Thursday, January 31, 2019
Frederick Douglass Essay examples -- Biography Biographies Bio
In Frederick Douglass autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, he writes rough the inhumanity and brutality of slavery, with the intention of informing white, American colonists. Douglass is thought to be one of the greatest leadership of the abolishment, which radically and dramatically changed the American flair of life, thus revolutionizing America. Douglass changed America, and accomplished this through writing simply and to the point closely the reality of slavery, told through the point of view of a slave. In a preface of Douglass autobiography, William Lloyd Garrison writes, I am confident that it is essentially true(p) in all its statements that postcode has been set down in malice, nonhing exaggerated, nothing drawn from the imagination that it comes short of reality, rather than overstates a wholeness fact in regard to slavery as it is (Douglass, 6). This statement authenticates and guarantees Douglass speech communication bei ng nothing but the truth.Douglass enslaved life was not an accurate histrionics of the common and assumed life of a slave. He, actually, a lot wished that he was not so different and had the same painful, but simpler ignorance that the other slaves had. It was his difference, his striving to make and be free that do his life so complicated and made him struggle so indefinitely. Douglass expresses this in writing, I envied my fellow-slaves for their stupidity. I have often wished myself a beastIt was this everlasting thinking of my condition that tormented me (Douglass, 53). In his narrative, Douglass does generalize to relate his experience to that of other slaves, creating a parallel in the midst of his life and the life of any other slave. He writes about the brutality, physi... ...edge. In his narrative, Douglass layers the many brutal, cruel, inhumane, and true components of slavery in his life, underlying each stratum with a political motive and relation. This method of writing was for his audience upstage from slavery, those ignorant of slavery, uninformed, misunderstood, and those who were fortunate to have freedom. Douglass illustrates living conditions, experiences, tragedies, and struggles to great depths. Everywhere, African Americans escape the binds of slavery due to Frederick Douglass determination. He revolutionized America, being one of the greatest leaders of the abolition, being the reason for so many freed lives, and leading to the complete abolition and illegality of slavery in America.Works CitedDouglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. capital of Massachusetts The Anti-Slavery Office, 1845.
Cervantes Motivation for Writing Don Quixote Essay -- Biography Biogr
Cervantes indigence for Writing Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes greatest literary work, Don Quixote, maintains an enduring, if somewhat sterile imold age in the popular culture the tale of the obsessed ennoble and his clownish squire who embark on a faith-driven, adventure-seeking quest. However, although this childlike set forth has survived since the novels inception, and spawned such universally known concepts or images as quixotic noble-mindedness and charging headlong at a group of giants which are actually windmills, Cervantes motivating for musical composition Don Quixote form an untold story. Looking at new-made fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century Spain from the viewpoint of a Renaissance man, Cervantes came to dislike many aspects of the age in which he lived, and decided to satirize what he saw as its failings however, throughout the writing of what would plough his most famous work, Cervantes was torn by a philosophical conflict which pervaded the Renaissance and its intellectuals--the clash of faith and reason. When Cervantes began writing Don Quixote, the most direct target of his satirical intentions was the chivalric romance. He makes this incur clear in his own preface to the novel, stating that ..his sole aim in to invalidate the authority, and ridicule the absurdity of those books of chivalry, which have, as it were, fascinated the eyeball and judgment of the world, and in particular of the vulgar. Immediately after the beginning of the novel, he demonstrates some of the ridiculous and unbelievable writing of these books as Alonso Quixano--the man who decides to become the knight Don Quixote, after going mad from reading also many of these romances--sits in his study, tirelessly poring over his belo... ...r (Magill 330). In Part II of the novel, however, Don Quixote becomes less of a sadly comic figure, and more lofty (331) after he stoically faces down a lion, leading Sancho to channelise his masters previous title-- dub of the Rueful Countenance--to Knight of the Lions. Although the tale told in Don Quixote, the account of an idealist who embarks on a seemingly impossible quest to rid society of injustice, has assumed archetypal importance for what it reveals of the human mind and emotions (Person 81), there is another story which remains hidden between the pages of the novel what was Cervantes original intent in writing, and how that simple goal--a humorous parody of chivalric romances--eventually led to the literary embodiment of a tremendous philosophical debate whether to let the perception of truth be dominated by faith, or by reason.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Double-crest Cormorant
The Double-crest cormorant is more or less uniformly distributed throughout the untaught. It is seen in clement climates with intimately concentrated in the upper half of the United States. assessment from the map, they seem to be attracted to heavily wooded areas such as northerly California and Oregon, the Dakotas in the Midwest and northern New England. The ejection to this is the relatively concentrated population in south east Florida. Because of their apparent desire for temperate wooded areas, I would say that this bird is a specialist. Great Blue Heron The Great Blue Heron is unquestionably a generalist.It is spread all throughout the country with heavy concentrations mostly in the southern part of the United States. It seems as though it does outgo in the Midwestern and southern parts of the country but likewise has significant populations in the desert areas of Arizona and New Mexico and the harsh winter climates of the most northern parts of the country. Wood Stork The Wood Stork is definitely a specialist. Its populations are seen exclusively in the South and the Southeastern parts of the country with its heaviest populations in Florida and more so in south Florida.It seems to do outmatch in hot climates with high humidity and is n ever seen any advertize North than Tennessee. American Robin The American Robin is by farthermost the most populous bird in this group. It is seen in nearly ever state in the country, with the exceptions being Florida and much of Texas, making it a generalist. Its most significant populations are in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest but it is mostly well distributed throughout the whole country. Work Citied Breeding Bird follow Summary and Analysis. USGS Bird Population. USGS. 28 Mar. 2006 <http//www. mbr-pwrc. usgs. gov/bbs/bbs. html>.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Archeozoic Era Essay
The Archeozoic Era stretches from rough 3.8 one meg million to 2.5 jillion old bestride ago. Traditionally, the demoralisening of the archaean is defined to coincide with the oldest rocks disc all overed. As late discoveries amaze pushed back the forward dated rocks to about 4.0 zillion days old, the beginning of the early has in like manner been pushed back correspondingly. How invariably, most texts sedate watch to date the beginning to 3.8 billion long time ago. As the Late surd Bombardment (LHB) end with the Hadean, the newly founding cheek continued to stabilize, and eventually conduct to the creation of the continents. When the continents front appe bed is still under debate. The basis in this degree was mod timetely warm. Although the sunniness was about 30% cooler than it is today, the geological application of the reason was often higher, covering to a slightlywhat temperate temper. approximately of the farming was covered with oceans. The atmosphere contained broadly methane and little to no atomic number 8 in that locationfore it is considered a reducing atmosphere. Although recent discoveries whitethorn change this view, it is in command believed that breeding starting evolved in the Archean.Some of the oldest fossils of lifetime on reality include the Apex Chert (3.465 billion eld old) and stromatolites (3.45 billion long time old) from Australia, and the Swazi inflict microfossils from Africa (also about 3.45 billion age old). Dating the oldest life forms is difficult. Stromatolite-like structures shake been shown to be as old as 3.5 billion long time, but it can be debated whether they were make by living organisms, or natural forces (hydrothermal vents). The earliest conclusive radiometric markers of life (such(prenominal)(prenominal) as O-12 uptake, or the primary assure of photosynthesis, for example), date to about 2.7 billion years old. However, it is widely believed that the first life appe b ed often earlier, possibly approximately the beginning of the Archean, around 3.8 billion years ago, or even in the Hadean. The earliest chemical markers of life are dated to about 3.8 billion years, but this is not the same as finding microfossils. EDIT the oldest conclusive conclusion of life has been pushed back to about 3.43 billion years old, at Strelley jackpot in Western Australia. The first organisms were likely non-photosynthetic, utilizing methane, ammonia or sulfates for their animation needs.Photosynthesis became usual with the cyanobacteria, perhaps as earliest as 3.5 billion years ago. The atomic number 8 advanced by these bacteria went into oxidizing rocks on the Earth and the urge on in the oceans, so there was no increase in atmospherical group O for a very long time. Atmospheric oxygen did not begin to rise significantly until billions of years after photosynthesis first began. The Archean was the accomplishment in which continent institution first b egan. The come out of the closet of the Earth had started to solidify in the Hadean, with the movement of liquid pee as early as 100 million years after the formation of the Earth. But the early pertness was unstable, and was continually eroded, recycled and re melted. During the Archean these areas of land increased in size and during the middle Archean the first continent sized expanses of land first appeared.These proto continents no longer exist, but their remnants are manytimes found in cratons, areas of ancient rock that survive on almost of the Continental shields today. Cratons usually appear when the overlying rock (by and large volcanic pyrogenic rock) is buried deep, but not deep enough to be re melted. Instead, the instigate and pressure converts it into metamorphic rock. These are areas where the crust has thickened, with fresh flaming rock on top and metamorphic rock beneath (though flock of the crust can obscure this relationship). For reasons that are not well unders similarlyd, there were extensive cratonization events towards the last third of the Archean, which let never been repeated in the tale of the Earth. However, continents as we know them today, with continental plates and plate plate tectonics did not appear until the very end of the Archean.The EarthWhen the Archean began, the Earths heat flow was nearly three times higher than it is today, and it was still twice the current direct at the transition from the Archean to the proterozoic (2, calciferol Ma). The extra heat was the result of a mix of remnant heat from planetary accretion, heat from the formation of the Earths core, and heat produced by radioactive elements. Most surviving Archean rocks are metamorphic or igneous. Volcanic activity was considerably higher than today, with numerous lava eruptions, including unusual types such as komatiite. Granitic rocks predominate by dint ofout the crystalline remnants of the surviving Archean crust. Examples include grea t melt sheets and voluminous plutonic masses of granite, diorite, mold intrusions, anorthosites and monzonites cognize as sanukitoids. The Earth of the early Archean may collapse supported a tectonic regime unlike that of the consecrate. Some scientists reason that, because the Earth was much hotter, tectonic activity was more vigorous than it is today, resulting in a much faster rate of recycling of crustal material.This may have prevented cratonisation and continent formation until the mantle cooled and convection slowed down. Others argue that the oceanic lithosphere was too buoyant to subduct, and that the rarity of Archean rocks is a function of erosion by subsequent tectonic events. The question of whether plate tectonic activity existed in the Archean is an active area of new research. There are twain take aims of plan concerning the amount of continental crust that was present in the Archean. iodine school maintains that no large continents existed until late in th e Archean sharp protocontinents were the norm, prevented from coalescing into larger units by the high rate of geologic activity.The other school follows the teaching of Richard Armstrong, who argued that the continents grew to their present volume in the first 500 million years of Earth record and have maintained a near-constant ever since throughout most of Earth history, recycling of continental material crust back to the mantle in subduction or collision zones balances crustal perplexth. Opinion is also divided about the mechanism of continental crustal growth. Those scientists who doubt that plate tectonics operated in the Archean argue that the felsic protocontinents organize at hotspots rather than subduction zones. by means of a process called sagduction, which refers to developial melting in downward-directed diapirs, a vicissitude of mafic magmas produce intermediate and felsic rocks.citation neededOthers accept that granite formation in island arcs and convergent m argins was part of the plate tectonic process, which has operated since at l eastbound the start of the Archean. An explanation for the general lack of Hadean rocks (older than 3800 Ma) is the efficiency of the processes that either cycled these rocks back into the mantle or effaced any isotopic record of their antiquity. All rocks in the continental crust are subject to metamorphism, partial melting and tectonic erosion during ternary orogenic events and the chance of survival at the surface decreases with increasing age. In addition, a period of intense meteorite bombardment in the period 4.0-3.8 Ga small-grained all rocks at the Earths surface during the period. The similar age of the oldest surviving rocks and the late heavy bombardment is thought to be not accidentalPalaeoenv weightliftmentThe Archean atmosphere is thought to have nearly lacked bleak oxygen. Astronomers think that the sun had about 7075% of the present luminosity, and temperatures appear to have been near m odern levels even within 500 Ma of Earths formation, which is puzzling the faint young sun paradox. The front man of liquid water is evidenced by certain extremely de create gneisses produced by metamorphism of sedimentary protoliths. The equable temperatures may reflect the presence of larger amounts of greenhouse gases than later in the Earths history.Alternatively, Earths albedo may have been lower at the time, callable to less land area and cloud cover. By the end of the archaean c. 2500 Mya, plate tectonic activity may have been similar to that of the modern Earth. There are well-preserved sedimentary basins, and evidence of volcanic arcs, intracontinental rifts, continent-continent collisions and far-flung globe-spanning orogenic events suggesting the assembly and destruction of one and perhaps several supercontinents. Liquid water was frequent, and deep oceanic basins are cognize to have existed by the presence of banded weight-lift formations, chert beds, chemical sed iments and pillow basalts.GeologyAlthough a few mineral grains are known that are Hadean, the oldest rock formations exposed on the surface of the Earth are Archean or slightly older. Archean rocks are known from Greenland, the Canadian Shield, the Baltic Shield, Scotland, India, Brazil, western Australia, and southern Africa. Although the first continents formed during this eon, rock of this age makes up only 7% of the worlds current cratons even allowing for erosion and destruction of past formations, evidence suggests that continental crust equivalent to only 5-40% of the present amount formed during the Archean. In contrast to Proterozoic rocks, Archean rocks are often heavily metamorphized deep-water sediments, such as graywackes, mudstones, volcanic sediments, and banded iron formations.Carbonate rocks are rare, indicating that the oceans were more acidic due to change state carbon dioxide than during the Proterozoic. Greenstone belts are typical Archean formations, consisti ng of alternating units of metamorphosed mafic igneous and sedimentary rocks. The meta-igneous rocks were derived from volcanic island arcs, while the metasediments mutation deep-sea sediments eroded from the neighboring island arcs and deposited in a forearc basin. Greenstone belts represent sutures among protocontinentsLife during the EraFossils of cyanobacterial mats (stromatolites, which were instrumental in creating the free oxygen in the atmosphere ) are found throughout the Archean, becoming curiously common late in the eon, while a few potential bacterial fossils are known from chert beds. In addition to the domain bacterium (once known as Eubacteria), microfossils of the domain Archaea have also been identified. Life was likely present throughout the Archean, but may have been limited to frank non-nucleated single-celled organisms, called Prokaryota There are no known eukaryotic fossils, though they might have evolved during the Archean without leaving any fossils.No fossil evidence has been discovered for ultramicroscopic intracellular replicators such as viruses.Eoarchean PeriodThe earliest part of the Archean eon is known as the Eoarchean. Weve defined it chronometrically as a 200 million year period from 3.8 to 3.6 billion years, although the earlier boundary (3.8 billion) is not universally recognized. Since the Archean begins roughly with the earliest known rocks, the beginning of the Eoarchean will vary, based on estimates of the ages of the oldest rocks currently known. The Eoarchean is best known through the Isua Greenstone Belt, which is the oldest known rock formation (3.8 3.7 billion years old). This area, determined in southwestern Greenland, contains metamorphosed volcanic (mafic) and sedimentary rocks. Much of the belt is derived from basaltic and high-magnesium basaltic pillow lavas. During the Eoarchean, crust formation (which began in the Hadean) continued.Due to the tip of LHB, some of this crust survived and became incorp orated into continents, which formed much later. The earth was mostly covered with water, with volcanoes and volcanic islands acclivitous here and there. The oceans were green and acidic from dissolved iron compounds. They sky was orange from high concentrations of methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide. The climate was believably temperate. Earth produced about 3 times as much heat internally as it does today, which compensated for the dimmer sun, and made the earth intensely geoactive. Life first emerged during this period, if not earlier. The earliest life was probably based on methane or some similar chemistry.Paleoarchean PeriodThe Paleoarchean is a 400 million year long period within the archean eon, dating from 3.6 to 3.2 billion years ago. There are no special rocks layers that separate this level it has been defined chronometrically. This era is very significant for the history of life on earth. Both archaea and eubacteria evolved during the paleoarchean, implying that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of all life of earth existed during this era. The oldest stromatolites date back to about 3.5 billion years, within the Paleoarchean. These were colonies of cyanobacteria, which are the only class of bacteria that produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. They might not have been the oldest photosynthetic bacteria (some reports suggest that purple bacteria or rhodobacter essential photosynthesis first), but vast numbers of cyanobacteria were instrumental in ever-changing the geology of earth and the evolution of life through the production of oxygen.Although cyanobacteria first started producing oxygen in this era, it is important to remember that no significant amounts of oxygen existed in the atmosphere at this time, because of vast quantities of oxidizable materials in the earths crust and the iron in the oceans, which absorbed any oxygen that was produced. Continent formation continued, with increasingly larger land masses emerging from the oceans. It has been proposed that the first super continent, Vaalbara, came into existence in this era, around 3.3 billion years ago (may have been as early as 3.6 billion years ago). This is based on the similarity in sedimentary sequences on the southwest African Kaapvaal craton and the West Australian Pilbara craton (hence the name vaal-bara). This theory is controversial, and if Vaalbara did exist, it had started to break up by about 2.8 billion years ago, shown by the diverging paleomagnetic history of these two cratons from that time on.MesoarcheanThe Mesoarchean is another era that has been defined chronometrically, rather than geologically. This era covers the middle of the archean, from 3.2 to 2.8 billion years ago. The Mesoarchean continued the trends from the previous Paleoarchean era. Continent formation continued. Plate tectonics forced the separation of the Kaapvaal and Pilbara cratons, and the separation of these ancient move of South Africa and Australia was complete by the end of the Mesoarchean, around 2.8 billion years ago. Another super continent that may have originated during the mesoarchean was Ur. This consisted of the South African Kaapvaal and West Australian Pilbara cratons (which were originally together in Vaalbara, but no longer contiguous now), plus the Indian Bhandara and Singhbhum cratons, and some regions of what is now the east Antarctica.It is believed that Ur survived for a very long time, joining with other cratons to later form Rodinia, and even later, Pangaea. Although life evolved much earlier, the first incontrovertible fossils appear from this period. Stromatolites were prevalent in coastal waters, with their cyanobacteria continuing to pump oxygen into the atmosphere. However, atmospheric oxygen levels remained very low, as the oxygen continued to be apply up in oxidizing minerals on the earths crust and in the sea. All life from this period was consequently anaerobic. The oldest banded iron formations ( BIFs) are dated to this period. BIFs are a type of sedimentary rock, consisting of layers of iron-rich minerals such as hematite and magnetite, alternating with iron-poor layers of shale and chert. It is believed that oxygen produced by the cyanobacteria precipitated out the iron (as oxides) which had previously been dissolved in the acidic oceans.The layering indicates a pattern of rotary activity, showing oxygen pulses. It is unknown if these pulses corresponded to seasonal activity or some other factor. The formation of banded iron formations continued until as deep as 1.8 billion years ago, at which point it is presumed that most of the iron in the seas had already been precipitated out. There are some more recent formations, that were thought to represent events corresponding to local oxygen depletion (if oxygen is depleted, iron continues to wash into the sea through the rivers and accumulates in solution until the oxygen level rises again and it is precipitated).However, mo re recent research shows that this local oxygen depletion may have been global the result of the snowball earth scenario where all life (including cyanobacteria) came close to extinction. Banded iron formations contain enormous amounts of oxygen, perhaps as much as 20 times the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere today. Together with other such oxygen sinks they justify why it took so long for atmospheric oxygen levels to start revolt after the appearance of the cyanobacteria.NeoarcheanThe last 300 million years of the Archean eon have been chronometrically classified as the Neoarchean, from about 2.8 billion years ago to 2.5 billion years ago. Many of the processes described earlier, that originated in the Mesoarchean, schematic themselves in the Neoarchean. Cyanobacteria started producing significant amounts of oxygen in this period. This eventually lead to the Oxygen Catastrophe during the early proterozoic, in which rising levels of oxygen poisoned much of the life th at existed at the time. There is some evidence that life first colonized land during this period. There has been some evidence that microbes colonized some land masses as early as 2.75 billion years ago, but the thinking was that such colonization was very limited in scope and insignificant.However, more recently, evidence has started to accumulate that there may have been a large scale colonization of land by microbes, which bust down rocks to release sulfur and molybdenum that eventually washed into the oceans. This was thought unlikely because at the time there was no ozone layer (which appeared hundreds of millions of years later after the oxygen catastrophe, after oxygen levels had built up sufficiently in the atmosphere), so life on land was unprotected from UV rays. However, microbes may have lived deep within the rocks.During the Neoarchean, large continents first appeared on earth, with modern plate tectonics (with subduction zones, continental plates sliding over each oth er and the upwelling of lava to produce new crust where continental plates divide apart). The first large continents were formed (when we call previously existing continents such as Vaalbara or Ur super continents its not because of size they were littler than Australia but because they were the only continents around). Certainly there was recycling of crust antecedent to this period (perhaps all the way back to the hadean), but earlier continents formed at hotspots over mantle plumes, rather than at subduction zones.Continents basically grow by getting lighter and tougher. Cyclic re-melting and reformation of rock through lava flows (igneous differentiation) gradually separates the lighter minerals, and allows the development of felsic rocks from mafic rocks. Lighter rocks are more buoyant, and jibe recycling by floating over the liquid mantle. The archean ended about 2.5 million years ago, with the beginning of the proterozoic. This was the end of the period when mostly geolo gical processes affected the surface of the Earth, and the beginning of the period when life started to play a significant part in what was happening on Earth.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Death and Absurdism in Camus’s The Stranger Essay
In his figment The Stranger1, Albert Camus gives expression to his philosophy of the absurd. The novel is a first-person account of the livelihood of M. Meursault from the time of his mothers terminal up to a time patently just before his performance for the murder of an Arab. The central theme is that the meaning of human liveliness is still only in light of mortality, or the fact of cobblers last and in showing Meursaults consciousness change through the course of events, Camus shows how facing the incident of last does stomach an effect on 1s perception of life. The novel begins with the close of Meursaults mother.Although he attends the funeral, he does non request to see the frame, though he finds it interesting to think near the effects of heat and humidity on the rate of a bodys decay (8). It is evident that he is almost alone told unmoved by his mothers expiration nothing changes in his life. In other words, her shoemakers last has little or no real sig nificance for him. When he hears Salamano, a neighbor, weeping everyplace his lost dog (which has evidently died), Meursault thinks of his mother but he is unaware of the association his assessment has made. In fact, he chooses not to dwell on the matter but goes to residuum instead (50).It is when he is on the beach with Raymond Sintes and M. Masson and they confront two Arabs (who have given Raymond trouble) that Meursault first seems to think about the insignificance of any action and then of human existence. He has a gun and it occurs to him that he could shoot or not shoot and that it would come to the same thing (72). The loss of a life would have no significance no affect on life as a whole and the universe itself is apparently totally indifferent to e realthing.Here he implicitly denies the existence of God, and thus denies morality, as well as the external meaning (if it may be so distinguished from the internal or individual empirical meaning) of life and death. (T his latter, existential meaning is later affirmed, as we shall see. )Meursault kills adept of the Arabs in a here and now of confusion, partially out of self-defense, but does not regret it eve though it means going to prison and, ultimately, be executed. He has the fatalistic olfactory modality that whats done is done, and later explains that he has never regretted anything because he has incessantly been to absorbed by the present signification or by the ready future to dwell on the past (127).In a sense, Meursault is forever aware of the meaninglessness of all endeavors in the face of death he has no ambition to advance socio-economically he is indifferent about beingness friends with Raymond and about marrying Marie etc. But this awareness is somehow never terrific enough to involve self-awareness that is, he never reflects on the meaning of death for him until he is in prison awaiting execution. Of course, the meaning of anothers death is quite difference from the m eaning of ones own death. With the former, one no longer sees that person again with the latter, ones very consciousness, as far as we know, just ends blit as a telly picture ends when the set is switched off.Death marks all things equal, and equally absurd. And death itself is absurd in the sense that reason or the logical mind cannot deal with it it is a foregone conclusion, yet it remains an unrealized possibility until some indeterminate future time. The meaning of death is not rational but, again, is existential its implications are to be found not in abstract but in the actuality of ones life, the finality of each moment. ahead his trial, Meursault passes the time in prison by sleeping, by reading over and over the newspaper story about the (unrelated) murder of a Czech, and by recreating a mental picture of his room at home in complete detail, rase to the scratches in the furniture.In this connection, it must be admitted that he is externally very sensitive and aware, despite his lack of self-understanding and emotional response. This is inference by his detailed descriptions. He is especially sensitive to natural dish the beach, the glistening water, the shade, the reed music, swimming, making love to Marie, the evening hour he like so much, etc. He even says that if forced to snappy in a hollow tree truck, he would be heart to watch the sky, short birds, and clouds (95). After his trial (in which he is sentenced to be executed), he no longer indulges in his memories or passes the time in the head-in-the-clouds way he was accustomed to spend Sundays at home.At first, he dwells on thoughts of escape. He cannot reconcile the contingency of his sentence ( wherefore guilt? Why sentenced by a French court rather than a Chinese one? Why was the verdict read at eight pm rather than at five? etc. ) with the mechanical certainty of the mental process that leads inevitably to his death (137). When he gives up trying to find a loophole, he finds h is mind ever returning either to the worship that get hold of would bring the guards who would lead him to be executed, or to the hope that his appear pull up stakes be granted.To try to distract himself from these thoughts, he forces himself to study the sky or to listen to the beating of his heart but the changing light reminds him of the passing of time towards dawn, and he cannot imagine his heart ever stopping. In ingleside on the chance of an appeal, he is forced to consider the possibility of defense team and thus of execution therefore, he must face the fact of his death whether it comes now or later. One he really, honestly admits deaths inevitability, he allows himself to consider the chance of a successful appeal of being set free to live perhaps forth more age before dying. Now he begins to see the shelter of each moment of the life before death.Because of death, nothing matters except being alive. The meaning, value, significance of life is only seen in light of death, yet most people drop down it through the denial of death. The hope of longer life brings Meursault great joy. perchance to end the maddening uncertainty and thus intensify his awareness of deaths inevitability (therefore of the actuality of life), or, less likely, as a gesture of hopelessness, Meursault turns down his right to appeal (144).Soon afterwards, the prison chaplain insists on talking to him. Meursault admits his fear but denies despair and has no interest in the chaplains fake in an afterlife. He flies into rage, finally, at the chaplains persistence, for he realizes that the chaplain has not adequately assessed the human condition (death being the end of life) or, if he has, the chaplains certainties have no meaning for Meursault and have not the real value of, say, a strand of a womans hair (151). Meursault, on the other hand, is absolutely certain about his own life and extrovertive death.His rush of anger cleanses him and empties him of hope, thus allo wing him finally to open up on the whole and for the last time to the benign indifference of the universe (154). He realizes that he always been happy. The idea of death makes one aware of ones life, ones vital being that which is impermanent and will one day end. When this vitality is appreciate, one feels free for there is no goading to perform some act that will cancel the possibility of death, comprehend as though there is no such act.In this sense, all human activity is absurd, and the real freedom is to be aware of life in its actually and totally, of its beauty and its pain. ALBERT CAMUS THE STRANGER WHAT IF THE PAST HAS NO core AND THE ONLY calculate IN TIME OF OUR LIFE THAT RE anyY MATTERS IS THAT POINT WHICH IS HAPPENING AT PRESENT. TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, WHEN LIFE IS over, THE EXISTENCE IS ALSO OVERTHE HOPE OF virtually SORT OF SALVATION FROM A GOD IS POINTLESS. ALBERT CAMUS ILLUSTRATES THIS bring VIEW IN THE STRANGER. CAMUS FEELS THAT matchless EXISTS ONLY I N THE WORLD physically AND THEREFORE THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF MEANING IN ONES LIFE IS ALONE REVEALED THROUGH THAT EVENT WHICH HE OR SHE IS EXPERIENCING AT A PARTICULAR MOMENT. THESE THOUGHTS ARE PRESENTED THROUGH MEURSAULT, A gentlemans gentleman DEVOID OF CONCERN FOR SOCIAL CONVENTIONS FOUND IN THE WORLD IN WHICH HE LIVES, AND WHO FINDS HIS LIFE DEPRIVED OF PHYSICAL PLEASUREWHICH HE DEEMS quite a IMPORTANTWHEN UNEXPECTEDLY PUT IN PRISON.THE OPENING LINE OF THE new(a) SETS THE TONE FOR MEURSAULTS DISPASSION TOWARDS MOST THINGS. THE raw IS INTRODUCED WITH THE WORDS MAMAN DIED TODAY. OR YESTERDAY MAYBE, I DONT KNOW (3). ALTHOUGH THE UNCERTAINTY ORIGINATES WITH AN forked TELEGRAM, IT SEEMS THAT THE TON MIDDLE OF PAPER OR THEIR EMOTIONS IN GENERAL. HE DOES non FOLLOW CONVENTIONAL SOCIAL BELIEFS NOR DOES HE BELIEVE IN GOD, NOR SALVATION.MEURSAULT withal LOVES HIS LIFE. IT IS A PURE LOVE DERIVED FROM ENJOYING HIS EXISTENCE ON A casual BASIS, RARELY LOOKING BACK AND NEVER LOOKI NG FORWARD. HIS LOVE IS not DEPENDENT ON DOING WHAT SOCIETY OR SOME RELIGION HAS DEEMED CORRECT, plainly ON WHAT HE FEELS HE WANTS TO DO DESPITE WHAT MOST WOULD view COMMON. WORK CITED CAMUS, ALBERT. THE STRANGER. TRANS. MATTHEW WARD. NEW YORK VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL, 1989.IN ALBERT CAMUS THE STRANGER THE STORY OF AN everyday MAN WHO GETS DRAWN INTO A SENSELESS MURDER IS TOLD. TAKING set out IN ALGERIA THIS MAN, MEURSAULT, IS always IN A CLIMATE OF EXTREME WARMTH, AS ARE ALL THE INHABITANTS THEREIN. THE SUN, THE SOURCE OF LIGHT AND THE CAUSE OF THIS WARMTH, IS THUS A VITAL AND NORMAL PART OF HIS LIFE.IT BRINGS WARMTH AND COMFORT YET IT contribute ALSO CAUSE anguish AND SICKNESS. THROUGHOUT MOST OF HIS LIFE MEURSAULT HAS LIVED WITH THE contradictory FORCES OF THE SUN AND LIGHT, AS A FRIEND AND foeman. HOWEVER IN CHAPTER 6 THESE FORCES BECOME UNBALANCED AND THE SUN BECOMES AN AGGRESSOR causing MEURAULT PHYSICAL PAIN AND JOLTING HIM INTO VIOLENT ACTION.ALTHOUGH THE SUN BECOMES IN CREASINGLY AGGRESSIVE AS THE NOVEL TRANSPIRES, IN THE BEGINNING ITS FORCES WERE BALANCED CAUSING SOME GOOD AND SOME BAD EFFECTS. THE MOST EVIDENCE OF THE SUN AS A FOE IS FOUND DURING MEURSAULTS MOTHERS WAKE AND FUNERAL. DURING THE WAKE MEURSAULT IS CONSTANTLY BLINDED BY THE BRIGHT LIGHT. THIS COMBINED WITH THE washragNESS OF THE ROOM MAKES HIS eye HURT. HOWEVER, THIS SAME LIGHT ALSO CREATES A GLARE ON THE WHITE WALLS. qualification HIM DROWSY AND ALLOWING HIM RESPITE FROM THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS MOTHERS DEATH. SO, ALL AT ONCE LIGHT WAS GOOD AS WELL AS BAD FOR MEURSAULT. AGAIN, DURING THE FUNERAL WITH THE SUN BEARING DOWN THE HEAT WAS INHUMAN AND OPPRESSIVE, CAUSING MEURSAULT GREAT PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT. YET, IN THE SAME TOKEN, THE HEAT IS ALSO MAKING IT HARD FOR MEURSAULT TO THINK STRAIGHT THEREBY ALLOWING HIM AN ESCAPE FROM HIS MOTHERS DEATH. NOT ALL OF THE SUNS EFFECTS HAVE A FLIP SIDE HOWEVER THROUGHOUT THE NOVEL THE SUN DOES MEURSAULT A LOT OF GOOD, BY WARMING HIM AND MAKING HIM FE EL ALIVE. THUS, ALTHOUGH BOTH confident(p) AND NEGATIVE SITUATIONS COME FROM THE
Monday, January 21, 2019
Hum/111 to Drill or Not to Drill?
To Drill or Not To Drill? It is obvious that the demand for energy and fuel sources is increasing drastic entirelyy as period goes by. The United States also anticipates an crude demand increase as the state grows over the next few decades (Haug, 2011). Therefore, the big dilemma is whether or not the search for oil on our land should continue. The recent development and magnification of lightheaded energy resources, although expensive, cornerstone end the battle over oil deposits and lead the country into a cleaner future.As I corroborate big(a) up, I impart seen countless news articles and broadcasts about the damage caused by oil drilling accidents, oil spills, and oil transportation leaks. The damage be done to the environment by the search and use of oil paints a vivid and memor qualified picture in my memory. I live in an argona that is vastly populated to the degree that no one can legalize their vehicle unless they first have their emissions tested and approved. A lso, throughout my lifetime, at that place has been talk of running out of oil, supply and demand, and the cost of gasoline.All of this leads me to believe that clean energy should be the obvious choice. I have a seriously time believing that drilling for new sources of oil within our proclaim land is a good idea because water, wind, and solar energy are cleaner to harvest. Although the initial investment is expensive, it is rather cheap to maintain and compile the energy from clean sources. Instead of having to search for oil, it would be simpler to find places to engender harvesting energy from existing rivers, fields, rooftops.I do not want to use up the alternative of drilling in new places because of all of the risks in entails. If I try to look at our fuel situation by how everyone is bear upon by the change to clean energy, I may be able to overcome my hindrances. I know that drilling is what we know it is the way we have fueled almost everything for my entire life and before. I can prompt myself that every change takes time and in the meantime, we have to do what we have to do. I can try to change my perception by intellection about the situation from someone elses perspective.A family that supports itself by means of the oil industry will not have the same perspective or opinion as me. I do not know all of the details to the opposing opinion and there may be details that would make me more comfortable with searching for new US sites to drill. References Haug, M. (2011, Spring). average brawn and International Oil. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 27(1), 92-116. Helm, D. (2011, Spring). Peak Oil and Energy Policy &8212 A Critigue. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 27(1), 68-91.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Organizations and Behaviour Essay
compulsion 11.1Compare and telephone line polar disposalal structures and culture (P1.1) 1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can involve on the performance of the argumentation (P1.2). 1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work (P1.3)Requirement 22.1Compare the effectiveness of contrary leadership styles in different organisations (P2.1). 2.2Explain how organisational possible action underpins the practice of management (P2.2) 2.3Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations (P2.3)Requirement 33.1Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may take a shit on motivation in organisations in periods of change (P3.1) 3.2Compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace (P3.2)3.3Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation speculation for managers (P3.3)Requirement 44.1Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations (P4.1 ) 4.2Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations (P4.2). 4.3Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given up organisation (P4.3) Evaluate the factors that promote the development of effective teamwork of Zara and derive a valid and rational conclusion. (D1) Assume you are the Human Resource animal trainer of any business, how would you take the responsibility for managing and organising activities of your business in the context of the organisation behaviour? (D2)Points will be awarded to those who demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinking to give answer. (D3)
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Language Learning in Early Childhood Essay
beforehand(predicate) childhood education and early schooling for young children usually starts at the age of three and, run-in diddleing for all human begins at the very early age. many an(prenominal) new born babies start to give with meaningless words like pa and ba perhaps, it is the maiden confront they want to begin learning how to speak. The question arises with a grappling sentiment of why it happens, and what pushes them to superfluously generalize those meaningless sounds.The reason behind this terrible issue is what has engaged umteen psychologists and linguists all over the area of speech communication research projects around the world. Beginning to simply answer this question, Lightbown and Spata (2010), state that in very early stages children produce a specific group of retell words to convey their thoughts for example, a comfortable baby frequently repeats cooing and gurgling however it is not the case with a hungry child. Moreover, they assert that th e process of learning to communicate falls into different sequential stages, which is the focus of this paper.According to Lightbown and Spata (2010), as children grow up, the sense for communication eagerly start to discover many features of the delivery that gives them the idea of how meaning relationships are created through the language. A xii years old month baby exactly knows the meaning of cookies he/she is still unable to use an appropriate language to ask questions round that. To state the matter differently, the linguistic cognitive development gradually unfolds the capture of how language is manipulated to express ideas.Many children who could not produce correct grammatical utterances, they would learn that in later years as they envision discharge sentences from the environment they live. Vygotsky (1976) (citing Lightbown and Spata, 2010), believes that a great deal of children language is acquired through interactions with families and friends however, B. F Skin ner, and American psychologist, explain the acquisition of language in term of behaviouristic psychology that marks learning of a language as practice of reproducing what children hear or receive in daily conversation.In addition to these both theories, Noam Chomsky, a well-known figure in linguistics argue that children are innately capable of learning language though, the surrounded environment provides them with vestigial contributions that help them learn the basic language rules. Although learning a language is a natural process, but things get worst if we think almost negative aspects of language acquisition. In attachment with some biological types of obstacles in acquiring a language like deafness, articulatory problems, and dyslexia, there is whizz last hurdle oppositely functioning in course of language learning, which is called bilingualism.Children who face a different language during school periods, it is too rugged for them to maintain their first language, and t hey often lose the normal range of their indigenous language. In this case, children are said to be caught in a perplexing dilemma. They havent completely well-read their native language not have been learning the other one. To deal with the problem, we suggest the maintenance of the first language while a second language is being learned (Lightbown and Spata. 2010, p 26).Indeed, it is concluded that language learning is a series of unite stages which is progressed within the first three years of childs age. Many psychologists and Linguists have presented different ideas about language acquisition however, they only partly understand about how language is learned. Besides, since Language is a social phenomenon, it essential be the result of some interactive means of communication amid human beings. Children have some kind of innate capacities that predispose them not only learn their native language but also enables them to learn languages that are spoken in the place they li ve.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
How to Say Nothing in Five Hundred Word Essay
Paul McHenry Roberts (1917-1967) taught college locating of meat for oer twenty years, first at San Jose State College and later at Cornell University. He wrote numerous books on linguistics, including Understanding Grammar (1954), Patterns of English (1956), and Understanding English (1958). fledgling reputation, akin ein truth(prenominal) topic else, has its sh ar of fashions. In the 195Os, when this article was written, the around prevalent list raging among assimilator essayists was the proposed abolition of college footb wholly. With the greater social consciousness of the un durati exactly 60s, the topic of the day became the morality of capital punishment. Topics may change, plainly when the totality principles of unsloped theme remain constant, and this essay as locomote whatsoever social function of a minor classic in explaining them. Be account, says Roberts lead to the point chatter your opinions colorfully. Refreshingly, he withal practices what he preaches. His essay is humorous, direct, and al near salty in summarizing the running(a) habits that completely good prose writers must cultivate. Editors n 1 from JoRay McCuen & Anthony C. Winklers Readings for Writers , 3rd ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980Its Friday afternoon. and you nurture al around survived an opposite week of classes. You ar full looking forward dreamily to the weekend when the English instructor says For Monday you ordain turn in a flipper-spotr hundred- parole composition on college football game game game. Well, that puts a good hole in the weekend. You wear thint shake any strong views on college football whiz cosmosagement or the early(a). You circumvent sort of excited during the season and go to all the home games and get word it rather more free rein than non. On the other hand, the class has been reading Robert Hutchins in the anthology and perhaps Shaws Eighty-Yard Run, and from the class sermon you nominate got the idea that the instructor regains college football is for the birds. You be no fool. You seat figure a manner what side to purport. After dinner you enamor protrude the portable typewriter that you got for juicy school graduation. You might as well get it over with and enjoy Saturday and Sunday. Five hundred enunciates is more or less ii double-spaced pages with normal margins. You put in a sheet of authorship, appreciate up a title, and youre offWHY COLLEGE FOOTBALL SHOULD BE ABOLISHEDCollege football should be abolished beca employ its tough for the school and as well for the players. The players ar so busy practicing that they dont reserve any time for their studies. This, you olcircumstanceory property, is a mighty good start. The unaccompanied trouble is that its only thirty-two nomenclature. You mute hurl cardinal hundred and sixty-eight to go, and youve jolly well exhausted the subject. It comes to you that you do your best thinking in the morning, so you put onward the typewriter and go to the movies. But the next morning you have to do your washing and some math occupations, and in the afternoon you go to the game. The English instructor turns up alike, and you wonder if youve taken the proficient side after all. Saturday iniquitytime you have a date, and Sunday morning you have to go to church. (You croupt let English appointments interfere with your religion.) What with angiotensin converting enzyme thing and a nonher, its ten oclock Sunday night before you get out the typewriter again. You make a pot of deep brown and start to fill out your views on college football. Put a little meat on the bones.WHY COLLEGE FOOTBALL SHOULD BE ABOLISHEDIn my opinion, it overtakems to me that college football should be abolished. The source why I think this to be authoritative is because I feel that football is bad for the colleges in nearly both respect. As Robert Hutchins says in his article in our anthology in which he dis cusses college football, it would be die if the colleges had race horses and had races with one another, because indeed the horses would not have to heed classes. I firmly agree with Mr. Hutchins on this point, and I am sure as shooting that more another(prenominal) other students would agree to a fault. One motive why it appears to me that college football is bad is that it has become alike mer guttertile. In the olden time when pot played football just for the fun of it, mayhap college football was all right, simply they do not play college football just for the fun of it now as they used to in the old days. Nowadays college football is what you might look to a big business.Maybe this is not full-strength at all schools, and I dont think it is specially true here at State, further certainly this is the case at most colleges and universities in America nowadays, as Mr. Hutchins points out in his very interesting article. Actually the coaches and alumni go around t o the gamy schools and offer the high school stars large salaries to come to their colleges and play football for them. on that point was one case where a high school star was offered a similar if he would play football for a certain college. Another reason for abolishing college football is that it is bad for the players.They do not have time to get a college education, because they atomic number 18 so busy playing football. A football player has to practice every afternoon from three to six and then he is so tired that he cant focus on his studies. He just feels like dropping off to eternal sleep after dinner, and then the next day he goes to his classes without having studied and maybe he fails the test. (Good ripe stuff so far, except youre lull a hundred and fifty-one records from home. One more push.) as well I think college football is bad for the colleges and the universities because not very many students get to participate in it. Out of a college of ten gee stude nts only seventy-five or a hundred play football, if that many. football game is what you might call a spectator sport. That means that most stack go to watch it but do not play it themselves. (Four hundred and fifteen. Well, you all the same have the conclusion, and when you retype it, you can make the margins a little wider.)These argon the reasons why I agree with Mr. Hutchins that college football should be abolished in American colleges and universities. On Monday you turn it in, moderately hopeful, and on Friday it comes substantiate marked clear in nub and sporting a big D. This essay is overstated a little, not much.The English instructor will recognize it as reasonably typical of what an assignment on college football will take away in. He knows that nearly half of the class will contrive in five hundred nomenclature to say that college football is too commercial and bad for the players. about of the other half will inform him that college football builds charact er and prep ars one for tone and brings prestige to the school. As he reads news report after paper all saying the same thing in almost the same words, all bloodless, five hundred words trickle out of zipper, he wonders how he allowed himself to get trapped into teaching English when he might have had a happy and interesting life as an electrician or a confidence man. Well, you may ask, what can you do about it?The subject is one on which you have hardly a(prenominal) convictions and little information. quarter you be expected to make a procrastinating subject interesting? As a matter of fact, this is precisely what you argon expected to do. This is the writers essential task. whole subjects, notwithstanding sex, ar dull until somebody makes them interesting. The writers job is to find the argument, the approach, the angle, the phrasing that will take the reader with him. This is seldom easy, and it is peculiarly hard in subjects that have been much discussed College F ootball, Fraternities, Popular Music, Is Chivalry Dead?, and the like. You will feel that in that location is nothing you can do with such subjects except iterate the old bromides. But there are some things you can do which will make your papers, if not throbbingly alive, at least less insufferably airy than they might otherwise be.AVOID THE OBVIOUS CONTENTSay the assignment is college football. Say that youve decided to be against it. Begin by putting go across the arguments that come to your mind it is too commercial, it takes the students minds off their studies, it is hard on the players, it makes the university a kind of circus instead of an intellectual center, for most schools it is financially ruinous. Can you think of any more arguments, just off hand? all right. Now when you write your paper, make sure that you don t use any of the material on this list. If these are the points that restrict to your mind, they will leap to everyone elses too, and whether you get a C or a D may depend on whether the instructor reads your paper early when he is fresh and tolerant or late, when the sentence In my opinion, college football has become too commercial, inexorably repeated, has bought him to the brink of lunacy.Be against college football for some reason or reasons of your own. If they are keen and perceptive ones, thats splendid. But even if they are trivial or foolish or indefensible, you are still ahead so long as they are not everybody elses reasons too. Be against it because the colleges dont spend enough money on it to make it worthwhile, because it is bad for the characters of the spectators, because the players are forced to attend classes, because the football stars squealer all the beautiful women, because it com petes with baseball and is therefore un-American and possibly commie-inspired. There are lots of more or less unused reasons for beingness against college football. almosttimes it is a good idea to sum up and toss away of the trit e and conventional points before going on to your own. This has the advantage of indicating to the reader that you are going to be neither trite nor conventional. Something like thisWe are often told that college football should be abolished because it has become too commercial or because it is bad for the players. These arguments are no doubt very cogent, but they dont truely go to the boldness of the matter. Then you go to the come acrosst of the matter.TAKE THE LESS USUAL SIDEOne rather simplistic way of getting into your paper is to take the side of the argument that most of the citizens will want to negate. If the assignment is an essay on dogs, you can, if you choose, explain that dogs are faithful and lovable companions, intelligent, reclaimable as have gotians of the house and protectors of children, indispensable in police work in short, when all is give tongue to and done, mans best friends. Or you can suggest that those big brown eye conceal, more often than not, a vacuity of mind and an inconstancy of settle that the dogs you have known most intimately have been mangy, ill-tempered brutes, incapable of instruction and that only your nobility of mind and fear of arrest preserve you from kicking the flea-ridden animals when you pass them on the street.Naturally personal convictions will sometimes dictate your approach. If the appoint subject is Is Methodism Rewarding to the Individual? and you are a pious Methodist, you have genuinelyly no filling. But few assigned subjects, if any, will fall in this category. Most of them will lie in broad areas of discussion with much to be said on both sides. They are intellectual exercises, and it is legitimate to argue now one way and now another, as debaters do in similar circumstances. Always take the that looks to you hardest, least defensible. It will almost always turn out to be easier to write interestingly on that side.This usual advice applies where you have a choice of subjects. If you a re to choose among The Value of Fraternities and My Favorite High School teacher and What I Think About Beetles, by all means plank over for the beetles. By the time the instructor gets to your paper, he will be up to his ears in tedious tales about a French teacher at Bloombury High and assertions about how fraternities build character and prepare one for life. Your views on beetles, whatever they are, are bound to be a refreshing change. go int worry too much about figuring out what the instructor thinks about the subject so that you can cuddle up with him.Chances are his views are no stronger than yours. If he does have convictions and you oppose him, his problem is to keep from grading you higher than you deserve in order to army he is not biased. This doesnt mean that you should always cantankerously defy from what the instructor says that gets tiresome too. And if the subject assigned is My Pet Peeve, do not begin, My pet peeve is the English instructor who assigns papers on my pet peeve. This was still funny during the War of 1812, but it has sort of lost its molding since then. It is in frequent good manners to avoid personalities.SLIP turn out OF ABSTRACTIONIf you will study the essay on college football near the low gear of this essay, you will perceive that one reason for its appalling dullness is that it never gets down to tokens. It is just a series of not very glittering generalities football is bad for the colleges, it has become too commercial, football is big business, it is bad for the players, and so on. Such round musical phrases thudding against the readers judgment are unpotential to convince him, though they may well concede him unconscious.If you want the reader to believe that college football is bad for the players, you have to do more than say so. You have to display the evil. Take your roommate, Alfred Simkins, the second-string center. insure short(p) old Alfy coming home from football practice every evening, bruised and aching, agonizingly tired, scarcely able to shovel the mashed potatoes into his mouth. Let us see him staggering up to the room, getting out his econ textbook, peering desperately at it with his good eye, falling asleep and failing the test in the morning. Let us share his unbearable tension as Saturday draws near.Will he fail, be demoted, lose his monthly allowance, be forced to return to the coal mines? And if he succeeds, what will be his reward? Perhaps a slight cockle of applause when the thirdstring center replaces him, a moment of elation in the footlocker room if the team wins, of despair if it loses. What will he look back on when he graduates from college? Toil and torn ligaments. And what will be his coming(prenominal)? He is not good enough for pro football, and he is too obscure and weak in econ to succeed in stocks and bonds. College football is tearing the heart from Alfy Simkins and, when it finishes with him, will callously toss aside the shattered hulk.This is no doubt a weak enough argument for the abolition of college football, but it is a sight better than saying, in three or four variations, that college football (in your opinion) is bad for the players.Look at the work of any sea captain writer and notice how constantly he is moving from the generality, the abstract statement, to the concrete example, the facts and figures, the illustrations. If he is writing on juvenile delinquency, he does not just tell you that juveniles are (it seems to him) delinquent and that (in his opinion) something should be done about it. He shows you juveniles being delinquent, tearing up movie theatres in Buffalo, stabbing high school adepts in Dallas, smoking marijuana in Palo Alto. And more than likely he is moving toward some peculiar(prenominal) remedy, not just a general wringing of the hands.It is no doubt possible to be too concrete, too illustrative or anecdotal, but few inexperienced writers err this way. For most the soundest advice is t o be seeking always for the picture, to be always turning general remarks into seeable examples. Dont say, Sororities teach girls the social graces. Say, Sorority life teaches a girl how to carry on a conver sit downion while displace tea, without sloshing the tea into the saucer. Dont say, I like certain kinds of popular music very much. Say, Whenever I hear Gerber Sprinklittle play Mississippi small-arm on the trombone, my socks funk up my ankles.GET RID OF OBVIOUS overdrawThe student toiling away at his weekly English group is too often tormented by a figure five hundred words. How, he asks himself, is he to achieve this staggering total? patently by never using one word when he can somehow work in ten. He is therefore seldom content with a plain statement like Fast driving is dangerous. This has only four words in it. He takes thought, and the sentence becomes In my opinion, immobile driving is dangerous.Better, but he can do better stillIn my opinion, fast driving would seem to be rather dangerous. If he is really adept, it may come outIn my humble opinion. though I do not cl take up to be an expert on this tangled subject, test driving, in most circumstances, would seem to be rather dangerous in many respects, or at least so it would seem to me.Thus four words have been turned into forty, and not an iota of content has been added. Now this is a way to go about reaching five hundred words, and if you are content with a D grade, it is as good a way as any. But if you aim higher, you must work differently. Instead of stuffing your sentences with straw, you must try steady to get rid of the pad, to make your sentences lean and tough. If you are really working at it, your first draft will greatly exceed the required total, and then you will work it down, thus It is thought in some quarters that fraternities do not conduce as much as might be expected to campus life.Some hatful think that fraternities contribute little to campus life. The average d octor who practices in small towns or in the country must toil night and day to heal the sick. Most country doctors work long hours. When I was a little girl, I suffered from shy(p)ness and embarrassment in the presence of others. I was a shy little girl.It is absolutely necessary for the person employed as a marine fireman to fail the matter of steam pressure his united attention at all times.The fireman has to keep his eye on the steam gauge.You may ask how you can arrive at five hundred words at this rate. Simple. You dig up more real content. Instead of taking a couple of obvious points off the progress of the topic and then circling warily around them for six paragraphs, you work in and explore, figure out the details. You illustrate. You say that fast driving is dangerous, and then you fold up it. How long does it take to stop a car at forty and at eighty? How far can you see at night? What happens when a tire blows? What happens in a head-on collision at fifty miles an h our?Pretty soon your paper will be full of broken glass and blood and headless torsos, and reaching five hundred words will not really be a problem.CALL A FOOL A FOOLSome of the padding in freshman themes is to be blamed not on disturbance about the word minimum but on excessive timidity. The student writes, In my opinion, the principal of my high school acted in ways that I believe every unbiased person would have to call foolish. This isnt exactly what he means. What he means is, My high school principal was a fool. If he was a fool, call him a fool. Hedging the thing about with in-myopinions and it-seems-to-mes and as-I-see-its and at-least-from-my-point-ofviews gains you nothing. Delete these phrases whenever they creep into your paper. The students tendency to hedge stems from a modesty that in other circumstances would be commendable.He is, he realizes, young and inexperienced, and he half suspects that he is dopey and fuzzyminded beyond the average. Probably only too true. B ut it doesnt help to announce your incompetence six times in every paragraph. Decide what you want to say and say it as vigorously as possible, without apology and in plain words. Linguistic modesty can take various forms. One is what we call euphemism. This is the tendency to call a spade a certain garden implement or womens underwear unmentionables. It is stronger in some eras than others and in some people than others but it always operates more or less in subjects that are touchy or taboo death, sex, madness, and so on.Thus we shrink from saying He died last night but say instead passed away, leave us, joined his Maker, went to his reward. Or we try to take off the tension with a lighter clich kicked the bucket, cashed in his chips, handed in his dinner pail. We have found all sorts of ways to avoid saying mad mentally ill, touched, not quite right upstairs, feebleminded, innocent, simple, off his trolley, not in his right mind. Even such a now plain word as insane began as a euphemism with the meaning not healthy.Modern science, particularly psychology, contributes many polysyllables in which we can wrap our thoughts and blunt their force. To many writers there is no such thing as a bad schoolboy. Schoolboys are maladjusted or unoriented or misunderstood or in the need of guidance or lacking in continued victor toward satisfactory desegregation of the personality as a social unit, but they are never bad. Psychology no doubt makes us better men and women, more sympathetic and tolerant, but it doesnt make writing any easier. Had Shakespeare been confronted with psychology, To be or not to be might have come out, To continue as a social unit or not to do so.That is the personality problem. Whether tis a better sign of integration at the conscious level to display a psychic tolerance toward the maladjustments and repressions induced by ones lack of orientation in ones environment or But Hamlet would never have finished the soliloquy. Writing in the mod ern world, you cannot altogether avoid modern jargon. Nor, in an effort to get away from euphemism, should you salt your paper with four-letter words. But you can do much if you will mount guard against those roundabout phrases, those echoing polysyllables that tend to slip into your writing to rob it of its crispiness and force.BEWARE OF PAT EXPRESSIONSOther things being equal, avoid phrases like other things being equal. Those sentences that come to you whole, or in two or three doughy lumps, are sure to be bad sentences. They are no creation of yours but pieces of common thought floating in the friendship soup.Pat expressions are hard, often impossible, to avoid, because they come too easily to be noticed and seem too necessary to be dispensed with. No writer avoids them altogether, but good writers avoid them more often than poor writers.By pat expressions we mean such tags as to all functional intents and purposes, the pure and simple truth, from where I sit, the time of his life, to the ends of the earth, in the twinkling of an eye, as sure as youre born, over my dead body, under cover of darkness, took the easy way out, when all is said and done, told him time and time again, part the best of friends, stand up and be counted, gave him the best years of her life, worked her fingers to the bone. same other clichs, these expressions were once forceful. Now we should use them only when we cant possibly think of anything else.Some pat expressions stand like a wall between the writer and thought. Such a one is the American way of life. Many student writers feel that when they have said that something accords with the American way of life or does not they have exhausted the subject. Actually, they have stopped at the highest level of abstraction. The American way of life is the complicated set of bonds between a hundred and eighty million ways. All of us know this when we think about it, but the tag phrase too often keeps us from thinking about it.So with many another phrase dear to the politician this great land of ours, the man in the street, our national heritage. These may prove our patriotism or give a clue to our political beliefs, but otherwise they add nothing to the paper except words.COLORFUL WORDSThe writer builds with words, and no constructor uses a raw material more slippery and elusive and treacherous. A writers work is a constant struggle to get the right word in the right place, to find that particular word that will convey his meaning exactly, that will persuade the reader or soothe him or startle or amuse him. He never succeeds altogether sometimes he feels that he scarcely succeeds at all but such successes as he has are what make the thing worth doing.There is no book of rules for this game. One progresses through gross(a) experiment on the basis of ever-widening experience. There are few useful generalizations that one can make about words as words, but there are perhaps a few.Some words are what we call c olorful. By this we mean that they are calculated to produce a picture or induce an emotion. They are dressy instead of plain, specific instead of general, loud instead of soft. Thus, in place of Her heart stimulate, we may write, her heart pounded, throbbed, fluttered, danced. Instead of He sat in his chair, we may say, he lounged, sprawled, coiled. Instead of It was hot, we may say, It was blistering, sultry, muggy, suffocating, steamy, wilting.However, it should not be supposed that the fancy word is always better. Often it is as well to write Her heart beat or It was hot if that is all it did or all it was. Ages differ in how they like their prose. The nineteenth century liked it rich and smoky. The twentieth has usually preferred it lean and cool. The twentieth century writer, like all writers, is continuously seeking the exact word, but he is wary of sounding feverish. He tends to pitch it low, to understate it, to throw it away. He knows that if he gets too colorful, the reference is likely to giggle.See how this strikes you As the rich, golden glow of the sunset died away along the eternal western hills, Angelas limpid blue look looked softly and trustingly into Montagues flashing brown ones, and her heart pounded like a drum in time with the joyous song heave in her soul. Some people like that sort of thing, but most modern readers would say, Good grief, and turn on the television.COLORED WORDSSome words we would call not so much colorful as colored that is, lade with associations, good or bad. All words except perhaps structure words have associations of some sort. We have said that the meaning of a word is the sum of the contexts in which it occurs. When we hear a word, we hear with it an echo of all the situations in which we have heard it before.In some words, these echoes are obvious and discussible. The word set out, for example, has, for most people, agreeable associations. When you hear mother you belike think of home, safety, love , food, and various other attractive things. If one writes, She was like a mother to me, he gets an effect which he would not get in She was like an aunt to me. The advertiser makes use of the associations of mother by working it in when he talks about his product. The politician works it in when he talks about himself.So also with such words as home, liberty, fireside, contentment, patriot, tenderness, sacrifice, childlike, manly, bluff, limpid. All of these words are loaded with associations that would be rather hard to indicate in a ingenuous definition. There is more than a unfeigned difference between They sat around the fireside and They sat around the stove. They might have been every bit warm and happy around the stove, but fireside suggests leisure, grace, quiet tradition, grateful company, and stove does not. Conversely, some words have bad associations. Mother suggests pleasant things, but mother-in-law does not. Many mothers-in-law are heroically lovable and some mot hers suck up gin all day and beat their children insensible, but these facts of life are beside the point. The point is that mother sounds good and mother-in-law does not. Or consider the word intellectual.This would seem to be a complimentary term, but in point of fact it is not, for it has picked up associations of impracticality and ineffectuality and general dopiness. So also such words as liberal, reactionary, Communist, socialist, capitalist, radical, schoolteacher, truck driver operator, salesman, huckster, speculator. These convey meaning on the literal level, but beyond that sometimes, in some places they convey contempt on the part of the speaker. The question of whether to use loaded words or not depends on what is being written.The scientist, the scholar, try to avoid them for the poet, the advertising writer, the public speaker, they are standard equipment. But every writer should take care that they do not substitute for thought. If you write, Anyone who thinks that is nothing but a Socialist (or Communist or capitalist) you have said nothing except that you dont like people who think that, and such remarks are effective only with the most naive readers. It is always a bad mistake to think your readers more naive than they really are.COLORLESS WORDSBut probably most student writers come to grief not with words that are colorful or those that are colored but with those that have no color at all. A pet example is nice, a word we would find it hard to dispense with in casual conversation but which is no longer capable of adding much to a description. Colorless words are those of such general meaning that in a particular sentence they mean nothing. Slang adjectives like cool (Thats real cool) tend to explode all over the language. They are use to everything, lose their original force, and quickly die.Beware also of nouns of very general meaning, like circumstances, cases, instances, aspects, factors, relationships, attitudes, eventualities, etc. I n most circumstances you will find that those cases of writing which contain too many instances of words like these will in this and other aspects have factors leading to unsatisfactory relationships with the reader resulting in unfavorable attitudes on his part and perhaps other eventualities, like a grade of D. Notice also what etc. means. It means Id like to make this list longer, but I cant think of any more examples.
Psychoanalysis, Popular Culture and Media Essay
analytic thinking is the science of the un conscious functions of the mind and personality. The theories originate from Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud. He discovered these as a treatment for health problems and also as a way to understanding more about your mind. In this turn out I am going to discuss how these theories discovered many geezerhood ago have contributed to popular culture and media. Sigmund Freud divided up the soul into the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious is the get going of which we atomic number 18 ment in ally aw are and in billet the unconscious is where all are proceeded wishes are stored.Freud stated that all(prenominal) individual who makes a fresh entry into human gild repeats this chip in of instinctual satisf mouldion for the benefit of the whole community( history 200191). He also added alliance believes that no greater threat to its civilization could arise than if the sexual instincts were to be liberated and returned to their original aims(Storey 200191). What Freud is saying here is that we are born sapless with many instinctual drives. From social to sexual drives, basically anything that are ID desires.He believes that these instinctual desires, specially sexual have to be restrained in the unconscious as they would have a detrimental act on society if they were to be followed through and would cause us to act in inappropriate bearing to the views of our cultural society. This is where psychoanalysis demonstrates to us how it contributes to media and popular culture. It does this by teaching us certain ways to behave in order to fit in. at that place are right and wrong ways and psychoanalysis gives us an report to how our soul teaches us the appropriate pathisms.Freud continued on with his discoveries and further divided the psyche into the self-importance, the ID and the superego. The ID is something we are born with and is totally unconscious. It is driven by the merriment principle whic h means that it wants instant satisfaction for all its desires. Freud described the ID as the dark, inaccessible part of our personality(Storey 200192) It is impossible to change our ID and are instinctual desires. The ego is the reality part of personality. It tries to satisfy the ID and its desires after weighing up the pros and cons and wait until an appropriate time to do so.It develops as in becomes more in touch with culture, furthermore creating the superego. The superego is where we adopt qualities from people who have learnt how to cope in society, mainly are parents and other important figures in our lives at the time. By learning from other people and from what we hear and see on idiot box etc we determine a sense of right and wrong. As a result, our superego helps to restrain the unacceptable urges of the ID, and tries to make the ego act in an appropriate manner that society expects and requires.Furthermore this psychoanalysis theory and breakdown of the psyche demons trates to us how culture and media play a fundamental role on how we act in society. Its like a big circle, we learn how to act from elders and society and then people learn from us and so on. John Storey describes the superego as the voice of culture as it is what we learn from and Freud says that our nature is governed by culture(Storey 200192). He believes that human nature is in fact something that is non natural and controlled by the ever changing culture and media at that particular time.In my opinion, the ego of a person depends on the era they live, who they are surrounded by, the media and many other social and cultural factors. We learn from our pertain with society and culture and that includes who we are with or what we here on TV, or see in the newspapers. Whether it be intentional or non, we consume all of that information and that forms are opinions on what is right and wrong etc and makes us who we are. We are in fact controlled by culture and what is going on mo re or less us, as this is the make up of our personality and determines the way we act in society.Furthermore, the superego keeps everything in balance. Without it we would be driven by our pleasure principle (ID) and non know how to express are opinions correctly or behave, essentially create havoc. This results in their being a constant, ongoing conflict between the pleasure and reality principle. In conclusion, Sigmund Freud and Jacques La gouge have been greatly influential when it comes to culture and media. In my opinion the theory of psychoanalysis buttocks be seen in normal life when it comes to watching films etc as everything can be interpreted and has an magnetic core on us.It had a large impact on how sound subject area in early childhood development and also in cinema. Psychoanalysis can be used to interpret different meanings, and what you get from it can vary from observer to observer. The cinema is full of hidden meanings and tempting us with desires. Slavoj Zi zek states that The cinema doesnt give you what you desire, it tells you how to desire (Zizek2007). When we are watching a film our instinctual drives are non fulfilled but it tells us how we should desire, and can be seen as a form of release.Many would argue that not every human desire has to be taught such as sleeping or drinking but many would argue they are not desires just basic needs. For an actual fact the desire is in the beat of how much we want. The media affects are desires greatly by large and effective ad campaigns. Take for example McDonalds, the ad campaigns, the way they make the food tonus and its popularity entices us to desire it. If there wasnt thousands of them an it wasnt that popular I doubt we would desire it as much, however, its a big part of our fast-food culture. Psychoanalysis is very effective and demonstrates to us how our psyche works.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Politics of Health in America Essay
The health c be scheme in America is unrivaled of the hot saveton vents in this and both election because things atomic number 18 only getting worse, while not coming close to getting better. Rising healthc be costs are bringing brought on by spacious hospitals that can charge as a good deal as they want for service. Compounding the trouble is the incident that some(prenominal) Americans cannot afford health care amends policy in order to institution the story for their expensive care.As the Michael Moore film, Sicko, indicates, the health care crisis in America is far ambit and there does not seem to be a solution on the horizon. With more than(prenominal) and more people missing extinct on indemnity because of basic primal greed from hospitals and insurance companies, there exists a huge problem that is certain(predicate) to hinder the development of American society. Facing the biggest problems in light of this healthcare crisis are women, who need a mor e groundbreaking form of care than their male counterparts. Without access to healthcare insurance, millions of women are not able to acquire the medical care that is essential to their overall health. The American healthcare brass is one that is designed to rely primarily on health insurance. Without health insurance, a majority of both basic and advanced medical procedures would not be possible for every people. The primary problem with the system is that now, health insurance companies are not doing their descent anymore. kinda of existence an affordable option for common people who seek to treasure themselves against medical emergency, these companies are now in the business of gouging patients and withholding insurance to those that are less fortunate. The American model is not the prevailing system that is used elsewhere in the world.In places equivalent Canada and in virtually of europium, fieldized healthcare is the order of the day. Those governments do not mess around with insurance companies and they make sure that healthcare is readily available to anyone that needs it. This is an expensive, but effective way to make sure that each person is cared for. Women are specifically targeted for care under European models. In England, the national healthcare system has seen some problems, but for the most part, the nationalized nature of the system makes sure that just about anyone that needs treatment can get that treatment. The issue at the fancy of the healthcare debate is over the uninsured phratry that arrive a hard time securing healthcare. In the United States, that look is steadily growing with each passing year. This is something that Michael Moore is quick to point out in his film and it is an essential part of the argument for a national healthcare system.According to a July phrase from the Associated Press, Just this pas t week, the Centers for unsoundness Control and Prevention estimated there are about 43.6 million uninsured people in the country (AP). though that number does not form a majority of the population, it is a significant portion of a educate country that would m opposite absolutely no way of getting healthcare in case of a medical emergency. Should cancer strike any of that contingent of Americans, they would have no way of coming up with the thousands of dollars for treatment. some other important healthcare consideration that is germinaten into account in Michael Moores film is the disparity amongst the rich and the low. This is what is really at the heart of the matter. Those with money can afford to purchase the insurance that will encourage them, while those without money cannot afford insurance. Making it even worse is the fact that the jobs that give the benefit of included healthcare insurance are the jobs that real overcompensate people enough to afford insurance. Presidential candidate Barack Obama has taken a stance on the issue and he has clearly specify the need for more healthcare for the poor in the United States.A January Washington Post article sheds light on Obamas touch on the matter. In that article, Nedra Pickler writes, He (Obama) said its wrong that 46 million in this country are uninsured when the country spends more than any one else on health care. He said Americans pay $15 billion in taxes to help care for the uninsured (Pickler). Obama has format a specific focus on the medical plight of poor women, who are often the biggest victims in the entire ordeal. Without a national healthcare system, the rising cost of womens care in America makes it impracticable for a large chunk of the countrys ladies to keep up. For those that do not have a huge amount of understanding on womens care and how involved it is, the si tuation is a rugged one to understand. While men can get away with not release to the rectify for a period of months or years, women have to have check-ups in order to stay healthy enough to have children. This must(prenominal) be a huge focus for American society, especially as fruitfulness rates keep falling for women in the country. Doctors are becoming much more specialized in this day and age, so their services are costing more.Gynecologists are no opposite, so insurance companies are being asked to pay more for that service. Even more important than the standard checkup is the entire situation of maternity. Women need to see a doctor every two to three weeks during pregnancy to make sure that everything is alright in their body and for their baby. This need comes in addition to the standard medical procedures that women must undertake to make sure that they stay in good condition. Women are among the most neglected when it comes to insurance in the United States. This correlation between gender and income is an important statistic to consider when forming opinions about the plight of the national healthcare system. Though the current system was certainly not written in a way that it would intentionally preclude women, the reality of the situation has near made it look that way. Median income levels are lower for women in American than they are for men. It is much more ambitious for women, be they white, black, Hispanic or any other airstream, to get a high paying job or one that offers full healthcare benefits. Though insurance companies might be precluding women from involvement, pregnancy has not been nearly as kind.There is no discrimination when it comes to that, as a poor woman is just as likely to get pregnant as a rich woman. Still, fitted care must be deliver the goodsd through the mould of pregnancy and much(prenominal) care cannot be provided without the proper healthcare pr otection. The Christiane Northup book, Womens Body, Womens Wisdom, breaks pour down pregnancy in the following terms. Pregnancy is a miraculous process and should be a time when a woman makes every feat to tune in to her body and baby with the support of her surroundings.For centuries, midwives helped mothers through the pregnancy and birthing processes, standing by them with medical and emotional aid (Northup). This point of reference clearly shows the need for assistance in a number of different areas for women during pregnancy. It is something that cannot be ignored for many women, as they seek to have the take up pregnancy possible. Another thing to consider in all of this is the plight of single mothers in America. Recent sociological trends are indicating that more and more women are having children out of wedlock. Without a man present to help foot the bill for pregnancy costs, women without healthcare have an even mo re difficult time coming up with the money to pay for their own care. This is a trend that does not seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, so it is imperative that the overriding problems get fixed before things get worse. Moore attacks this in Sicko, as he sees that single mothers are some of the biggest victims of the current healthcare system. According to Moore, single mothers are not the only victims in this situation. Though the politically correct notion is not to speak about race in regards to healthcare, the reality of the situation is that minority women are being left field out at an alarming rate. An Amanda Gardner report in HealthDay speaks to the overall lusterless support that women have from the current healthcare system. Gardner writes, No state met the remainder for access to health insurance.Nationwide, 18 percent of women aged 18 to 64 were uninsured. In 2007, five states decreased Medicaid eligibility le vels for working parents, making it more difficult for low-income people to get insurance (Gardner). This trend has had a profound have-to doe with on minority mothers, who statistics show are working hard to provide for their children and also take care of themselves medically. In his movie Sicko, Michael Moore does not fainthearted away from the topic of women and how they are affected by the current healthcare system. In fact, Moore makes it a point to break down how they are often the most mistreated of any of the demographic areas. A Kyle Smith article in the New York Post makes a large effort to reproach the work of Michael Moore, but it does lend light on one eccentric from Moores film where the focus is clearly placed upon mistreated women. In the article, Kyle Smith writes, Perhaps the most absurd example is that of the woman who says that later on she received benefits, the check was stopped because she had previo usly suffered an undisclosed yeast infection (Smith).If the story from the woman in the film is true, then the problems within the system are so apparent and so flawed that securing healthcare is closely a hopeless venture for many women within the United States. Moore has rough criticism for the current system in its exploitation of women financially. Because the current system is one that rewards doctors and insurance companies on the amount of work they can do, it right off impacts women. As mentioned previously, women have a greater reason to head to the doctor for a plethora of events.Under the current system, women are even demoralized from heading to the doctor in order to get the care that they so desperately need. Instead of going to the doctor to get care for themselves and their unhatched children, women are being asked to limit their visits in an effort to save money. This is unsportsmanlike and unsafe, according to Moore. His proposed implementation of a national healthcare system would take care of this issue, as it would shift the burden to all of the taxpayers and would insure that scattering of healthcare is on a need basis. That means that women would not feel pressured and they could head to the doctors office freely and without worry. Michael Moore is not unsure about offering up solutions for a better system. In his film, he specifically refers to the national healthcare systems used by much of Europe and Canada. He proposes that if America were to go to a taxpayer funded national healthcare system, like the one proposed by Obama, things would get much easier for women specifically.They would not only have unlimited care at their immediate disposal, but women would also have top notch care that is necessary. With fertility levels dropping and that causing problems to other national systems like Social Security, it is essential that the federal government takes process to help women protect themselves and their ability to have children. According to Moore, a federal system in which socialized medicine is offered will be the best(p) scenario for women in the United States. Works CitedSmith, Kyle. 19 June 2007. New York Post. Botched physical process Crazy Moore Offers Wrong Prescription. http//, Amanda. 17 October 2007. HealthDay. U.S. Womens Health Care Still Falls Short Report. http// maintenance=609217Associated Press. 2 July 2007. Little Defense for U.S. Health Care of Sicko. http//, Pickler. The Associated Press. 25 January 2007. Obama Calls for familiar Health Care.http//
Monday, January 14, 2019
Philosophical Theories Essay
It can be thought that the very foundation of ism lies mainly on the persons way of thinking influenced by the critical observation of his surroundings and how he stands as an existing entity (Thomas, 1990). In the education sector, the philosophies and theories in learning influence the overall teaching desktop from the instructors to the students. Primarily, the instructors are the main initiators of interaction within the class. He designates the relative impressiveness of education philosophies without even up having to emphasize that he is going to use it. Sometimes, even the teacher himself is not really aware that interaction processes with the class already signify philosophical approaches. One event is Idealism. In this aspect, the teacher becomes the occasion model for the students who leave project a character of having ethical and incorrupt values as accorded by the society (Slater). The class then exit have an advantage k nowing that they could depend on a special(prenominal) attribute to apply something good to their lives. Another philosophy is Realism. In this facet, the teacher is able to signify what is to be found in nature by understanding the very essence of reality (Slater). This teaching scope will let the students become more aware of the natural world without the vilify of having biased thoughts according to the teachers perception. One more example of an education philosophy is pragmatism. This aspect also lets the teacher to learn together with the students (Slater). This will bring beneficial interaction by opening a larger avenue for two way communication which will military service address the individual learning needs of each student.ReferencesSlater, T. N.D. Critique of versatile Philosophies and Theories of Education. IJOT-Educational Philosophies http//, W. 1990. What is Phil osophy? The Atlas Society. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from http//
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Employee Discipline Essay
In retentiveness with the Mission of the Sisters of miserliness, which requires respect, h nonpargonilsty, and justice in traffic with employees, PSJMC directs its corrective and corrective action efforts towards puddle and instruct employees to achieve and maintain copacetic conduct and cognitive process. Although PSJMC whitethorn terminate the art relationship at will without pursuance whatever formal system of curb or warnings, PSJMC exercises its discretion to rehearse a progressive control to ensure a fair method of disciplining employees. The progressive field of battle process is intended to give employees pass off notice, when appropriate, in order to provide them an opportunity to correct any deficiencies in pedigree performance or conduct. PSJMC is committed to providing a actplace that is free of harassment and difference (PROV-HR-4036 constitution). PSJMC does not tolerate any bod of unlawful discrimination or harassment, including informal harassme nt, or harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, pregnancy, citizenship, ancestry, gender, marital status, veteran status, disability, inner orientation, gender identity and expression, or any otherwise(a) characteristic protected by state or federal law. outlaw(a) harassment, in any form including verbal, physical, or visual harassment will not be tolerated. The indemnity defines the procedure for communicateage any occurrence of sexual or other unlawful harassment and applies to both employees and meanss of the company as well as to nonemployees , including physicians, vendors, contractors, and others doing business with the company. Any employee or agent of the company who is found to confound profaned this insurance policy will be win to disciplinal action up to and including the disaster of immediate finish. This is an HR policy and is obligate by HR. PSJMC is committed to maintain a safe and procreative prune surroundings and expects em ployees to be reliable and punctual in reporting for scheduled bleed (PROV HR 4687 form _or_ system of government). Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on the infirmary and on other employees. In the r be circumstances when employees cannot vitiate universe late to take to the woods or atomic number 18 unable to work as scheduled, they should report their supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the evaluate tardiness or absence as undeniable by policy.Excessive absenteeism and tardiness is profligate and whitethorn lead to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. The policy does not apply to employees on an authorized FMLA leave, including intermittent FMLA leave, or other leaves protected by state or federal law including verified occupational injury or illness. This is an HR policy and is implemented by HR. PSJMC ensures and maintains a work environment that promotes the interests of employee safety, efficiency, wellness, and productive ness. It also recognizes that employee involvement with drugs and intoxicant can be extremely disruptive and harmful to employees, patients, and the public. It adversely affects the quality of work and the performance of employees, poses in effect(p) safety and wellness risks to the user and others, and has a negative advert on work efficiency and productivity. exclusively told theorize applicants receiving offers of employment shall be ask to submit a drug- viewing test as a condition of employment.Further, any employee kick downstairs with perceived impairment will be capable to a drug screening test when reasonable suspicion has been determined. The plan of the policy is to provide a safe, healthy, productive and efficient working environment for employees, patients and the public. This is an occupational health and Safety policy and is enforced by HR (PROV-HR-4065 Policy). PSJMC complies with its ethical and legitimate obligations surrounding the appropriate use of accessible media.The policy aims to crystallize what constitutes authorized Providence use of social media, to establish guidelines for the ordained use of electronic social networking, and to clarify the personal responsibilities and statutory implications of personal use of electronic social networking while at work or while observance information about Providence (PROV-CE-1098 Policy). brotherly media may be use by Providence for business-related purposes and its employees for business and other purposes subject to the restrictions set forth in the policy. The policy is established to assure compliance with legal and regulatory restrictions and privacy and clandestineity agreements. This policy was created by the procedure of the CEO and enforced by HR.Based off my research, PSJMC does an excellent job of ensuring that it has the appropriate policies in place to avoid legal litigation. That said, it is important that PSJMC look for more effective measures to educate emp loyees about newly or revised policies. The medical essence relies on their intranet policy library as the policy depository and expects all employees to self- splendor educate. Most leaders and all of the employees I spoke to were not aw be of nigh(prenominal) policies and did not agnise where to find them outgrowthing in a huge liability for the hospital as a result of poor implementation. When policies are violated or a carriage needs to modify inapplicable conduct after attempts of coaching job, progressive playing field may need to be applied. The typesetters case of disciplinary action depends upon the nature and report of the employees misconduct. These disciplinary actions often accommodate verbal warnings, write warnings, suspensions without pay, and demotions. Progressive straighten out does not mean that PSJMC does not empty an employee for a first offense some misconduct is of such a serious nature that no second ascertain is muged.Most undesirable de portment, however, does not result in immediate flood, but mixture of in imposition of some lesser sanction. If the behavior is repeated, progressively more unspeakable disciplinary action is taken, ultimately direct to termination. Managerial coaching is a maturement alternative to formal discipline that attempts to define the employee actively involved in copeing performance slippage. Using company disciplinary procedures to language employee issues puts the ownership of the issue on the managing director and human imaginations department. The employee will be asked to contradict to whatever course of action the music director and human resources group decides to take. A coaching approach puts ownership of the problem with the manager and employee. Any process of resolution is created in the midst of the manager and employee and it becomes the employees responsibility to find ways to solve the issue nether the guidance of the manager.The manager-employee relationship is important in creating a productive workplace. Coaches try to work with their employees to improve employee performance and find the planted reasons as to why conflict exists. This kind of interactive process can work to improve the manager-employee relationship. If a manager turns to official disciplinary action without attempting to interact with the employee, accordingly that can damage the manager-employee dynamic and create a division that results in a decline in morale, loss of productivity and an increase in employee turnover. Union authority protects heart and soul employees from unfair discipline, wrongful discharge and preserves workplace rights. Unless circumstances warrant severe actions, PSJMC utilizes progressive discipline to address union employee disciplinary issues also. The progressive go are specified in the collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and include, verbal counseling, written counseling, disciplinary suspensions without pay, and termination of em ployment.Union employees may request to have a union re pointative or steward present at any see if the employee believes that the meeting may result in disciplinary action. Copies of all written counseling(s) and all certificate are kept in the employees personnel tear along with rebuttals. disciplinal action or any fiber to disciplinary action cannot be used against the employee for any purpose after dozen monthsso, in essence progressive discipline has a twelve month window. If, the disciplinary action is grieved or arbitrated and the charges of the offense are determined to be without merit, all records are placed in a confidential envelope in the personnel file and cannot be used for progressive disciplinary action purposes. Alternative Dispute outcome (ADR) is a processes used for the purpose of closure conflict or disputes informally and confidentially. The ADR military post at PSJMC offers all employees a resource that is informal, non-escalating and impartial. The goal is to identify possible strategies to part concerns before utilizing the traditional processes such as grievances and arbitrations.Although ADR does not displace those traditional processes it does muffle the number of grievances and formal complaints received by human resource and legal departments. around of the ADR activities include serving as a sounding board, providing and explaining policies and rules, how to address or report unacceptable or illegal behavior from a coworker or supervisor, offering referrals to other resources, helping people help themselves around communication styles, help collect and discerp information, helping to draft a earn about their issues, coaching and role-playing. The activities handled by the ADR Office are vast and diverse. Overall, employees see this table helper as a benefit and the hospital executives view the ADR as a proactive measure to protect and mitigate risk. In addition to the ADR, PSJMC offers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to economic aid employees with personal challenges that may affect their on the job performance.These challenges may fall into galore(postnominal) categories including drug and alcohol abuse, legal, marital, relocation, grief, abusive households, financial, childcare, eldercare, and outplacement operate. Since all employees face serious problems at one time or another in their lives, and it is important to provide help during those times. EAP is incorporated to provide access to quality service providers. Participation in this plan is voluntary, and does not use information that impacts the employees chances of future tense employment or promotion.All contact, participation, and discourse remain confidential. All EAP services provided are available to employees free of charge. The cost of long treatment or rehabilitation services is provided as defined under the health care plans. To reduce liability requires that employers have solid policies in place, utilize coachi ng and progressive discipline consistently and know how to properly document disciplinary actions. The importance of effective documentation of disciplinary actions cannot be overstressed. Apply disciplinary actions is at times uncomfortable but is absolutely indispensable in order to help strike frivolous claims of discrimination and promote a healthy workplace.ReferencesProvidence Saint Joseph medical exam Center. (2012). Mission. Retrieved from https// health & Services. (2009). attendance and Punctuality, PROV HR 4687 PolicyProvidence Health & Services. (2012). Counseling and Corrective Action, PROV-HR-4053 PolicyProvidence Health & Services. (2012). familiar and Unlawful Harassment, PROV-HR-4036 PolicyProvidence Health & Services. (2012). Drug Free Workplace, PROV-HR-4065 PolicyProvidence Health & Services. (2012). hearty Media,PROV-CE-1098 Policy
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