine microscopic or atomic level. Similarly if we Gettier’s problems are considered a law or considered sufficient enough to define knowledge th en the shape of the earth can be figured out by a bowling ball. For instance it is a common observation that a bowling ball is considered heavy and it is common sense that earth is holding all forests, water, land and mountains, and is also a very heavy object. Now the bowling ball is round in shape, therefore we can conclude that the earth is also round in shape. I believe that it satisfies Gettier’s problem but this is infect a terrible logic, there is no relevance between the two objects. If only such premises are considered then earth would be shaped like a washing machine because a washing machine is heavy too. One of the many objectives of epistemologists is to come up with a theory of knowledge that specifies the necessary conditions for knowledge. Traditionally, scientists have only agreed to three of these conditions, and they include p is true, s believes in p, and s has a justification to believe in p. according to the theories, if the theories satisfied the condit ions then one could say that s knows p. but then Gettier came along with his arguments. In his arguments, he proposed to counterarguments to the traditional conditions, where the theory
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Security Policy GDI Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Security Policy GDI Company - Case Study Example Given that GDI has made significant gains in its business, there is need to preserve the capability the firm receive from its information technology assets. This security policy understands that protecting the physical and operation security of GDI is the main challenge underlying its writing. Therefore, the report presents several policies that seek to protect named assets of GDI with a goal of preserving the security and operation of the firm. Vacca (2010) argues that information technology polices form the first line of defence against threats. There are several policies this security policy document outlines, which are a result of careful analysis of the firms existing network topology. Because information technology forms a critical backbone to the operations of GDI, a careful analysis characterized the writing of this document. Among the essential goals of the security, policies were the establishment of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the firm’s informat ion technology asset. Policy 1: Email Security Policy Email remains a preferred medium of communication for the GDI Corporation. Because of the widespread use of email in the firm, there is need for GDI to implement policies that will limit the loss of essential loss through email exchange within or outside the firm. While email is one of the most effective techniques for communication, firms like GDI stand a risk of exposing their data and information technology infrastructure to threats that can emerge from lack of email security policy. Bayuk, Healey and Rohmeyer (2012) contend that email remains vulnerable to a wide variety of threats such as worms. These threats can interfere with the operations of the organization, as well as lead to the loss of data. Given the danger that could emanate from email use, this report understand the need of an appropriate email security policy, which will ensure that email exchange do not result to the loss of data, introduction of threats and breach of confidentiality. First, GDI should implement a policy that restricts its employees from sharing any that belong to the organization. This clause could limit the loss of information that GDI’s employees have the privilege to view as compared to other people. This policy should be printed and given to all employees using the firms email. In addition, GDI should also produce a policy that would restrict all the employees from using the firms email for their own private use. The use of emails for any other purpose could introduce threats such as worms. To add on this, the firms should stipulate that all employees scan their emails to ensure that they have no threats such as worms or Trojan horse that could spy on the company’s data. Policy 2: Server Security Policy GDI servers are essential assets that must be protected from physical and operations risks that may have profound effect on the operations of the firm. To ensure that GDI’s servers are secure, there has to be an elaborate policy in place. The se rver security policy calls for the hardening of GDI’s server to ensure that all vulnerable areas are addressed to limit the impact of threats. This policy ensures that GDI’s administrators carry out periodic maintenance of the system by applying patches and other software updates. Servers that lack essential patches are vulnerable to attacks (TechRepublic, 2004). Updating the servers by installing patches would ensure that the server is secure and up to date. Being that updates are critical to the operation of
The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the investment in the Gulf Essay
The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the investment in the Gulf area especially on Qatar - Essay Example The high unemployment rate and the collapse of the financial institutions cumulatively limited the potential of individuals and corporations to invest. The Gulf Area experienced a period of oil-boom during the period between 2003 and 2008, a time when the economy grew by double figures. Qatar was a major distributor of oil in the world and the rising demand underpinned the increase in its sales during this period. The impact of this is that there was reduced unemployment, rise in economic class and the growth of the gross domestic product (Khamis, Senhadji, Hasan, & International Monetary Fund, 2010). On the other hand, the economic development resulted to increase in the public confidence and hence increased borrowing from monetary banks. The public’s incentive to invest and take advantage of the growing business opportunities led to the increase of loans from both public and private sector. As a result, the year 2007 marked the peak of economic debts in financial institutions. During this period also, the international monetary funds and the World Bank encouraged financial institutions to provide low interest loans for the local people to inspire investment (Siddiqi, 2013). The negative impact of this is that the potential to invest became much higher than the available business opportunities, leading to business failure. The global recession affected the world at large and this resulted to an adjustment of the world economic situation. The reduction in the value of local currencies resulted in the decline of the purchasing power. The impact that this had is that there was reduced economic exchange in the international business market. Qatar experienced a period of reduced demand for oil from western countries, which resulted to reduction into its national income. Consequently, the country experienced retarded economic growth, and the GDP
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ways We Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ways We Change - Essay Example Sometimes, the process of change takes place automatically and sometimes, one has to push himself to be a part of a particular change process as mostly, people are afraid of the consequences of the change and therefore are resistant to it. However, humans have to face the monster of change in every step they take. So, changing is an intrinsic feature of human nature. The foremost reason highly observed for being involved in the â€Å"change process†is, as human beings grow up, they get to understand themselves better; their likes, dislikes, feelings, values, preferences, environment and surroundings. All these things make up his mind whether to change himself or not. The living needs of the world, the circumstances around us and the prerequisites to survive in this competitive world actually pushes an individual to change himself in almost all the areas of life. The change process of anything can be divided into four steps; pre-contemplation, contemplation, action and maintenance. In pre-contemplation, one tries to resist the change process and not thinks about it. Then, in contemplation, one starts to think about changing by weighing the pros and cons of change. Afterwards, in action, one tries to take steps to adopt the change process and lastly in the maintenance stage, one tries to preserve the momentum of the change and tries not to dissuade the change. Human life is full of examples where he/she has to pass through the change process. Educational Traveling is one such example. Mostly, students have to go abroad for higher studies. They have to adapt themselves according to the culture, values, traditions and norms of that particular country and have to adapt themselves to their educational system. Further, talking about marriage, as one gets married, he has to go through an immense kind of change process; he has to mould his habits according to the likes and dislikes of his partner. He has to forgo his careless nature and has to be
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing information to run business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing information to run business - Essay Example Rufedge also needs marketing research. â€Å"Market research is the process of systematically gathering, recording and analyzing data and information about customers, competitors and the market. Its uses include to help create a business plan, launch a new product or service, fine tune existing products and services, and expand into new markets†(Wikipedia 2008). Task 2Livlong needs to be advised how an understanding of market segmentation might help him improve his business prospects. The purpose of this task is to write a report advising Livlong of this concept through discussing the appropriate segmentation criteria and provide an example of how they might be used in the health food market.â€Å"A market segment is a subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. Market segmentation is the process in marketing of dividing a market into distinct subsets (segments) that behave in the same way or have similar needs. Because each segment is fairly homogeneous in their needs and attitudes, they are likely to respond similarly to a given marketing strategy. That is, they are likely to have similar feelings and ideas about a marketing mix comprised of a given product or service, sold at a given price, distributed in a certain way and promoted in a certain way†(Wikipedia 2008).Health food stores tend to cater to a vastly different segment than do traditional stores. For example, look at Whole Foods Market compared to Albertson’s. ... Market segmentation is the process in marketing of dividing a market into distinct subsets (segments) that behave in the same way or have similar needs. Because each segment is fairly homogeneous in their needs and attitudes, they are likely to respond similarly to a given marketing strategy. That is, they are likely to have similar feelings and ideas about a marketing mix comprised of a given product or service, sold at a given price, distributed in a certain way and promoted in a certain way" (Wikipedia 2008). Health food stores tend to cater to a vastly different segment than do traditional stores. For example, look at Whole Foods Market compared to Albertson's. Albertson's sells popular items of various content, while Whole Foods looks to sell only organic and healthy foods. Therefore, the type of person who would seek out Whole Foods would more likely be health-conscious and could even be a vegetarian or dieter. Task 3 Livlong claims that many of the managers in the company are ignorant of issues concerning consumer behavior. He believes this problem could be solved it managers could become more customer-oriented, which would result in increased sales. The purpose of this task is to consider a potential seminar for the management team entitled 'Understanding consumer behavior-how it can increase our sales' and discuss how it can increase sales, provide details of the issues to be presented, and provide practical examples that could illustrate the talk. "Consumer behavior is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, sociopsychology, anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It
Monday, September 23, 2019
Law of property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Law of property - Essay Example The unity of interest element requires parties to a joint tenancy to have the same type of interest and equal share in the property5. If the unity of interest requirement negated, this results in severance of the joint tenancy into a tenancy in common6.With regard to the unity of title requirement, this stipulates that the parties’ proprietary interests in the property must derive from the same legal title and at the same time. Commonly this will require evidence through deed or will7. Unity of time can often be problematic and academic discourse has significantly criticised this requirement particularly due to the requirement that property rights must vest in each joint tenant simultaneously8. In applying these principles to the current scenario, Albert used the proceeds of the sale of Sunrise Lodge to purchase Greengables. It is evident that Barbara’s mortgage payments to Sunrise Lodge accounted for 30% of the overall purchase costs and as such, the proceeds of the sale of Sunrise Lodge were held on trust for Barbara under constructive trust9. With regard to Greengables, Albert, Barbara and Charles bought the Property together in 1997 with the conveyance expressed as being in the joint names of all three parties. On this basis, it would appear that at the time of purchase, the four unities requirement for the existence of a joint tenancy have been complied with. Accordingly, at the time of purchase, Albert, Barbara and Charles held the Property as joint tenants in equal shares. However, the legal joint tenancy can be rebutted if the factual reality of the ownership arrangement falls within the equitable presumption of a tenancy in common10. The conditions for the equitable presumption of a tenancy in common were extrapolated in the case of Robertson v Fraser11, where Lord Hatherley highlighted that any
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Inclusive Instructional Strategies & Accommodations Essay Example for Free
Inclusive Instructional Strategies Accommodations Essay Diana Pastora Carson is a special education teacher and founder of Ability Awareness in Action organization. She always had an interest in changing the lives of disabled people from pitiful life and exclusion to inclusion and life full of dignity and hope. The concern in Diana’s nature came from presence of a brother who was preserved from others as a disabled and dependent human being. Diana’s Brother, Joaquin, was diagnosed with Autism at an early age. While he was in school, he had been placed in an exclusive classroom for students with significant mental retardation. He was twice placed in a state institute due to misunderstanding of his character and his attempts to communicate with his services. Currently, Joaquin resides in a state institute, where he is ill, emotionally and physically, from being locked up in a building away from his friends and family. He expressed his feelings about living in such environment to his sister in a painful way as he once said: â€Å"Diana, people are so boring here†. His family has been trying to get him out of there as soon as possible. They have also taken his case to the court and are waiting for the final decision to be made. They want to get Joaquin out of there and bring him in a home of his own with people who love him instead of staying in that institute any longer. The training, titled ‘Inclusive Instructional Strategies and Accommodations’, is about including all children, whether they have a disability or not, in general education classrooms specifically, and in the community, generally. Everybody deserves to belong to and live in their communities. A teacher has an enormous role in making all students belong to that classroom through her knowledge about each and every student of his/hers, and through recognizing uniqueness in each one of them. This should make the teacher create a supportive environment that meets each student’s needs, and an atmosphere that promotes acceptance of differences and diversity, learning, hope, and collaboration. Moreover, the teacher is responsible for building a curriculum that meets each student’s level and accommodates tests and homework. A great teacher would avoid labels that discriminate individuals with disabilities to avoid lower expectations. Those labels may help professionals recognize what disabilities the students have, in order to provide them with services that meet their needs. However, people within the same label or disabilities may vary; therefore, we cannot always judge someone based on the labels. Moreover, it is very unprofessional to address someone by his/her disabilities as no one likes to be looked at for something that they did not choose for his/her self and it may affect his/her self-confidence. Students’ dignity must be preserved by the teacher and whoever is around, for instance, peers, and family. Professionals working with disabled people should advocate the community about appreciation of diversity and encourage students to speak out their thoughts, make choices, and blend in the society. Most importantly, the teachers should listen to students attentively; look at their body language, written expressions, and vocalization for effective communication. During the training, many strategies and activities to develop a classroom community were shared by Diana, such as setting roles for the classroom, encouraging reading books that promote diversity and discussions, and different cooperative games. Diana also explained how a customized lesson should be designed as a teacher must know her/his students in order to alter lessons based on each student’s needs. Teachers should also know how to model, guide, and measure students’ independent achievements through knowledge of students’ strengths and limitations. Diana enlightened the importance of giving students’ time to process new information, retrieve old information, and speak out their answers. It is very important to break the lesson into smaller parts along with asking questions in between to check students’ comprehension and to encourage discussions about the lesson. It is very essential to bring movement and interaction into the curriculum, serve the different types of intelligences and most importantly honor every student for who he/she is and be aware of the impact teaching will have on his/her future life. Furthermore, visual aids can assist students in organizing their thoughts, memorizing them, and make learning more enjoyable and personal to them. Finally, commitment to learning, inclusion of all children, and building a quality future for each child is a must step for developing a loving community where everyone belongs. By having a brother with a disability, whose community isolated him from others by not providing him with education programs that serves his needs, making public places inaccessible for him, and not advocating the public about disabilities, Diana has learned to honor diversity and anyone who is working towards treating people with disabilities with dignity and respect. It has encouraged her to change the lives of those who are different from normal people, whether with a disability or not. It has motivated her to include all of them in a classroom that promotes collaboration, understanding, and hope. Furthermore, it has opened her eyes to the importance of advocating the society about disabilities and their inclusion, to change the image and future of the disabled in the community.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk
Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk Populations Throughout adolescence, the brain is not fully formed. The growth occurs in Executive Functioning. Executive functioning is your ability to plan, organize, and to defer instant gratification. Its like the air traffic control center of the brain (Executive Function Self-Regulation, 2015, p. 1. It helps to regulate certain brain tasks to guard against impulsive decisions. It helps to see the big picture so you can form different hypotheses. With executive functioning, everythings not black and white. In adolescents, this form of brain functioning is not fully formed during that stage. The executive functions of the brain are not fully formed and complete until about the age of 25 (Understanding the Teen Brain , n.d., p. 1. Kids can think logically so by the time theyre fifteen and sixteen they really do know how to think logically but they dont make logical decisions. This is because of the lack of formation within the executive function of the brain. If a teen is injured during this stage of their developmental years, it could possibly be devastating for them. This is because it would change the way they view their world and their place in it. This could have serious implications for a teenager. Even a mild brain injury or MBI. A post-concussion may take 2 years for a teenager to recover. But, a more moderate or severe injury my not be fully realized. This may be true for a teen. A teenager who has experienced a brain injury not have had previous physical disabilities but they know that something has changed, something is different about them. The adolescent stage brings its own set of challenges. Even a teen with no previous physical or mental health history has to grapple with an adjustment period. During this adolescent stage of development, the teen is trying to find out who they are, where they fit in and how to cope with peer pressures. A teenagers goal at this stage of their adolescent years is to find out who they are. Its hard to imagine at the age of 16 or 17 how a brain injury can change your life drastically. As a teen, they have begun to find their place in school, their place with friends and family . They may bet thinking about college or a career, what they want to do with their life and an injury of this magnitude completely changes them, forever. The injury changes the way they think, the way they react, the way they normally would look at a situation. Although they may not understand fully, they know that something is different but may find it difficult to admit because their goal is to fit in. They may be desperately trying to find out who they are and struggle with their new reality, one dont fully comprehend. Some way, something has changed you. They may get to a point where they dont even know who they are anymore.. Friends are acting differently towards them (be it real or imagined), parents react differently to them. Tasks that once completed almost effortlessly with no problem or much though given to it, becomes a struggle. Concepts and mechanics of ADLs become arduous. Things that they could control before, now they cant. Frustration sets in and the teen starts to act out in ways they never would have. Situations they and tasks once mastered, becomes a chore. Their study habits have changed. They may not have had to study hard and tests may have been a breeze for them previously. But not now. Words dont seem to make sense any more. The star athlete has hand- eye coordination problems as well as following complex schemes from playbooks. Moderate Brain Injuries and Traumatic Brain Injuries are devastating for adolescents up to the age of 25 at this stage of their development. Functions of the Lobes of the Brain The frontal lobe the parietal lobe the temporal lobe occipital and the cerebellum associated with the frontal lobe or various control they control certain of our behaviors and when is injured that a certain consequences changes that are seen when there is an injury to frontal lobe include problems with sequencing, difficulty making decisions or perseveration. Someone can experience decisions people experienced decreased attention, changed personality, problem-solving difficulties, a decrease in their ability to verbally express oneself. A lack of spontaneity and uncontrollable emotions, social and sexual behaviors decreased initiation of voluntary movements. The changes that we see when temporal lobe is injured is that people a problem understanding the spoken word. They have problems with selective attention. There can also be sexuality changes. sexuality changes. A person with a temporal lobe injury may be found to persistently talk. With a temporal lobe injury, there is an increas e in aggressive behavior. They have problems recognizing faces, identifying objects and categorizing them. The parietal lobe is an area of the brain that where there is a higher level of functioning. Injury to the parietal lobe can cause difficulty naming objects. There can be problems processing their tactile sensations (the sense of touch) and problems processing and understanding what their fingers are telling them. A persons academic skill set declines as a result of an injury to this part of the brain. Things that they were easily able to do in the workplace or in the academic setting from a cognitive standpoint are now diminished or gone. Theres also confusion between the left and the right, a loss of hand eye coordination and a decrease orientation of where the body is from a spatial standpoint. Damages to the occipital lobe is where issues of vision defects, the loss of the visual field. One may also have problems visually locating objects. Importantly, they may also have problems identifying colors. They may also have distorted vision and even hallucinations. They can also have w hat some call word blindness. There is an additional challenge of the inability to perceive the way objects move. It would not be farfetched to connect problems with reading and writing in light of an injury of this magnitude. One may experience an overall slowing of our brains processing visual information. Now for the cerebellum, the area located in the back at the base of the brain and on top of the spinal column. With the cerebellum, there are different things that are more like areas of specialty, things that our cerebellum does for us each and every day. It controls the gross and fine motor coordination. When we decide, we want to reach out and grab a jar off the shelf, we put our arm out and do it. Thats the cerebellum in action. We are balancing our equilibrium, the ability to stand up and not fall over. The cerebellum gives us the ability to be able to ride a skateboard, bicycle or to go for a jog down the block. Our postural (causes dizziness from standing up too fast)cont rol and our eye movements, moving our eyes back and forth up and down and utilizing our eyes to obtain visual information so that it can be processed by our brain. The brainstemcontrols so much of what happens in our body. It controls so many of the different functions that allow us to survive as human beings. It is an area of the brain that really, we take for granted and we should be able to take it for granted. But, when it becomes injured through an accident or whatever, the brainstem and the injuries that flow from that have horrible consequences. When a person has an injury to the brainstem we see the damage to the regulation of our ability to hold our body temperature. It needs to be kept at a healthy temperature as opposed to getting too hot or too cold. We can lose the ability with an injury to the brainstem, efficient and effective management of our heart rate or the rate at which we breathe. Someone with injuries to their brainstem also experience problems with balance an d their movement. They have problems with swallowing food and liquid, something each of us should be able to take for granted but an injury to the brainstem would revoke that privilege. Brainstem injuries classically can be associated with symptoms of vertigo where the world spins. Often, its uncontrollable and unfixable. Theres dizziness and nausea. In summary, the different lobes of the brain carry out many cognitive behavioral and social functions in terms of all the different aspects of our physical life of our emotional life. I have summarized the lobes of the brain to illustrate the way we think, the way to process information, down to larger impacts of injuries to the brain. Talking about the brainstem illustrated functions of how we swallow food, how our body regulates our temperature and so on. The key point in describing the different areas of the brain and the different functions can be summed up this way. When any of the lobes of our brain are, damaged or injured either by accident, by a driver, by a drug, or by a Dr there are horrible consequences that are inescapable. References Executive Function Self-Regulation. (2015). Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Retrieved from Understanding the Teen Brain . (n.d.). In University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, NY (Ed.), Health Encyclopedia. Retrieved 0February 27, 2017, from Bay, E., Mclean, S. A. (2007). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing,39(1), 43-51. doi:10.1097/01376517-200702000-000090692
Friday, September 20, 2019
In the course of the novel four marriages take place. :: Free Essay Writer
In the course of the novel four marriages take place. In the course of the novel four marriages take place. Discuss which one you feel will be the happiest and compare it with the other three to justify your choice. You may wish to consider: - Key events relevant to these relationships - The language, which Austen uses to portray these characters and relationships and Austen’s narrative craft. - Society’s attitudes towards love and marriage in Austen’s period. The four marriages, which I am going to be discussing, are the marriage of Mr Collins to Charlotte Lucas, Lydia Bennet and Wickham, Jane and Bingley and finally Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. I will also discuss the marriage of Mr and Mrs Bennet, as there is a lot of important information, which Austen includes about marriage relating to them. Right from the start marriage is mentioned in an ironic and humorous way and hints the events, which are to follow. ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.’ It highlights the importance of marriage within the world of the novel. The sentence suggests that the sole purpose for marriage was to increase the characters social and financial ranking. The quote mentions nothing of love yet it provokes the feeling tint he minds of the readers that the purpose of marriage was to merely create security. We see that Mrs Bennet has a consuming passion to find suitable marriage partners for her daughters. In her opinion the wealthier a young man the more an attractive proposition he becomes. Jane Austen is keen in this book to point out the dangers of a marriage that is not based on mutual love and respect. The first marriage we witness is the unsatisfactory relationship between Mr and Mrs Bennet. It is their absurd personality clash that causes us to look for qualities in their relationship, which could help us believe this was a happy marriage. Unlike other relationships in the novel we are able to see the effects which time has had on their relationship. The main pleasure Mr Bennet receives from married life results from teasing his wise and finding amusement at her expense. They are clearly incompatible and we see no signs of love at this stage. Mrs Bennet is obsessed with marrying off her daughters, while Mr Bennet enjoys reading and countryside pursuits. However, they both seem to draw vague contentment through compromise and small things; for example when Mr Bennet proclaimed himself adamant not to visit Mr Bingley when his intentions were otherwise. Mr Bennet had his
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Emily Dickinsons God Essay -- Papers Religion Emily Dickinson Essays
Emily Dickinson's God Works Cited Not Included God, to Emily Dickinson, is seen in more than a church or a cathedral. God is seen in her poems in relationship to such themes as nature and the individual existence. These thematic ties are seen in such poems as "It might be lonelier," and "Some keep the Sabbath going to church." "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church" consists of the differences that exist between Dickinson's way of being close to God and many other people's ways of being close to God. While some may go to church every Sunday in honor of the Sabbath, Dickinson stays home and reflects. "A bobolink" is her "Chorister" and instead of a clergyman preaching, "God preaches" (Hillman 36). Dickinson believes she can find God on her own, without the assistance of a preacher or such. Nature, to Dickinson, is the equivalent of a chapel, its congregation, its clergyman, and its choir. Rica Brenner, a critic, wrote that she believed, "Nature, for Emily Dickinson, was the means for the enjoyment of the senses," (Brenner 288). Dickinson finds God, in the fullest sense, in nature. She does not feel as if a church would really convey the full affect of God, at least not to her. "The Sunday God of New England Orthodoxy, distant, awful, cruelly stern, was not for her," (Brenner 274). Dickinson, though she progressively conveys a disdain for the church and its idea of God in her poems, cares for people and nature. She values them above most other things and sees God in them. It can even be said that she rejects the church in the name of God, nature, and the human race, in addition to doing it in the name of her own sanity. Ric... ...d, his life was rare, and his paradise held infinite beauties for those who achieved it. On the other hand, he could be made of flint," (Farr 67). This implies that Dickinson believed in God, just in case there really was a heaven. True, she most likely wouldn't have sacrificed if she didn't think she was going to go to heaven, but she believed in God, and he was not in her own image. If she did create God in her own image, she would have understood better what she believed about him. Instead, she was always wrestling with the quest for who God was and if he even existed at all. The question as to what Dickinson's view of God is never definitively answered in her poetry. As the reader discovers what Dickinson believes about God, the speaker discovers as well. God remains a mystery in the poems of Emily Dickinson.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid Essay -- Health Medicine Government
Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid The U.S. health care system is a scrutinized issue that affects everyone: young, old, rich, and poor. The health care system is comprised of three major components. Since 1973, most Americans have turned to managed-care programs, known as HMOs. The second type of health care offered to Americans is Medicare, health care for the elderly. The third type of health care is Medicaid, a health care program for the poor. Why is our health care system made up of three components, and how did the U.S. health care system develop? A Historical View The idea of prepaid health care dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first HMOs were started in the 1920s in Elk City, Oklahoma as a farmers’ cooperative. In Los Angeles, California the Ross-Loos Medical Group offered prepaid medical services to employees and families of the Los Angeles County Department of Water and Power. Other large prepaid group practices originated in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1942 employee health premiums were made tax deductible to employers, not individuals. By this time, many individuals were discouraged from buying health insurance. In 1965 Congress created Medicare. Subsidized, unrestricted health care for the elderly led to enormous spending by patients and doctors. As a result, health care costs went up, making it impossible for individual health insurance. Many liberals in Congress believed that having the government pay for everyone’s health care could control costs. They promoted the idea of health maintenance organizations. President Nixon proposed the HMO Act. In 1973 Congress passed it. Legal impediments were removed to increase the growth of HMOs. HMOs were developed as pa... ... which the federal government should contribute. The block grant program has gained popularity because the federal government, simply, transfers Medicaid money to the state to distribute it accordingly. Between 1987 and 1992, thirty mandates were issued to states that related to program eligibility, reimbursements, and services. Works Cited: â€Å"Medicaid Reform-Introduction.†The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . â€Å"Medicaid Reform-What’s Right with Medicaid?†The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . Medicaid Reform-What’s Wrong with Medicaid? The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid Essay -- Health Medicine Government Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid The U.S. health care system is a scrutinized issue that affects everyone: young, old, rich, and poor. The health care system is comprised of three major components. Since 1973, most Americans have turned to managed-care programs, known as HMOs. The second type of health care offered to Americans is Medicare, health care for the elderly. The third type of health care is Medicaid, a health care program for the poor. Why is our health care system made up of three components, and how did the U.S. health care system develop? A Historical View The idea of prepaid health care dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first HMOs were started in the 1920s in Elk City, Oklahoma as a farmers’ cooperative. In Los Angeles, California the Ross-Loos Medical Group offered prepaid medical services to employees and families of the Los Angeles County Department of Water and Power. Other large prepaid group practices originated in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1942 employee health premiums were made tax deductible to employers, not individuals. By this time, many individuals were discouraged from buying health insurance. In 1965 Congress created Medicare. Subsidized, unrestricted health care for the elderly led to enormous spending by patients and doctors. As a result, health care costs went up, making it impossible for individual health insurance. Many liberals in Congress believed that having the government pay for everyone’s health care could control costs. They promoted the idea of health maintenance organizations. President Nixon proposed the HMO Act. In 1973 Congress passed it. Legal impediments were removed to increase the growth of HMOs. HMOs were developed as pa... ... which the federal government should contribute. The block grant program has gained popularity because the federal government, simply, transfers Medicaid money to the state to distribute it accordingly. Between 1987 and 1992, thirty mandates were issued to states that related to program eligibility, reimbursements, and services. Works Cited: â€Å"Medicaid Reform-Introduction.†The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . â€Å"Medicaid Reform-What’s Right with Medicaid?†The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . Medicaid Reform-What’s Wrong with Medicaid? The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 .
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Pros and Cons School Uniforms Essay
In the many schools around the world, whether it being public or private, to elementary to high schools, no matter what kind of schools, they are all eligible for acquiring school uniforms. School uniforms can have a positive impact on the school by changing the factors that cause problems among the students. By having school uniforms mandatory, many changes of a student’s behavior can change. For example, when students are obligated to wear uniforms, they would have better attendance and less verbal abuse with other classmates. But on the other hand, it can also have a negative impacts on a student’s individuality and esteem which can affect their emotion and atmosphere around school. It is a great idea to implement a system on school uniforms because of the positive outcomes that are received. Some of the good outputs that are better grades, little to no harassments, better a attendance record, and more as well. To start of with the positive effects of school uniforms, one of the advantages to wearing school uniforms, is that it can contribute to improved attendance. In the morning, children have a hard time waking up due to the earliness in which they are obligated to do so. This focus can be reached towards the females. This really makes an impact on girls. Girls spend more time than guys on apparel. Girls have more sense of details when it comes to fashion and find it more important to boost their self-esteem. This can be time consuming in the morning if they do not wake up early enough to plan out their outfits. In my experience, every morning I spend at least twenty minutes or more on picking out clothes I would wear to school. It is because, I have such a variety of clothing that makes it hard to choose from what I want. Since girls have vast amounts of clothing than guys, it makes it harder to choose outfits in the morning, therefore time has collapsed when it could have been used to eat breakfast or get onto the bus for school. In Long Beach Unified School District, located in Long Beach California, have seen improvement in school attendance. The district has school uniforms mandatory for the children who attend the schools in the Long Beach district. The elementary schools in the district, have exceeded successful attendance. The percentage of improved attendance has increased up to 94.8 percent since 1994, and as years has passed by until now, the uniforms has been almost fulfilled almost perfect attendance. It didn’t start out with the whole district acquiring school uniforms. It all started from one elementary school using the apparel. When the school started gaining great attendance, other schools in the same district thought it would reach great potential for their school. As you can see, when your outfits are planned each day without having to think about it, you can save time each morning. It will take as little as five minutes to put on the unif orm, thus preventing tardies and giving improved attendance. Second of all, by involving school uniforms into the system, it can help prevent drama, harassment, and verbal abuse, and sexual offense among the student body. In the Long Beach district, it was proven that assault in grades, kindergarten through eighth grades was dropped down eighty-five percent. Fighting has also been be dropped by thirty-eight percent. Sex offenses has declined by ninety-six percent. All the reduction to improved behavior of students, come from the school uniforms. When people have the right to choose their own clothing, they show how they want to express themselves. The individuality of students differentiate between each student, and not everyone will like everybody else’s clothing. Other students will often pick on each other, especially the younger group of children, will humor themselves because of other children’s appearances. Not everybody has the kindness and altruistic inside them, which can cause them to do unsympathetic actions that can h urt one another. Verbal abuse can cause hurt feelings, when it has to do with their own originality. A student’s expression through their clothes can help build confidence in themselves until someone turns them down because they do not like the clothing. Some clothing to others, make people vulnerable to harass students by bullying as well. By the clothing they wear, it can also show their personality. Sexual offenses have also been reduced because school uniforms can make people less attractive. With the proper clothing, such as tucked in shirts, to slacks and khakis, there will be less exposed skin. Males tend to often get attracted and urge to harass females that have that kind of appearance. With the help of school uniforms, everybody will look the same, so it would be harder to tease or abuse other children in school. Another positive aspect of school uniforms, less criminal activities take place. Stolen items, especially clothing, are caused by the jealousy of others. Not everybody can get what they desire in clothing because of the expenses. When people do not have the diligence to go out and purchase their own belongings, stolen items will occur. Many people will own some of the fanciest apparel that can catch many eyes, and a majority of that group probably cannot afford it. Clothes can be easily taken from lockers, and students know how to hack into lockers of students, especially during gym class. When students have a gym class, they are required to change out of their casual clothing, into gym clothes that are required for activities that take place during gym such as running, sports, and more that can cause students to sweat large amounts, and that would be very uncomfortable to do with jeans and other hard-to-move-in clothing. It is much easier to rob clothing during gym periods because t he locker rooms are not guarded or watched by anybody most of the time.When people know the fact that the locker rooms are unattended, that gives kids great opportunities to snatch whatever they can get. Another decline in criminal activities, are gangs. The clothing of how people express how they are and how their personality can show through their clothing. With the violent looking apparel, it can really contribute to one’s action. It is most likely, that with the people without the disciplined clothing, do not have a strong bond with the family that could really make a difference to them. With the lack of family orientation, kids will follow under the influence that others will do as well as clothing. With the ability of actions of what gangs can do, it can create a bad atmosphere in the school with vandalism and theft as well. School property could be damaged and abused by gangs. Once uniforms becomes a policy into the school system, parents would get involved with their children because of the purchasing of the uniforms. The reduction of all these incidents has reduced sixty-nine percent. It could help parents connect with their children by getting them involved with their education. Once parents can see the difference when school uniforms are being used in the school, they could show more appreciation for the kids, by having their kids go to school above the influence. Criminal activity can decline with school uniforms, maybe not at its full potential, but with the help of the school clothing it can make a difference by disciplining children to produce a better community in the school. Furthermore, school uniforms can present improvement in students academically. With the distractions of what clothing can do, it can disrupt student’s education. The distraction of everybody’s individuality, everybody will have different expression of clothing, which can take mind off of classwork and homework. This can be a big deal for females. Society has made an impact of the minds that dressing nice to school can make you look favored and desired to attract others for attention. Females may take up their studying time to go shopping that can take hours looking for the clothes that can make them look attractive. This can happen several times in a week or month, and most of that time could have been made up with studying to prepare for tests that makes up a majority of a grade in a class. Females may even take the time to make others jealous or to attract a certain someone they would want to amuse. Even on the other side, males could be distracted as well. Males can be distracted by the females with their overexposed outfits. When females show too much skin, males will have the urge to take a glance or check. This can often have males focus on girls rather than their education. In a survey, teachers have believed that kids are pressured on other students as well to getting name brand clothing so they could be accepted. Ninety percent of the teacher population in Long Beach district has believed so. This is very common for kids in schools, and the distractions should be eliminated. Incorporating assigned school apparel into the school, females can spend less time shopping and browsing for clothes that they would want to wear everyday at school. To add on to the productive reasonings, school uniforms can also improve student’s behavior. From what was stated above, all of that contributes to all individuals at schools to upgrade their manners and actions. Their behavior in school has gotten students to focus more in their education. Many factors can supply for the positive attitude that people can have with school uniforms. Without the violence, distractions, harassment, and other types of influences that are negative. Teachers believe that it it can help students become more mature by ninety-five percent. By raising the maturity level, it can bring less problems to the school making it run smoothly. Having a positive attitude in school can also reduce the trouble that students get into. For example, all the fights, vandalizing, or any other actions students can make can lead them a path to suspensions. Suspensions are caused by the negative attitudes students tend to have. Suspension rates have been dropped by ninety percent. The actions they do to create a problem to get suspended can really depend on how you think and how positive it can be. A positive behavior in school can save trouble, and school uniforms can really contribute to this conclusion. On the other hand, school uniforms can be kind of a down turn as well. The major con to school uniforms, is that can hinder and stifle individual’s self expression and creativity they could show in their clothes. Although it can raise the best in students such as achieving better grades, creating less drama within the students, or even reducing the violence that take place during school. Students do not find school uniforms attractive and most likely, they will not find the uniforms attractive. School uniforms never seem to look attractive anyways. The main point is, that it can limit to showing their self identity and that is important to many of the students out there because this is also how people can find their friends. When people can see other people’s clothing, they can make general infer to see if they are compatible to be friends. Another reason being, when people can show their individuality, it can boost peoples’ happiness by a lot, and that can very much change a person’s mood. Most people can picture having to pick their own clothing as art because you can choose what clothing can go together to make a certain outfit unique that could fulfill your desire. Parents like how they can see that their kids can express themselves through clothing because it can help them understand how they feel from day to day. When people can express through their clothing you can tell how they are feeling. Most of the time, if kids dress nice all the time, they usually would have a high spirit with joy to going to school. Then if suddenly they dress the opposite sometimes, you can probably get a lot of things out of it. You can probably see that their mood affected how they chose their outfits. Seeing how everybody expresses themselves, can also show that they also have a little freedom in school since they are trapped all day from school. Student’s need some type of liberty while attending school to balance with the strict rules that a school can have. With this type of freedom by expressing yourself through clothing can have a big effect on how you act upon yourself in a positive way. Second thought to the negative side is that school uniforms can get pricey. The school, or someone in the community would have to design the uniforms and assign them to each student in the school. Everybody in the school do not own the same amount of money, so this can be trouble to some families out there. Some families out there would not have a problem paying for several uniforms to wear each day of the week. Each uniform can be expensive enough just for one uniform, but to multiply it by however many days there are in a week can add up to a pretty high number. Other families may not be able to afford it. This may create a problem to certain families without the money to be able to purchase the uniforms. The student’s parents may have to work extra, but other things may get in the way to prevent the opportunity to gain more money. With this problem, when a school does not have school uniforms, some families can save a lot of money by buying cheaper clothes for their childre n, and use their money on other important things like food, books, or anything else that may be important. Having uniforms in school, especially if they are adding it now and never did from the beginning, can cause a lot of money problems to some families out there. School uniforms can also cause a bad reputation for the school that they are attending. Not all students will often behave with the changes of clothes, so they will end up to trouble. Whether it being before school, during lunch, or after school when they are able to leave the campus, they have their uniforms on. Going out into the public with your uniform will let others know what school you attend. If students are out caught doing something repulsive or anything unacceptable, this can give the school a bad reputation. This will also cause the prevention of parents wanting to enroll their own kids into that school. When a school has a bad reputation due to their student’s behavior and actions, less people will want their children attending the school, and even students from that school will leave and attend another school with a good reputation to get a better education. School uniforms can very much make a difference. When a school has school uniforms, students must be at their all time best behavior when they are off campus. They must be able to represent their school in a positive way, so that the school can get credited for the excellent behavior, and draw in students who would be attending the school in the future. Although school uniforms may have negative features to a students life in school, they are able to change their actions to prevent the negative features. Eliminating a person’s individuality isn’t always true, because there are weekends when students do not attend school, and that is when they can compensate for their right to being able to express their individuality and creativity. The important thing is that students are preparing their futures that could benefit them. With the high grades, to studying, and with less distractions, students can go to school with a purpose. Less competition between others will create an environment in which all students can become a greater person. School uniforms can very much discipline students into having a better and positive attitude and that can contribute for a much better future they could achieve.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Compare and Contrast: Hinduism and Islam
Hinduism and Islam: Compare and Contrast It is universally known that religious faiths creates diversity in culture and give new identity and outlook to matters signifying a new way life. In most cases, religious faith is accountable for people’s behavior in conducting daily activities including business, work, socialization, and cultural functions within a specified community. The immensely large majority of the human species has always looked to a higher power for acceptance, love, enlightenment, guidance, and even sometimes discipline.There are many different religions with many different practices and beliefs, however, in this paper I will be comparing and contrasting the belief on who is worshiped as the â€Å"higher power†as well as the diet practices and rituals of the two common religions known as Hinduism and Islam. Hinduism and Islam have been preexisting for a very long time. Hinduism main roots dating back in India and Islam from the Arab world, the two hav e quite a vast number of differences and similarities as well.Hinduism and Islam, other than Christianity, are two out of three major religions followed in the world. It is difficult to spot any similarities between the two religious groups since they are known globally to cause war and chaos wherever they come together. However, the two religions show vast differences beginning from their origins and development. Islam believes that their faith is founded on the faith outline by a prophet of God called Mohammed.Mohammed is the core founder of the Islamic religion since the time he received revelations from Allah. On the other hand, Hinduism began as integration of numerous religious groups in the subcontinent of India where, at the time, there many wonderers, exiled communities, and prophetic individuals. The groups came together to form the contemporary Hindu religion (Anon. , 2013). Most principally, the two religions have a different concept concerning the Supreme Being, God. Th e Muslim believes in the existence of one almighty God referred to as Allah.Allah is given numerous positive attributes by Muslims relating him to greatness, however; Allah is also termed as merciful, the creator of all, the sustainer of all human life, and the incomparable one. This concept that Allah is incomparable has allowed all Muslims around the world, though with diverse cultures and languages, to refer to God as Allah. Moreover, the name Allah is a discrete name from the language Aramaic which is a language historically known to have been the native language of Jesus. This kind of belief and complete trust in the existence of one God are essentially known as monotheism (Naik, 2007).On the other hand, the Hindu believes about the existence of one Supreme Being is contrary to that of Muslims. Hindus practice polytheism which is basically the belief in multiple Gods. The word Hindu has a geographic importance relating to a certain community referred to as Sindhu who lived beyo nd the river Indus in ancient India. It is noteworthy to indicate that the Hindu believes that everything is God starting from the physical elements such as trees, mountains, and rivers to living things such as humans. This in religious education is referred to as Pantheism.While Muslims believe that everything is God’s, the Hindu on the contrary perceives everything as God. In a global perspective, the Hindu has a quite diversified perception of God since every community may have more than a hundred Gods, whereas others believe to a minimum of three Gods. Hindus have come up with an argument that they should adopt and refer to only one God as divine and sacred. This may bring some internal conflicts among the Hindus since the scholars might be compromising with their ancient beliefs and customs (Brodd, 2003, p. 108).However, the two religions agree that man is a manifestation of Gods wonderful creation. This means that all the two agree on is that God or Gods created man and other physical and spiritual creations. Muslims believe that man was created the same in that all men are equal in the eyes and perception of God. In this case, Muslims are against any discrimination on the basis of social status, race, or tribe. Also, Muslims fail to agree that God favors individuals on the basis of wealth and other material properties but favor from Allah is given to anyone on the basis of virtues and piety.On the other hand, Hindus believe that men were created in caste systems, which articulates mankind is not equal. Instead, human beings are categorized into four facets. The firsts group is referred to as Brahmans who represents the highest people in society on the basis of priesthood, wealth and social status, and intellectual abilities. This group is certainly the most respected and adored since everything is God according to Hinduism. The subsequent group, Kshatriya is slightly lower in terms of social class, wealth, and intellectual capabilities since it r epresent the ruling class including warriors and heroes in the society.The third category is referred to as Vaisya a group mainly composed of agriculturalist and artisans in the community. The last group, Sudras includes the lowest ranked individuals in the community probably on the basis of poverty and lack of intellectual abilities. Muslims and Hindus acknowledge that there is life after death since they all believe in the existence of the soul. Also, they both believe that there is judgment after the physical death. In addition, the judgment is based on the deeds and the way a person has lived have or her life.The positive virtues such as humbleness, respect, merciful, and faithful among others are believed to influence positive results from the judgment. However, the concept with which they both perceive life after death is what differs among the two religions. Hindus do not believe in the existence of an awful place formally known as hell, or the existence of heaven. Instead, H indus believe in the power of reincarnation. This means that they believe that a person is born afresh in another life once he or she dies.The reincarnated person will then acquire a new status based on his virtues and attributes of the previous life. This contradicts with Muslims beliefs of the body and soul. Muslims believe that a human being has two destinations either heaven or hell. Heaven is for people who have upheld their belief and trust in Allah with the refection of their deeds. On the contrary is a place of anguish and torture for those who refuse to follow Allah outlined commandments. However, the decision to go to either place depends on the ruling made on the Day of Judgment.Similarly, both religions have a certain animal they are restricted to eat. In Islam, they have all the luxury to eat all kind of meats from cows, lambs, goats, and poultry except pigs due to some beliefs about the unsacred nature of the pig meat. Hindu believes that because food is a gift from Go d, it should be treated with great respect (V, 2000). Hindus do not enjoy the luxury of eating cow meat since they perceive the animal as sacred due to their pantheism nature. Devout Hindus believe that all of God’s creatures re worthy of respect and compassion, regardless of whether they are humans or animals (Elgindy 2005). Therefore, a cow is viewed as divine and sacred hence it cannot be eaten. Hinduism encourages being vegetarian and avoiding the eating of any animal meat or flesh (Elgindy 2005). However, not all Hindus choose to practice vegetarianism, and they may adhere to the religion’s dietary codes in varying degrees of strictness (Elgindy 2005). Also, the two religious groups do pray except that they pray differently.Hindus mostly pray in temples, whereas Muslims usually pray mosques. Hindus temples are usually decorated with various pictures that manifest the being or the nature of their Gods. However, Muslims are not allowed to have any pictures in their mosques since God is incomparable to anything not even the physical representation through pictures. The Islamic religion is founded on the basis of activism which calls for all Muslims to go out to the entire world teaching people to adopt and believe in the faith outline by the Quran, the Muslim Holy Scripture.Therefore, most Muslims are dedicated to teaching their traditions and practices concerning their faith to other tribes and humanity that do not necessarily espouse Muslim beliefs and faith. On the contrary, Hinduism is based on personal principles of tolerance which include patient listening even to non believers. Hindus basically believe it is a matter of time before people reawaken and embrace Hindu principles and their faith. Therefore, Hindus believe that, at the end, all religion in the world will conform to their belief in pantheism.Muslims are very specific to their ritual and religious practices since they observe strict fasting periods to even over five days in spe cial periods such as namaz and roza. Fasting is considered an opportunity to earn the approval of Allah, to wipe out previous sins, and to understand the suffering of the poor (Katme 2009). Fasting is also partly to be in control of appetite and to avoid food addiction (Katme 2009). It is the fourth ritual observance in the Five Pillars of Islam. Also, Muslims wake up very early in the morning, on a daily basis, to pray to their God, Allah.On the contrary, Hindu does not put much effort in religious rituals instead they engage in selfless activities so as to increase their probability of being reincarnated to a higher being. In addition, Hindus belief that God is everything, simply outlines that God can take any form to reveal his existence. Hindus also outline that their view of God shows that God has unconditional love for love humanity and creatures. Therefore, God is not necessarily a male according to Hindus, instead; God can reveal himself inform of a female figure or an anima l.Islam religion believes in the existence of God’s angels who are given the duty to fulfill God’s tasks. In Muslim, God cannot reveal himself in any human or physical form, however; rather than revealing his nature in a divine form he sends angles to protect human beings. Moreover, angles are invisible to the naked eye, and they also do not need human comfort since they are heavenly created hence do not posses human qualities. The two religions are similar in that they are built on the theory of commitment to God. This theory requires all the believers in both religions to trust and obey God without question or doubt.Also, the theory is based on purity and peace supported by unquestionable submission to God. Although, the two religions strictly foster people to trust and obey God, they acknowledge the importance of own will in a personal decision. This means that Hindu and Islam do not force any individual to become one of their own or restrict someone from going into other religions. Instead, followers are given the will to decide whether to stay, or shift to other religious belief, but once an individual decides to stay him or she must follow the religious principle held by the either of the group.Beside, followers are allowed to choose on their own with the consent that their decision and their way of living will be judged or will affect their reincarnation in the next life (Horton & Plunkett, 2002, p. 36). Also, there are other slight but significant differences among the two religions. The Muslim religion is based on a politically built system emulating Mohammed way of living which was essentially based on military power, missionary zeal, and political control. On the other hand, Hindu believes in many Gods is meant to provide spiritual freedom to the followers devoid of political influences.Also, Hindu religion is presented as a more feminine religion rather since the symbol of the cow signifies motherhood and fertility. Also, many Hindu d eities are females and their temples consist of arts full of female figures. Muslim, on the other hand, worship a masculine Allah since most of the women are not allowed to enter mosques, and also women are veiled while in public. There are also different ways to realize the truth in Hindu, whereas Islam’s believes in only one true way (Brass, 2005, p. 119).The two religions outline one another as arrogant and disapprove their faith, on the basis of varied grounds. For many years, there have been various wars and grievances containing the two religions with Muslims killing numerous Hindus in India for destroying their places of worships, Mosques. As seen in the above contest, there are more differences in the nature of the tow religions rather similarities. Hindus and Islam’s disagree on the bases of existence of one God, life after death, existence of angles, and others key areas relevant to religion.However, both religions are built on positive attributes, the theory of devotion to God and acknowledge the importance of human free will. Therefore, there is no place that both religion advocates for war or hatred that have preexisted among the two religions. Since both of the Gods allow positive attributes of love and tolerance, these attributes should be used as a basis for uniting the two religions. Works Cited Anon. , 2013. Diffrence Between net. Retrieved from: http://www. differencebetween. net/miscellaneous/difference-between-islam-and-hinduism/ Brass, P. R. , (2005).Language, Religion And Politics in North India. 2 ed. New Delhi: iUniverse. Brodd, J. , (2003). World Religions 2003: A Voyage of Discovery. 2 ed. Winona: Saint Mary's Press. Horton, P. & Plunkett, R. , (2002). Delhi. 3 ed. Footscray: Lonely Planet Online Shop. Katme, Majid A. , (2009). Faith and Food: Retrieved from http://www. faithandfood. com/Islam Naik, Z. , (2007). Basic Beliefs of Hindus and Muslims: Retrieved from http://www. islam101. com/religions/hinduism/hindu_muslim . html V, Jayaram. (2000). The Hindu way of life Part 1 & 2. Retrieved from http://www. hinduwebsite. com/
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